
  • 网络Visual Kei;Visual rock;Visual
  1. 以你已经成为一位艺人的身份来说,对于视觉系及视觉系乐团经过这麽多年来的改变有什麽看法?

    Have your views on the visual Kei scene and visual rock bands changed over the years as you have expanded and grown as an artist ?

  2. 但是那就是视觉系摇滚照片拍摄。

    But it was a very visual rock photo shoot .

  3. 视觉系外观改装术

    The vision is the outward appearance re-equipping technique

  4. 那些“视觉系”的人通过视觉能达到最好的学习目的,他们运用图片进行思考。

    Those who are visual learn best by seeing , and think with pictures in their minds .

  5. 随着时间的推移,蜉蝣渐渐偏离了严格意义标准的视觉系的道路。这尤其体现在主唱的现场表演中,大佑越发展现出典型的摇滚歌者形象。

    With time kagerou started to depart from a strictly visual look , which showed even in the vocalist 's performance , becoming more typical for rock singers .

  6. 中岛哲也是日本新电影运动中的一位另类创作者,由于其作品影像风格突出,因而被誉为视觉系导演。

    Tetsuya Nakashima is an alternative creator in the Japanese Neo-cinema Movement . Because of his special personal style and outstanding work , he was known as the " visual " director .

  7. 瑞奇•贝克汉姆(美国),迈阿密大学视觉新闻系骑士会会长。

    Rich Beckman ( USA ), Knight chair in visual journalism , University of Miami .

  8. 滚动不是区别我们视觉参照系偏好的唯一事物。

    Scrolling isn 't the only thing where our preferences for visual frames of reference differ .

  9. 河北师范大学美术学院视觉设计系教师作品

    Teachers ' Works from the Visual Design Department of the College of Fine Arts , Hebei Normal University

  10. 通过摄像机-云台系统所采用的视觉坐标系,推导出了摄像机-云台系统转动的角度控制公式,为运动车辆的跟踪提供了理论基础。

    The angle control formula of the camera & pan-tilt-device system is educed with its vision coordinates , which provides theory basis for moving vehicle tracking .

  11. 机器视觉曲面孔系坐标测量方法综述

    A survey of measurement methods of the machine vision hole series coordinates on curved surface

  12. 因此,可求得视觉传感器坐标系到经纬仪坐标系的变换矩阵。

    The transformation matrix from the sensor coordinate frame to the theodolite coordinate frame is then found .

  13. 介绍了基于机器视觉的孔系精密测量系统的硬件组成和图像处理算法。

    The hardware structure and the image manipulation algorithm of the holes position precision measure system are described based on machine vision .

  14. 本文在对探测机器人机构进行分析和运动学建模的基础上,进行了基于双目视觉的绝对坐标系下位姿检测试验和越障过程中摇臂姿态采集试验。

    To detect the pose of exploration robot and the pose of the rocker in the absolute coordinate system based on binocular vision after finishing robot mechanism analysis and kinematics modeling .

  15. 通过对图像变换理论、成像模型、视觉测量常用坐标系及其转换关系的分析,研究了单目视觉测距的原理,并建立了单目视觉测距模型,完成了对其距离的测量。

    By studying image transformation theory , imaging model , coordinate system of visual measurement and its conversion relationship , the principle of monocular vision was researched and the model of monocular visual distance measuring was established .

  16. 详细推导了机器人平面手眼视觉系统变换关系,完成了从视觉平面坐标系到机器人参考坐标系的坐标变换。

    The robot plane eye-in-hand visual system transformation is deduced in detail and the coordinate transformation is achieved from the visual plane to the robot reference coordinate system .

  17. 在大型自由曲面的若干测量子区域附近放置一个平面靶标,通过视觉传感器拍摄平面靶标上的特征点,求得视觉传感器坐标系到靶标坐标系的变换矩阵;

    The planar target is placed near sub-areas of a large free-form surface , and the transformation matrix from the sensor coordinate frame to the target coordinate frame is estimated by taking image of feature points on the planar target using the vision sensor ;