
  • 网络viewing angle;field angle;Angle of view;field of view;FOV
  1. 前者由于受制于光学系统和传统滤波器对视场角的限制,其灵敏度和视场角难以同时得到提高。

    Analysis shows that it is difficult to improve the sensitivity and FOV of the conventional feeder , whose FOV is limited by the optical system and conventional filters , at the same time .

  2. 通过理论推导和仿真计算分析了它们对系统点扩散函数、调制传递函数以及视场角的影响。

    The effects of these errors for PSF , MTF and FOV are analyzed in detail by theoretical study and computer simulation . 4 .

  3. 用蒙特卡罗方法和MATLAB计算田径场形冷屏的视场角

    Computation of Angle of Viewing Field of Track Field Shape Cold Shield with Monte Carlo Method and MATLAB

  4. 利用数学工具MATLAB对实验结果图进行验证和分析,最终的实验结果是系统在10度视场角内可以达到80%以上的均匀性。

    To estimate the effect of the system , we analyze the detecting images by MATLAB . The final experimental results is the uniformity is over 80 % in the field-angle of 10 degree .

  5. 通过前期相机工作视场角标定,对CMOS相机采集的视频图像采用MATLAB进行处理,实现对信号弹发射高度的实时测试。

    By calibrating the camera angle of view , the video images collected from CMOS camera are processed by MATLAB , and the real-time measurement for launching height of signal flare is achieved .

  6. 在近距(150m~1.5m)空间交会对接中,CCD光学成像敏感器承担测量任务,CCD像机在观测视场角内如何捕捉到目标是首要问题。

    In spatial short-range ( 150m ~ 1.5m ) Rendezvous and Docking , CCD optical sensor is main measuring device . At measuring field of view , how CCD camera catches the targets is principal problem .

  7. 本文介绍了在设计鱼眼镜头时,在不同的视场角情况下,入瞳和光阑的位置,以及对f′1、D、lp和hp的要求。

    In the condition of different angles of viewfield , the locations of entrance pupil and diaphragm are discussed , when the fish-eye lens is designed . The requirements of f '_1 , D , l_p and h_p are also given .

  8. 当前的LCOS器件提供的视场角远远不够,为了增加视场角,必须减小器件的像素尺寸。

    However , the diffraction angle offered by current LCOS device is not enough ; in order to increase the angle the pixel size must be reduced .

  9. 在轻武器射击精度测量系统领域,线阵CCD相机以其宽广的视场角和在高速测量方面的较大优势,成为近几年光电立靶的一个热点研究课题。

    In the field of light weapons firing accuracy measurement system , linear CCD camera with its wide angle field of view and a larger advantage in high-speed measurement has become one of the hottest issues in the photoelectric target research in recent years .

  10. 系统在光学软件ASAP中进行了模拟仿真,该方案在10度视场角内可以达到80%以上的光能效率和85%以上的均匀性。

    The simulation results from ASAP software show that uniform illumination can be obtained in the far-field district . The shaping efficiency reaches to 80 % , and the uniformity is beyond 85 % .

  11. 分析了非偏振光经过OE双输出棱镜起偏、分束后,o光,e光之分束角及其光强分束比随入射角(视场角内)的变化关系。

    In this paper , the splitting angle and the light intensity splitting ratio of o ray and e ray changing with incident angle are analyzed after non-polarized light penetrates the OE double escape prism .

  12. 通过分析,我们认为接收机视场角FOV=20~30mrad时能够获得较佳的接收信号。

    Finally , we concluded that the optimum receiver signal can be obtain when receiver field of view is in the range of 20 ~ 30mrad .

  13. 与星载MSS(或TM)相比,AMSS成像具有独特的特点,其为行扫描方式,扫描视场角大,飞机飞行高度低,运动变化大,姿态稳定性差。

    Comparing with satellite borne MSS or TM , Airborne Multispectral Scanner ( AMSS ) has unique characteristics : Line-scanning rotating mirror type with large field of view , lower flying altitude and poor stability of movement and orientation of the platform .

  14. 在以上研究基础上给出工作波长范围在0.4~0.9μm、焦距为400mm、视场角为6.2°、相对孔径为1∶4的设计实例。

    On the basis of above , a design example of a lens whose operating wavelength is 0.4 ~ 0.9 μ m , focal length is 400 mm , full field-of-view angle is 6.2 ° and relative aperture is 1:4 is given .

  15. 激光雷达扫描视场角和角分辨本领研究

    Study on Scanning Vision Angle and Angular Resolution of Laser Radar

  16. 移动大气激光通信中接收视场角的研究与分析

    Calculation of Receiving Field of View Angle in Atmosphere Laser Communication

  17. 辐冷器视场角对其制冷性能的影响

    Analysis of the view angle influencing on radiant cooler 's working performance

  18. 偏光棱镜视场角的严格分析

    An Exact Analysis of View Field Angle of Polarization prism

  19. 虚拟环境中最佳观察视场角的实验研究

    Research on Optimum Field Viewing Angles of Virtual Environment

  20. 格兰·泰勒棱镜两类视场角的比较研究

    Comparing two types field angle of Gran Taylor prisms

  21. 视场角-直接日射表卫星直播电视接收机

    Field of view angle direct broadcasting satellite television receiver

  22. 扫描激光雷达的视场角和角分辨率研究

    Study on Angle of Field-of-View and Angular Resolution of a Scanning Laser Radar

  23. 宽频偏光棱镜的视场角与设计

    Design of the field angle of polarization prism

  24. 偏光棱镜在柱面会聚系统中的视场角分析及应用

    Analysis and Application of View Field Angle of Polarization Prism in Cylindrical Converging System

  25. 卫星光通信链路新型宽视场角捕捉方案探讨

    A New Wide Field of View Acquistion Approach in Inter Satellite Laser Link Establishing

  26. 格兰型棱镜视场角的光谱特性研究

    Spectral characterization of gland-prism field - angle

  27. 用三轴转台测量激光导引发射、接收视场角数据处理问题的探讨

    Data Processing on Shooting and Receiving View Angle Measurement of Laser Guidance with Three-axis Test Table

  28. 而由于普通光学系统其视场角范围有限制,不可能一次性拍摄出超宽视场的图像,所以产生了图像拼接技术。

    The common cameras can not capture the wide angle images due to its small field angle .

  29. 视场角为10°,参考白光的网膜照度分别取为100、10、1、0.1和0.01Td。

    The retinal illuminance levels of the reference white light are 100,10,1,0.1 and 0.01 Td , respectively .

  30. 对偏光棱镜两种方向的视场角进行了对比;

    Angles of view field of two directions are compared . And spectral character of them is analyzed .