
shì yě
  • view;field;vision;horizon;visual field;field of vision;sight;scan;ken
视野 [shì yě]
  • (1) [visual field;field of vision;horizon;ken]∶眼睛看到的范围

  • 船现在已在视野之外

  • (2) [horizon;ken]∶观察或认识的领域

  • 这本书扩大了我的视野

视野[shì yě]
  1. 汽车视野设计CAD系统开发及应用

    The Development and Application of a CAD System for Automotive Visual Field Design and Check

  2. 全视野汉字词义联想的ERP特征与汉字认识的ERP甄别

    The ERP characteristics of meaning association and the identification of known and unknown Chinese characters in the whole visual field

  3. 这个党必须采取更广泛的策略和更远大的视野。

    The party must adopt more inclusive strategies and a broader vision .

  4. 在城市工作的一年拓宽了他的视野。

    Spending a year working in the city helped to broaden his horizons .

  5. 从这里看舞台,你的视野会受到遮挡。

    You won 't get a clear view of the stage from here .

  6. 这对夫妇离开了她的视野。

    The couple moved outside her field of vision .

  7. 道路作了调整,视野清晰了。

    The road was realigned to improve visibility .

  8. 管理人员需要有更广阔的视野。

    Managers need to become more outward-looking .

  9. 这辆车四周的视野极好。

    The car has excellent all-round visibility .

  10. 那艘船从视野中消失了。

    The boat disappeared from sight .

  11. 在丽晶酒店看香港岛的美景,视野绝佳。

    The Regent hotel has a superlative view of Hong Kong island .

  12. 幸运的话,会有一只光彩夺目的金雕飞入你的视野。

    If you 're lucky , a splendid golden eagle may soar into view

  13. 山上我视野范围内的树木都被砍倒了。

    The trees on the mountains within my range of vision had all been felled

  14. 我想你是想拓宽自己的视野。

    I thought you wanted to broaden your horizons

  15. 我们的视野出人意料地开阔。

    Our field of vision is surprisingly wide .

  16. 可以使用黄色滤光器让模糊的视野更加清晰。

    You might use a yellow filter to improve the clarity of a hazy horizon .

  17. 视野狭隘的人通常会提出类似于这些的陈腐做法。

    Archaic practices such as these are usually put forward by people of limited outlook .

  18. 现在进入视野的火车显然是一种古老得多的车型。

    The train that now hove into view was clearly of a much older vintage .

  19. 20分钟之后,那辆车离开了她的视野。

    Twenty minutes later , the car moved outside her field of vision .

  20. 哲学课使学生们打开了新的视野。

    The course in philosophy opened up new horizons for the students .

  21. 一个企业家应具有开阔的视野。

    An enterpriser should have the wide vision .

  22. 开眼界,拓宽视野。

    Widen one 's field of vision .

  23. 修道院的生活使她的视野变窄了。

    The living in the convent narrowed her views .

  24. 登上山顶,一片广袤的平原进入视野。

    When we reached the top of the mountain , a wide plain came into view .

  25. 我们要以更宽的视野、更高的境界、更大的气魄,广开进贤之路,把各方面优秀干部及时发现出来、合理使用起来。

    We should open up , with greater vision , determination and courage , channels for recruiting talented personnel , quickly identify outstanding cadres in all fields and put them to good use .

  26. 这种“超级自传体记忆”(简称HSAM)首次进入公众视野是在21世纪初。

    " Highly superior autobiographical memory " ( or HSAM for short ) first came to light in the early 2000s , with a young woman named Jill Price .

  27. 虽然像梅达一样的人强调,学位的价值要高于教育本身,但其他人仍然认为,大学是一种获取新视野和生活经历的途径。

    While some , like Maeda , emphasized the value of the degree rather than the education itself , others still see college as a way to gain new perspectives and life experiences .

  28. 人类用背部和颈部的疼痛,换来了广阔的视野和灵巧的双手。

    Humankind paid for its broad vision and skillful hands with backaches and painful necks .

  29. 你真的需要一个视野好的大点的房间吗?

    Do you really need a bigger room with a good view ?

  30. 但我知道有些老师有时确实会使用复印的报纸文章,因为他们的学生渴望学习更多的东西来拓宽他们的视野。

    But I know some teachers do use photocopied newspaper articles sometimes , as their students are eager to learn more to widen their views .