
  1. 以视日运动轨迹为捕捉范围,拍摄到图像之后进行处理。

    Depending on the trajectory is a capture range , to capture the images after processing .

  2. 研究了视日运行轨迹跟踪的计算方法,给出了光电跟踪方式的具体跟踪策略。

    The calculation methods of sun trajectory tracking is studied , and the specific strategy about optical tracking mode is given .

  3. 太阳能自动跟踪系统有压差式、光电式、视日运动轨迹式等多种方法,各有优缺点。但在跟踪精度和智能化方面,都存在不足之处。

    Solar automatic tracking system with differential pressure type , photoelectric , depending on track type and so on many kinds of methods , each have its advantages and disadvantages .

  4. 系统采用的追踪策略是以视日运动轨迹追踪为基础,采用倾角传感器进行误差校正,保证了系统的精确性和稳定性。

    The tracking strategy base on sun position calculation tracking mode and angle sensor is adopted to improve the error correction and to ensure the accuracy and stability of the system .

  5. 在捕获太阳之后,对系统进行自修正,使视日运动轨迹跟踪的定位更加准确,提高系统对环境的适应性。

    In the sun after the capture , the system self correcting , so that as the day of trajectory tracking of a more accurate positioning , improve the system adaptability to the environment .

  6. 该系统首先对天气状况进行判断,从而根据不同天气状况,采用视日轨迹跟踪或光电跟踪与视日轨迹跟踪两者结合的混合跟踪方式。

    The system firstly judge the weather conditions , and then , according to the weather condition , adopt the method of sun trajectory tracking or the photoelectric tracking and sun trajectory tracking combine together .

  7. 控制部分为提高跟踪精度采用视日运行轨迹跟踪与光电跟踪这两种跟踪方式相结合。

    Control section is used to improve the tracking accuracy which combines two tracking methods : tracing of the trajectory of the sun and photoelectric tracking . ( 2 ) Design of hardware circuit control module .

  8. 对系统的软件设计包括太阳自动跟踪控制系统主程序、视日运行跟踪子程序,光电跟踪子程序,最大功率点跟踪子程序及实现各个子模块的功能。

    The software design system includes the main program of automatic sun tracking control system , subroutines of tracing of the trajectory of the sun , subroutines of photoelectric tracking , maximum power point tracking routines and realizing the function of each module .

  9. 请注意,周六,周日和节假日中不被视为营业日。

    Please note , Saturday , Sunday and China Holidays are not considered business days .

  10. 突然放弃一项被视为中日友好关系重要象征的计划,突显了这两个二战时的敌国让过去成为过去的难度。

    The abrupt scrapping of a plan seen as an important symbol of Sino-Japanese rapprochement underscores how difficult it is for the wartime enemies to put their past behind them .

  11. 接收应当视为在交付日发生或在买方接到WIRTGENCHINA发出的关于交付物已备妥待收的通知之日发生。

    The acceptance shall take place either upon the delivery date , or , alternatively , upon the day on which the Buyer has been notified by WIRTGEN CHINA that the delivery is ready for acceptance .

  12. 术前访视减轻患者手术日晨间紧张心理的研究

    Effects of Visiting before Operation on Relieving Anxiety of Patients in the Morning of Operation

  13. 你们银行提前赎回,将采取处罚,可以视不同的到期日及金额的投资。

    Your bank will impose an early withdrawal penalty , which can vary depending upon the maturity date and the amount invested .

  14. 在古代,人们把“腊日”视为祭祀之日,驱邪免灾之日,以求来年安宁。

    In the ancient time , people viewed La day as the time for sacrifice and exorcism of disaster and pestilence to ensure peace and safety in the coming year .