• vulgar;rustic;low;base
  • despise;disdain;scorn;look down
  • an out-of-the-way place;frontier town;small town
  • 中国周代地方组织单位之一,五百家为一鄙:~师(古官名,周制每县五鄙,“鄙师”掌其鄙之政令祭祀)。

  • 郊野之处,边远的地方:边~。

  • 粗俗:~陋。~俗。~夫。~近(庸俗浅近)。

  • 轻蔑,看不起:~视。~夷。~弃。~薄。

  • 品质低劣:卑~。

  • 谦辞,用于自称:~人。~老。~见。

  • 吝啬:~吝。~诈(贪吝诈伪)。


(粗俗;低下)vulgar; rustic; low; base; despicable:

  • 卑鄙


  • 粗鄙

    coarse; vulgar;

  • 可鄙



[谦] (旧时用于自称) my:

  • 以鄙人之见

    in my humble opinion


[书] (轻视; 看不起) despise; disdain; scorn; look down:

  • 鄙之

    despise sb.


[书] (边远处; 小邑) an out-of-the-way place; frontier town; small town:

  • 边鄙

    remote districts;

  • 北鄙

    northern border


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 鄙穷

    Bi Qiong

  1. 敢竭鄙诚,恭疏短引。

    Dare to prevent rustic , sincere and respectful sparse and short primer .

  2. 他们在这场闹剧中扮演了可耻[鄙]的角色。

    They played a shameful [ despicable ] role in this farce .

  3. “戏子”就是传统上对演员的鄙称。

    " Opera jokery " is a traditional derogatory term for actors .

  4. 让鄙贱的乌云中途把我侵袭,

    To let base clouds o'ertake me in my way ,

  5. 计划与市场在不同生产鄙门的多种组合;

    Various forms of combination between planning and the market in different sectors ofproduction ;

  6. 就让我被你鄙弄。

    Let it serve to trample on .

  7. 这些以手机简讯服务发送的广告,利用「鄙字眼」刺激性诱惑,他说。

    The ads for mobile phone message services used " rude wording " to stir up sexual temptation , he said .

  8. 导论鄙分介绍了选题原由、研究现状、研究意义、研究目的、研究方法等内容。

    In the introduction , the purpose of selected topic , research status , research meaning , research method etc. are discussed .

  9. “除鄙见,得新知,增学问,广识见,养性灵”&“学习型馆员”与馆员阅读之我见。

    Eliminating Uncertainties , Gaining Knowledge , Widening Learning , Enriching Experiences , Cultivating Disposition & My Understanding of Learning Librarian and Librarians'Reading .

  10. 望京现象也反映了宋人对贬谪的惧怕,对京职的留恋,对中原文化的眷恋和对落后地区的畏惧与鄙。

    In the same time , this phenomenon reflected the Song officials fearing of demote and their reluctance to leave the government posts , sentimentally attached to the .

  11. 固然正鄙人海几野批发店入止的观察外入有收隐熊猫乳品母司出产的产品,但一些批发商里示并没有晓得这个品牌入隐了答题。

    While no products from Shanghai Panda turned up in spot checks of several stores in Shanghai , several retailers said they were unaware of problems with the brand .

  12. 裘德不禁大失所望,想不到那位心灵高尚的人物竞然如此俗鄙,感到自己再没法开口说心里话了。

    It took Jude more than by surprise that the man with the soul was thus and thus ; and he felt that he could not open up his confidences .

  13. 春秋时期楚国县的涵义经历了两个发展阶段,即:县鄙之县和县邑之县。

    The connotation of the County of Chu in the Spring and Autumn Period experienced the two stage developments , namely : " county Bi " and " county Yi " of the county .

  14. 想想看,我竟然天真地做过梦,以为身居高位的、住高楼大厦的、受过教育的、有银行存款的人全鄙高贵呢!

    And to think of it , I dreamed in my innocence that the persons who sat in the high places , who lived in fine houses and had educations and bank accounts , were worth while !

  15. 县在西周是县鄙,春秋初期开始发展为县邑,春秋末期之后则大多转化为郡县之县。

    Counties are Xian Bi in Western Zhou which grow into Xian Yi in the initial of Spring and Autumn Period and translate into the county of Prefecture and County in the end of Spring and Autumn Period .

  16. 然而,受宋明理学的负面影响,游息将大量流行于社会的体育运动内容视若鄙事而拒之门外,以至落后于当时的体育发展水平。

    However , under the negative influence of ethics of the Song and Ming dynasty , recreation sport regarded many popular physical activities as distain and froze them out , which lead sports development lagging behind of that time .

  17. 有一技之长者鄙读书,无知者慕读书,而明智之士用读书,然书并不以用处告人,用书之智不在书中,而在书外,全凭观察得之。

    Crafty men contemn studies , simple men admire them , and wise men use them , for they teach not their own use ; but that is a wisdom without them , and above them , won by observation .

  18. 侯嬴给信陵君出主意说:“只要派人偷取大王的兵符,便可假传命令,要晋鄙出兵了。”

    Then Hou Ying advised Lord Xinling : " If only you had the Commander 's Seal , which is bestowed only by the king himself , you could take Jin Bi 's place and lead his troops to the help of Zhao . "
