
  • 网络VIDEO IN;video input;av-in;RCA;BNC
  1. 本文提出了一种基于视频输入处理器和FPGA的便携式设备视频播放解决方案。

    Based on the use of video input processor and FPGA , A method to Play Video in Portable De - vices is mentioned .

  2. 针对设计所定制的硬件,论文详述了板级支持包的开发过程,包括数字音频输入、数字视频输入以及ARM与FPGA之间通信。

    The thesis details the development procedures of board support packages , including digital audio input , digital video input and communication between ARM and FPGA , for the customized hardware .

  3. 但对具有多路视频输入的机器视觉测试系统,目前还没有单一USB接口可以完成的采集系统。

    But to the machine visual test system that has multiple video inputs , there is no single USB interface can complete data acquisition system .

  4. 基于PC机终端开发了软件控制摄像机的自动人脸检测与跟踪系统,该系统可完成人脸检测、云台控制、多机通讯、多摄像机最优视角切换,并可支持USB端口的视频输入。

    We have developed an auto human face detection and tracking system with VC 6.0 , it 's function include face detection , active camera control , computer communication , best view selection , in addition , it support different video source such as CCD and USB based camera .

  5. 本文中的增强现实系统采用AC-511型摄像头作为视频输入设备,普通显示器作为输出设备。

    We use the AC-511 camera as the input equipment and ordinary PC display as output equipment .

  6. 在该产品开发过程,通过电路的设计和软件的开发,实现了从视频输入、A/D转换、压缩、存储、解码到视频显示的全部功能,其中视频编解码采用MPEG-4国际标准。

    During development of PMP , all features were completed by the circuit design and the firmware developing , including video input , A / D converting , compression , storage , decoding and displaying on LCD . MPEG-4 is used for video codec .

  7. 系统的硬件设计主要包括:存储器模块的设计、JTAG接口的设计、时钟系统的设计、电源模块的设计、复位系统的设计、视频输入输出模块的设计、报警电路的设计等。

    System hardware design is as follows : the design of memory module , JTAG interface design , the clock system design , power module design , reset circuit design , video input and output module design , alarm circuit design and so on .

  8. 雷达视频输入卡的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Radar Video Input Card

  9. 为捕获的视频输入文件名。

    Enter a file name for your captured video .

  10. 在硬件上完成了视频输入、视频缓冲等硬件接口的测试。

    It achieves the test of video-in and video-out and so on based on hardware .

  11. 这里将重点描述视频输入接口的设计以及画质增强模块的设计。

    And I 'll emphasize the design of video input interface and modules of display enhance .

  12. 视频输入和虚拟场景的融合和实时交互是该类系统实现中的关键问题,在场景是三维的虚拟系统的实现中,这些问题还没有很好的解决方案。

    The composition and real-time interaction between video input and virtual environment are still most important problems .

  13. 本文从同时考虑理论和实际应用,对视频输入的步态识别算法进行了一些探索和改进。

    This thesis probes into gait recognition with the videos as input in both theoretical and practical perspective .

  14. 根据视频输入源优化编码内容的质量。有关详细信息,请参阅帮助。

    Optimize the quality of your encoded content based on the video input source . See Help for details .

  15. 剪裁视频输入源的边缘以删除噪音或创建信盒内容。所有值均以像素为单位。

    Clip the edges of the video input source to remove noise or to create letterbox content . All values are in pixels .

  16. 本文从基于视频输入的三维虚拟交互系统运行中的两个主循环-3D应用程序的工作流程和视频流处理循环入手,分析了此类系统的工作原理、运行流程,进而完成了系统设计。

    This paper analyses two main circles in this kind of system - flow of 3D application and video flow and makes detailed design .

  17. 对于那里的研究人员来说,如此壮观的激光只能通过现场视频输入到电脑显示器上播放出来,而显现出来的只是一束苍白的光束。

    To the researchers there , the spectacular laser is visible only as a wan beam in a live video feed on a computer monitor .

  18. 其次,本文介绍了一个支持多种输入格式和多种功能的视频输入模块,在对信号进行缩放处理之前,先对其进行前处理及储存。

    The signal should be pre-processed and stored prior to scaling , so a video input unit supporting multiple input formats and functions is designed .

  19. 增强现实系统将由视频输入模块、标记识别模块、三维注册模块、图像渲染模块和视频输出模块组成。

    The new AR system consists of five modules including video inputting module , marker detection module , register module , picture rendering module and video outputting module .

  20. 设计了音视频输入/输出电路、网络接口电路、电源分配系统、系统时钟网络、系统启动配置电路和复位电路等。

    Audio and video input / output circuit , Internet interface , power distributing system , system clock circuit , system boot configure circuit and reset circuit have been designed .

  21. 由于现有的各类标准都是基于传统显示设备提出的,以传统标准视频输入信号驱动宽色域显示设备,由于采用显示基色不同,必然出现色差现象。

    Since the current standards are based on traditional displays . If wide gamut displays use the traditional video signals , there will be color distortion . Because the differences of primary colors .

  22. 他们的名叫大力水手卜泼的机器人的建造,为的是通过将视频输入和图像识别技术与声音分析结合起来,弄懂在嘈杂的声音之中哪一些声音是“有关的”。

    Their robot , named Popeye , was built to work out which voices are " relevant " amongst a cacophony of noise by combining video input and image recognition technology with sound analysis .

  23. 基于视频输入的虚拟交互系统较传统的采用接触式传感器的交互系统输入方便、操作简单,在娱乐业、教育业等领域有着重要的应用前景。

    Compared with traditional virtual reality system using HMD and sensor glove , VR interaction system based video input reduces the touch between people and devices , thus appears widely in amusement , education field and so on .

  24. 最后,为了保证真三维系统中多路视频输入输出的同步性,对多路视频帧同步软件进行了设计,并与帧同步硬件设备联合测试,验证了该软件的帧同步性能。

    Finally , in order to guarantee the synchronicity of multiple video input and output in true three-dimensional system , the multiple video frame synchronization software was designed . And the performance of it was verified by test with frame synchronization hardware device .

  25. 本文研究了基于视频输入的嵌入式车牌识别系统实现的一些问题,包括了硬件结构,软件实现,并在车辆检测的背景重建和车牌识别中的图像增强方面提出了自己的算法。

    In this paper , we do some research on the video-based embedded vehicle license plate recognition system , which include hardware structure , software implementation , and we propose algorithms on background reconstruction in vehicle detection and license plate images enhancement in license plate recognition .

  26. 基于可编程视频信号输入处理芯片与CPLD的实时视频采集电路的设计

    Design of Real-time Video Acquisition Circuit Based on Programmable Enhance Video Input Processor and CPLD

  27. 本系统采用CCD摄像机,实时地拍摄监测对象画面,并将视频信号输入图像采集卡。

    It can display the real-time photographs on the monitor , and input the video signal to the image gathering card .

  28. HDTV视频解码器输入缓存及系统控制单元的研究

    A study on the input buffer and system control unit in HDTV video decoder

  29. 多视频源输入系统传输模型的研究

    The Study of the Traffic Models of Multiplexed Input Sources

  30. 微型计算机视频信号输入系统

    An Input System for Video Signal - Microcomputer