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  • covet;long for;pretend to;cast greedy eyes on;cast one's covetous eyes on;harbour aggressive designs against
觊觎 [jì yú]
  • [covet;cast greedy eyes on;harbour aggressive designs against;long for;pretend to] 非分的希望或企图

  • 宜绝横拜,以塞觊觎之端。--《后汉书.杨秉传》

觊觎[jì yú]
  1. 许多大公司都觊觎低价收购这些陷入困境的小公司。

    Many large companies covet these low-cost acquisition of troubled small companies .

  2. 这些执行官们觊觎Vice这种不守规矩、自己动手的易感性——“来自边缘的新闻”是它在HBO台每周播放的30分钟节目的广告词——最主要的是,他们还觊觎Vice和年轻的核心观众建立起来的联系。

    The executives covet Vice 's unruly , D.I.Y. sensibility - " News from the edge " is the tagline for its 30-minute weekly program on HBO - and , above all , the connection it has established with its core audience of young men .

  3. 谣传公爵觊觎王位。

    Rumours spread that the Duke had designs on the crown .

  4. 他们获得了本年度人人觊觎的大奖。

    They are this year 's winners of the coveted trophy .

  5. 国王认为有人觊觎那本魔法书。

    The king believed that someone had designs on the book of magic spells .

  6. 但是,各个国家纷纷急于在此扩张自己的影响力,不仅期待那些保护协议到期,而且还觊觎现存的战略和商业机会。

    But an array of countries are rushing to assert greater influence here , with an eye not just towards the day those protective treaties expire , but also for the strategic and commercial that already exist .

  7. 但与此同时,年轻的女性工作者比男性更少觊觎高层管理工作;34%女性说她们不想当老板或者高管。

    At the same time , however , young working women are less likely than men to aim at top management jobs : 34 % say they 're not interested in becoming a boss or top manager .

  8. 又一个在我阴影之下的公主觊觎我的皇冠。

    Another princess in my shadow come to covet2 my crown .

  9. 倍受觊觎的事物或“唐僧肉”指不惜任何代价想要获得的巨大好处和利益。

    Something much-coveted , or " the flesh of a Tang Dynasty monk1 " , refers to a big bonus or benefit that is pursued at any cost .

  10. 近年来,Facebook收购了28家以上的公司,主要原因便是觊觎它们的工程师资源。

    Over the years , Facebook has acquired more than 28 companies largely for their engineers .

  11. 凯悦酒店公寓位于北京中央商务区(CentralBusinessDistrict,CBD)中心位置,周围高楼林立,高档商铺与夜总会云集,是各路富豪觊觎的黄金地段。

    Situated in the middle of the central business district ( CBD ) among skyscrapers , upscale shops and clubs , the area is a coveted hub for the moneyed classes .

  12. 每一年,几百家画廊主人都要递交申请,确保自己在瑞士巴塞尔艺术展(ArtBasel)上拥有令人觊觎的一席之地。

    The hundreds of gallery owners who apply each year to secure a coveted booth at Art Basel , the Swiss art fair , spend weeks on their admission applications .

  13. 近年来,Facebook收购了28家以上的公司,主要原因便是觊觎它们的工程师资源。多数情况下,Facebook会放弃这些初创公司的产品。

    Over the years , Facebook has acquired more than 28 companies largely for their engineers . In most cases , it killed the startups ' products .

  14. 高盛配售15亿美元Facebook股票的计划正是华尔街所觊觎的交易类型。高盛不得不把募资对象限制为国际投资者。

    Goldman Sachs ' $ 1.5bn placement of Facebook shares , which it had to limit to international investors , is the kind of business Wall Street covets .

  15. 在欧洲工商管理学院,尽管学员可以在不到一年的时间内获得mba学位,但该学院仍让大批学员获得了人人觊觎的工作。

    While students can get an MBA in under a year at INSEAD , the school can still place large numbers of graduates in coveted jobs .

  16. 在伦敦市长、保守党议员候选人、觊觎保守党领袖宝座的鲍里斯•约翰逊(BorisJohnson)看来,情况比这还要糟。

    For Boris Johnson , London 's mayor , Conservative parliamentary candidate and pretender to the Tory leadership , it is worse than this .

  17. 本人穿的就是Hackett的深蓝色细条灯心绒面料西装,此外我还一直觊觎博柏利(Burberry)的一款深绿色西服。

    My own is a dark navy needlecord from Hackett , and there 's a bottle-green Burberry number that I covet .

  18. 所以,尽管摩根大通利用自身的相对优势吞并了投行贝尔斯登(bearstearns)以及令人觊觎的华盛顿互惠,但戴蒙迄今尚未说服他的批评者相信,他可以主导此次复苏。

    And while JPMorgan exploited its relative strength to pounce on the investment bank Bear Stearns and the coveted WaMu , Mr Dimon has yet to convince his critics he can dominate the upturn .

  19. NBA全明星将在几周后拉开帷幕,是时候了解一下在拉斯维加斯的庄家眼中哪只球队能够脱颖而出,成为最有资格觊觎奥布莱恩杯的球队。

    With the NBA All-Star Break coming up in a few weeks , it is time to check back in on what Las Vegas oddsmakers expect as pretenders continue to be separated from contenders .

  20. 传奇娱乐是金融家托马斯图尔(ThomasTull)于2004年创建的,对中国市场觊觎已久。

    Legendary , which was founded in 2004 by financier Thomas Tull , has been eyeing the Chinese market for some time .

  21. 面对得到洛瑞的机会,这个自从2006年NBA选秀时就一直觊觎却没能得到的家伙,火箭做了一个大胆的交易,他们认为这样可以帮助球队变成他们想要的样子。

    With a chance to get Lowry , whom they coveted since they could not land a pick to get him in the2006 NBA Draft , they made a move they thought would help the team they have become .

  22. 她表示,在开始学习EMBA之前,她曾觊觎大区总监一职,但在课程开始之后,她发现自己的思维更像一个创业者。

    Before starting her EMBA she says , she had coveted the role of regional director , but once on the programme , she discovered that she was tending towards a more entrepreneurial mindset .

  23. 另一名人士表示,保诚今年讨论在亚洲地区的上市计划,起初是为了筹集资金,用以竞购美国国际集团(AIG)引人觊觎的亚洲寿险部门该部门当时正准备出售。

    Another person said that Prudential first discussed a possible regional listing this year as a way of raising funds to bid for AIG 's coveted Asian life assurance unit , which at the time was up for sale .

  24. 每一年,几百家画廊主人都要递交申请,确保自己在瑞士巴塞尔艺术展(ArtBasel)上拥有令人觊觎的一席之地。他们往往要花费几个星期准备申请资料,要描述画廊的进步,追溯画廊的参展历史,列出旗下艺术家的小传。

    The hundreds of gallery owners who apply each year to secure a coveted booth at Art Basel , the Swiss art fair , spend weeks on their admission applications . They describe the evolution of their galleries , track the history of their exhibitions and list the biographies of their artists .

  25. 信贷风暴昨日波及美国地区性银行。不断增加的抵押贷款损失,迫使亚特兰大的SunTrust银行售出已持有近90年的令人觊觎的可口可乐(Coca-Cola)股份。

    The credit storm moved to the US regional banks yesterday as mounting mortgage losses forced SunTrust to sell a coveted stake in Coca-Cola that the Atlanta-based bank has owned for almost 90 years .

  26. 嘉能可(Glencore)打算支付高于预期的溢价,以敲定其觊觎已久的与斯特拉塔(Xstrata)的合并,此举意在平息斯特拉塔投资者对于两家公司首席执行官可能达成君子协议的担忧。

    Glencore is set to pay a larger premium than expected to seal its long-coveted merger with Xstrata , a move designed to defuse concerns among Xstrata investors about a cosy deal between the chief executives of the two companies .

  27. 阿莱被称作是唯一获得令人觊觎的诺贝尔经济学奖的法国人,不过他的学生杰拉德德布鲁(GérardDebreu)曾在1983年荣膺这一奖项,但当时德布鲁已加入美国国籍。

    Allais was described as the only Frenchman to have won the coveted economics prize although G é rard Debreu , one of his pupils , had won it in 1983 , by then , however , a naturalised US citizen .

  28. 它们觊觎汽车行业已有一段时间了,但尚未找到突破口,不过最近谷歌与菲亚特(Fiat)的协议(生产100辆无人驾驶小型货车)至少代表着谷歌母公司Alphabet已经有一只脚踏了进来,试图将其无人驾驶技术投入实用。

    They have been circling the automobile world for a while , but have yet to find a way in - though a deal with Fiat this week to make 100 self-driving minivans at least represents a toe in the door for Alphabet , Google 's parent , as it tries to put its self-driving technology on the road .

  29. 他老是觊觎他人的财产。

    He had a roving eye for other people 's property .

  30. 德国人控制山东,觊觎西北各。

    The Germans are in Shantung and eyed the Northwest provinces .
