
  • 网络assistive device;Assistive technology;orthoses
  1. 随着康复工程技术的发展,结合矫形器与步行器的矫形辅具在各类下肢运动功能障碍的治疗与康复中发挥出了越来越重要的作用。

    With the development of rehabilitation engineering , orthosis assistive device combining orthosis and walker has played an important role in treatment and rehabilitation for dyskinesia of lower limbs .

  2. 不同粗动作功能的脑性麻痹儿童之家长对辅具需求为何?

    What Parents of Children with Cerebral Palsy as Determined by Different Levels of the Gross Motor Function Classification System ( GMFCS ) Need for Assistive Devices ?

  3. 介绍用AUTOCAD技巧提高绘图速度的方法,包括利用捕捉、格栅、正交等作图辅具以及设置样板文件、块、缩写命令等提高绘图速度的技巧。巧妙使用计算机辅助设计软件AUTOCAD来提高绘图速度

    The way improving drawing speed is introduced , which includes making use of drawing supplementary tools , such as snap , grid , perpendicular intersection and setting a model file , block , shortened command . How to use Auto CAD ingeniously to enhance the cartography speed

  4. 新型攻丝快换辅具研制及应用

    Development and application of new threading quick anxiliary implement change

  5. 四砧拔长辅具及自动拔长的数学模型研究

    Study on Four-Anvil Reducting Auxiliary Tool and Mathematical Model of Automatic Reduction

  6. 有很多视觉辅具还是一点点?

    Lots of visual aids or only a few ?

  7. 飞尔达焊割辅具制造厂面向全球用户,生产精致、耐用的焊接工具。

    F.E.D.welding torch manufacturers worldwide users , we exquisite production , durable welding tools .

  8. 沟通辅具个体化设计通用评估支持体系的建构

    Construction of a Universal Assessment Support System for Augmentative and Alternative Communication Individual Design

  9. 针对原发性脊椎侧弯与雪曼氏驼背症,辅具的团队治疗方式。

    The Team Approach to the Orthotic Treatment of Idiopathic Scoliosis and Scheuermann 's Kyphosis .

  10. 矫形辅具支撑相内多模步态稳定性检测及分析技术研究

    Study on Multi-Modal Gait Stability Detecting and Analysing Technique during Stance Phase with Orthosis Assistive Devices

  11. 学生的问卷调查结果显示出,学生对于使用行动学习辅具与此系统在学习上的兴趣极高;

    The students showed high interest about using the mobile learning device and the system in learning .

  12. 矫形辅具的助行效果会因其对关节约束模态条件的不同而有很大差别。

    The assisted walking effects with orthosis assistive device vary obviously with the difference in joint constraint modal condition .

  13. 摩托车车架检测辅具设计

    Some New Assistant Jigs for Machining Thin Wall Parts The Design of Fixtures and Jigs for Motorcycle Frame Test

  14. 介绍了几种新型薄壁件加工辅具,并对其结构与使用进行了说明。

    A few new assistant Jigs for machining thin wall parts are introduced , their structure and usage involved .

  15. 对于现今辅具的输入来源或是命令控制之设计,就全身瘫痪的病人而言,是不方便使用且也是很复杂的。

    For quadriplegics , the input sources or the command controller of assistive devices are inconvenient or complicated to use .

  16. 目前使用视觉辅具来重建盲人的视觉,对于神经复健工程是相当重要的研究。

    Restoring sight of vision for blind with visual prosthesis has been of considerable importance in today 's neural rehabilitation engineering .

  17. 此外,从复健以及心理学的观点而言,病人利用他们的残存功能来驱使辅具系统来达到控制,这对于他们来说是影响深远地。

    Moreover , in the viewpoints of rehabilitation and psychology , there is noticeable benefit from using their residual capabilities to control FES systems .

  18. 通过设计一种简单的辅具,将虚拟检测点转化成实际测量点,大大减小了坐标机测量孔位时目视误差,保证了测量的准确性并提高了测量效率。

    Abstract spots were transmitted real spots by adopting a simple auxiliary tool which can gurantee the right of measurement and improve the effciency of measurement .

  19. 计算生物力学实验室、动作分析实验室、材料测试实验室及行动辅具制作室。

    The Laboratory consists of three sub-labs and one workshop : Computational Biomechanics Laboratory , Locomotion Study Laboratory , Material Testing Laboratory and Motion-aid Device Workshop .

  20. 为提高常规气电焊工艺水平,进行了保护气体质量及配比对焊缝质量影响规律的研究及气电焊辅具的研制。

    In order to improve conventional GMAW process the effect of shielding gas quality and mixed ratio of different gases on welding quality are studied and useful fixtures are developed .

  21. 随着康复医疗和康复工程技术的发展,动力辅具在各类下肢运动功能障碍患者的康复训练和机能恢复中发挥了愈加重要的作用。

    With the development of medical rehabilitation and rehabilitation engineering technology , dynamic aids have played a more important role in rehabilitation training and functional restoration of kinds of limbs dyskinesia patients .

  22. 此类笔架由描图笔、鸭嘴笔防干架(1)、笔筒(2)、墨水瓶盒(3)绘图辅具盒(4)等几部分组成。

    The pen rack for drawing is composed of a tracing pen , a ruling pen anti-drying rack ( 1 ), a pen container ( 2 ), an ink bottle box ( 3 ), a drawing accessory box ( 4 ), etc.