
  • 网络contraction of visual field;constriction of visual field;contraction of field;constriction of field
  1. 视野缩小是常见的。

    Short attention spans are common .

  2. 汞中毒眼部出现汞中毒性晶状体变化,视功能损害为中心视力下降、视野缩小。

    Mercurialism eye ministry appears mercurialism sex crystalline lens changes , inspect a function to damage drop for central eyesight , view is narrow .

  3. 汞作业工人周边视野缩小、视乳头色淡、视神经萎缩的检出率(%),分别为23.32、7.35、2.56,均极显著高于对照组。

    In workers of mercury mine the detectable rates ( % ) of the contraction of peripheral visual field , hypochromic of opti disc and optic atrophy are 23 . 32 , 7.35,2 . 56 ; all are significantly higher than the control group .

  4. 如果视神经盘——视神经的一部分——肿大,且病人有对称视野缩小,例如双眼右视野缩小,那么他们可能需要检查是否有脑肿瘤——这是一种罕见的情况。

    If the optic disc , a portion of the optic nerve , is swollen , and the patient has symmetrical decreased field of vision , such as a decreased right visual field in both eyes , they may need an evaluation for a brain tumor - a rare circumstance .

  5. 扩大理论应用面和应用语言学视野,缩小引进与消化、理论与实践的脱节程度。

    To enlarge the application of linguistic theory so as to reduce the gap between introduction and digestion , the gap between theory and practice .

  6. 当这个人注视着一件东西的时候,他紧喳起眉毛,微微合起他宽大的眼皮,这样,眼皮正好圈着眼珠,使得视野的范围缩小,

    When this stranger focused his gaze on an object , his eyebrow lines gathered into a frown , his heavy eyelids closed around his pupils to contract his huge field of vision ,

  7. 除再发眼压升高的1只眼的视野继续损害外,215只眼均无视野缩小。

    The visual fields of 215 eyes had no depression except for 1 eye with raised intraocular pressure . The government cannot go on bailing out lame ducks much longer .