
  • 网络unzip;extract;zip;WINRAR;decompress
  1. 下载并解压缩示例Web服务和客户机应用程序(请参见下载)。

    Download and unzip the sample Web service and client applications ( see Downloads ) .

  2. 将此示例模型解压缩到一个适当的目录,从FrameworkManager,打开项目文件

    Unzip the sample model to a suitable directory and from Framework Manager , open the project file

  3. 视频:团队解压缩反应堆部分发送来自佛罗里达州,并开始组装机器

    VIDEO The team unpacks the reactor parts sent from Florida and begins assembling the machine .

  4. 从Web连接器压缩文件中解压缩。

    Extract files from Web Connector Client zip file .

  5. 修改SCRIPTSHOME以指向解压缩脚本库的位置。

    Change SCRIPTS_HOME to point to where you unzipped the script library .

  6. 从一个Web站点下载一个文档插件并将这个插件的内容解压缩到文件系统。

    Download a documentation plug-in from a Web site and extract the plug-in contents onto your file system .

  7. 从下载部分获取codeforfromscratch.tgz文件,并通过执行以下操作将其解压缩到磁盘映像下

    Grab the code_for_fromscratch.tgz file from the Downloads section , and untar it under the disk image by doing

  8. 基于网络的DIRECTX接口编程实现多媒体图像解压缩传输

    Implement Multimedia Image Decompression and Condensation Transmission a with DIRECT X Based on the Network

  9. 这假设${SLSRC}会引用您解压缩SecondLife客户机树的位置。

    This assumes that $ { SLSRC } refers to the location in which you 've unpacked the second life client tree .

  10. 一种基于DSP的雷达/电视视频图像压缩解压缩技术

    A Radar / TV Video Compression and Decompression Technique Based on DSP

  11. 基于FPGA的视频信号压缩/解压缩技术研究

    Research on Video Signal Compression and Decompression Technique Based on FPGA

  12. 取消为Axis服务器部署的总线服务和解压缩处理程序。

    Undeploy the bus service and decompression handler for the Axis server .

  13. 黄金分割法判解压缩土的Pc值

    Finding PC of compressed soil with golden section method

  14. Linux下常用压缩/解压缩软件简介

    An Introduction of the Common Compress / Decompress Software under Linux System

  15. 解压缩库到某一目录以便能将需要的库导入到您新建的动态Web项目中。

    Extract the libraries to a directory so you can import the necessary libraries into your new dynamic Web project .

  16. 这些supportpac的安装只要解压缩即可。

    To install these support pacs , simply unzip them .

  17. 无法压缩或解压缩FAT卷。

    Unable to compress or decompress FAT volumes .

  18. Linux系统的文件压缩和解压缩方法

    The Compress and Decompress Method of Linux System

  19. 用DSP实现视频图像压缩与解压缩

    Implement Video Compression and Decompression on DSP

  20. 每个包的压缩和解压缩都是独立进行的,因为Internet内存的不确定性会导致包的到达顺序被打乱。

    Each packet is compressed and decompressed independently to allow for unordered packet arrival caused by the inherent volatility of the Internet .

  21. 解压缩下载好的代码并将工程导入到Eclipse中。

    Unzip the downloaded source code and Import the project into eclipse .

  22. 要安装Eclipse,只需解压缩这个文件。

    To install Eclipse , just unzip the file .

  23. Windows环境下基于软件CODEC的实时视频压缩解压缩技术

    Real-time Video Processing Based on Software CODEC in Windows

  24. 打开将文件解压缩到的文件夹并找到文件phpibmdb2.dll。

    Now open the folder you extracted the files to and find the file php_ibm_db2.dll .

  25. 将该文件解压缩到将运行WebSphereMQFileTransferEdition代理的Windows服务器上。

    Unzip the files onto the Windows server where the WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition agent will run .

  26. 并研究了在VC下如何使用其对语音进行压缩和解压缩。

    VC and study in how to use their voice compression and decompression . 6 .

  27. 如果在运行configure和make的解压缩目录中未看到很多变化,也不必担心。

    Don 't worry if you don 't see lots of changes in the expanded directory you 're running configure and make from .

  28. 解压缩war文件并提取其WEB-INF/lib文件夹中所有的jar文件。

    Unzip the war file to extract all the jars you find in its WEB-INF / lib folder .

  29. 本文主要研究了基于DSP和小波变换技术的图像压缩与解压缩系统的设计。

    This article mainly designed the system of compression and decompression based on DSP and the wavelet transform technique .

  30. 下载soapUIprogram并将其解压缩。

    Download the soapUI program and unzip the downloaded file .