
  • 网络Interpreted Language
  1. 在大多数解释型语言中,都可以使用这个设计窍门。

    This is a design trick that works with most interpreted languages .

  2. Python是由GuidovanRossum开发的、可免费获得的、非常高级的解释型语言。

    Python is a freely available , very high-level , interpreted language developed by Guido van Rossum .

  3. 为此,可以利用一个事实:PHP是一种解释型语言。可以将PHP代码存储在数据库中的队列中,以后再执行它。

    To do that , I can take advantage of the fact that PHP is an interpreted language by storing PHP code in a queue in the database , then executing it later .

  4. B语言的建模语法根据系统生物学标记语言设计,符合当前通行标准,并且B语言具有交互性解释型编程语言的特征,配合构建的仿真环境,就能方便的对模型进行仿真和计算。

    The modeling grammar of B language is compatible with Systems Biology Markup Language ( SBML ), current actual standard . As an interactive interpreting programming language , B language , combined with its simulator , provided a convenient way for calculation of the complex biological model .