
  • 网络Audio-Visual Classroom;Audiovisual Room;audio-visual room
  1. 学生进入视听教室必须脱鞋,并将鞋子放在靠墙的鞋架上,食物及饮料一律不准携入视听教室。

    When students enter the lab , they must take off their shoes and put them on the shelf against the wall . Students may not bring food or drinks into the lab.

  2. 在开展现代远程教育中,视听双向远程教学多媒体教室(以下简称:视听双向教室)是实现远程双向教学的重要设施。

    In modern distance education , the multi media classroom in two-way audio-visual distance instruction is a major equipment to carry out the two-way distance instruction .