
  • 网络Video Processor;VPU
  1. 基于FPGA的实时视频处理器的应用设计

    The Applied Design of Real-time Video Processor Based on FPGA

  2. 对DVI视频处理器进行性能分析,估算相关性能指标。

    Performance analysis of video processor and estimates related to performance .

  3. 东芝近年来在视频处理器芯片以及Cell处理器领域取得了长足的进步,不过这些技术带来的收益显然不足以与DVD播放器能为东芝在家庭娱乐市场中带来的收益相比。

    Toshiba has certainly made strides with its video processing and cell processor .

  4. 简述了线阵CCD相机中CCD成象单元的时序发生器的功能:产生焦平面组件和视频处理器所需的各种脉冲序列,在CCD成象单元工作中起着时间上同步协调的作用。

    Briefly presented the Timing Generator 's functions : it generates various kinds of impulse sequence for the focal plane unit and vision processor and acts as the synchronous coordinator for time in the CCD imaging unit .

  5. 分析系统中各部件之间的通信协议,设计DVI视频处理器计算机端的通信协议。

    Analysis of communication protocols between the various components of the system and design DVI-Interface video processor computer terminal communication protocol . 3 .

  6. 天气雷达数字视频处理器(DVIP)的积分精度

    On the accuracy of a digital video integrator processor in a weather radar

  7. 自由形式字符串,用于描述视频处理器/控制器。

    A free-form string describing the video processor / Controller .

  8. 视频处理器软硬件协同设计

    Video processor design using hardware and software co-design strategy

  9. 适应性视频处理器在港口雷达中的应用

    The Application of Adaptive Video Processor in Harbour Radar

  10. 雷达彩色复合视频处理器的设计

    The Design of Radar Colour Composite Video Processor

  11. 扫描行视频处理器可实时完成该功能。

    Real-time implementation is realized using the Scan - line Video Processor ( SVP ) .

  12. 介绍了有别于专用雷达显示器的雷达彩色复合视频处理器。

    This paper describes a radar colour composite video processor different from general radar display systems .

  13. 自动增益控制视频处理器

    Auto video gain control processor

  14. 视频处理器一般有两种结构:专用体系结构和可编程体系结构。

    There are two kinds of architecture for video & image processing system : programmed and dedicated .

  15. 背景采样视频处理器

    Background Sample Video Processor

  16. 在准确还原图像的基础上,在视频处理器中加入画质提升技术能够明显改善图像质量。

    Based on reduction in accurate image , applying this technology to video processor can significantly enhance image quality improvement .

  17. 阐述了适合自动跟踪高速飞行掠海导弹的双通道视频处理器的构成。

    The constitution of the dual-channel video processor , which is adapted to tracing the wave-hopping high-speed missiles automatically , is presented in this paper .

  18. 基于VHDL技术实现视频采集处理器的控制

    The Control of Video Processor Base on VHDL Technique

  19. 基于SOPC的网络视频终端处理器的设计

    Design of Internet Video Terminal Processor Based on SOPC

  20. 本文提出了一种基于视频输入处理器和FPGA的便携式设备视频播放解决方案。

    Based on the use of video input processor and FPGA , A method to Play Video in Portable De - vices is mentioned .

  21. 在双线偏振雷达试制过程中,其视频积分处理器(DVIP)不同于常规雷达的DVIP。偏振雷达是近二十多年来发展起来的新型天气雷达。

    During the development process of a dual linear polarization weather radar system in my institute , the Digital Video Integrated Processor ( DVIP ) is quite different from the others of any conventional radar .

  22. 完成了红外热成像系统实时视频图像处理器硬件设计及调试。

    Design and debug the hardware of this real-time infrared image processor .

  23. 双线偏振雷达数字视频积分处理器

    The digital video integrated processor of a dual linear polarization weather radar

  24. 它采用该公司的第三代视频解码处理器和多总线应用架构。

    It features the company 's third-generation video codec processors and multibus architecture .

  25. 彩色电视多制式数字解码电路在计算机视频信号处理器设计中的应用

    Application of digital multistandard color decoder to the design of computer video processor

  26. 数字视频效果处理器

    Digital video effect processor

  27. 随着视频信号处理器的发展,音视频处理技术得到了长足的进步。

    With the development of video signal processor , audio and video processing technology has made considerable progress .

  28. 本文关于红外热成像系统视频图像处理器研制工作的最终目标是设计一个可以独立工作的嵌入式实时处理系统。

    The final goal to design the processor is to obtain an independent and built-in real-time infrared image processor .

  29. 木文从分析气象回波涨落的原因入手,讨论了视频积分处理器参数的选择。从现有硬件实现的数字视频积分器,引导出以全软件实现数字视频积分器的方案。

    DIGITAL VIDEO INTERGRATING PROCESSOR WITH SOFTWARE The fluctuation of the weather echoes is analysed and the choice of the parameters of video intergrating processor ( VIP ) is discussed in this paper .

  30. 本文简述了采用彩色电视多制式数字解码电路的计算机视频信号处理器的工作原理,同时较详细地叙述了数字式锁相电路和数字式解码电路的工作原理。

    This paper relates briefly the theory of Computer Video Processor which adopts Digital Multistandard Color Decoder , and narrates in detail the principle of Digital Phase Locked Loop , Digital Color Decoder .