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  • 网络apporximate solution of system
  1. 证得非交换主理想整环R上右齐次线性方程组基础解系存在定理,给出R上右线性方程组解的表示。

    This paper proves the existence theorem of the system of basic solutions for the right homogeneous linear equation sets over a non-commutative principal ideal domain R and gives the representation of the solutions for the right linear equation sets over R.

  2. 采用组合电路Hopfield模型,通过相容状态建立的齐次线性方程组的基础解系,提出了组合电路最优Hopfield模型存在性的实用判定方法,并给出了计算实例。

    By use of Hopfield model and basis solution of homogeneous linear equations which are established in accordance with consistent state , a practical decision method for the existence of optimal Hopfield model of combinational circuits is provided . Finally , several examples are given .

  3. 排序向量的三个近似解系研究

    On the three proximate solutins of system of weight vector

  4. 齐次线性方程组正交的基础解系的一种简便求法

    A Simple Method for the Orthogonal Fundamental Solution of Homogeneous Linear Equation System

  5. 齐次线性方程组的基础解系的一些性质

    Some Properties of a Basic System of Solutions in a System of Homogeneous Linear Equations

  6. 共轭分子简并能级波函数的基础解系求算法

    A Basic Solutions Method of Calculating Wave Function of Degenerate Energy Level for Conjugated Molecule

  7. 本文给出了刊用分块矩阵得出齐次线性方程组基础解系的简单方法。

    This paper presents a simple method of giving a fundamental systemof linear homogeneous systems .

  8. 本文讨论用矩阵的初等变换求得基础解系的另一种方法,使基础解系隐含在一个矩阵之中。

    This paper discussed a new solution to homogeneous linear equations , hiding basic solutions in a matrix .

  9. 用矩阵的初等行变换求齐次线性方程组的标准正交解系

    Using the Elementary Line Transformation of Matrix Extract the Normal Orthogonal System of Solution of Homogeneous Linear System of Equations

  10. 给出了求齐次线性方程组正交的基础解系的一个简便方法和一个应用实例。

    A simple method for the orthogonal fundamental solution of homogeneous linear equation system and the example in its application are given .

  11. 文章用矩阵理论得出几个新结论,从而应用新结论得出基础解系的一种算法。

    We get some new conclusions by the matrix theory , then it gives a computational method about the system of fundamental solutions .

  12. 给出求以已知一组线性无关的向量为基础解系的齐次线性方程组的方法。

    This note presents a method to solve a homogeneous system of linear equations by giving linear independent vectors as a system of basic solutions .

  13. 在非齐次线性方程组中引入基础解系的概念,并在此基础上进一步讨论了解的结构,以及基础解系间的过渡矩阵。

    This paper introduces the concept of basic system of solutions for the nonhomogeneous linear equation set , and further discusses its structure and transition matrix .

  14. 采用逆向思维的方法,从方程组的通解或基础解系出发,讨论方程组的构造,给出了一般性的方法,并例举了应用举例。

    By adopting the reverse thinking , the structure of a system of equations is discussed in light of its general solution or basic solution series . A general method is given , with its application illustrated by examples .

  15. 考虑到解系的形式与基本方程的特征方程是否存在重根有关,文中导出了一个简单实用的重特征根存在充要条件以及该重根的简易计算式。

    Considering that the form of the systems depends on whether or not the equation has double characteristic roots , a simple and practical sufficient-and-necessary condition of the existence of the double roots and a formula for their calculation are established .

  16. 二维各向异性问题的齐次解完备系及有关问题

    A Type of Complete Systems of Homogeneous Solutions in Two-Dimensional Anisotropic Problems and Related Matters

  17. 为了解苯系混合物对男性生殖机能的影响,对从事制鞋、油(喷)漆等接触苯系物的24名男工的精液质量进行了调查。

    The quality of semen of 24 male workers exposed to benzene , toluene , xylene were studied .

  18. 方法对42例脊髓栓系综合征患者采用显微手术彻底松解栓系的脊髓,并根据术中情况做终池成形。

    Methods The surgical relaxation of the tethered cords and rebuilding the terminal cistern were performed in 42 patients with TCS .

  19. 该协议原本可以通过政治和解维系经济稳定,让失散家庭团聚,并大大缓解紧张局势,使印度安全部队可以安然撤离。

    Such an accord would have buttressed economic stability with political unity , reuniting families and lowering tensions sufficiently for Indian security forces to go home .

  20. 本文将给出可解李三超系与幂零李三超系的一些基本概念和重要性质,讨论了李三超系与李超代数的关系。

    In this thesis , I give some basic conceptions and important properties of Lie triple supersystems and discuss the relationships between Lie triple supersystems and Lie superalgebras .

  21. 本文讨论了一般的各向异性板弯曲问题和各向异性平面问题的基本微分方程齐次解完备系的一种选取方法以及它们在各种对称与反对称条件下的化简结果。

    A type of complete systems of homogeneous solutions of the fundamental differential equation is discussed for the bending problem of anisotropic thin plates and the plane problem of anisotropic materials , and the simplified systems are derived under various symmetric and antisymmetric conditions .

  22. 本文给出三维Laplace方程及Poisson方程有限分析解的正确系数值,并与陈景仁给出的系数值进行了比较。

    In this paper The exact Coefficients of The Finite analytical solution of Laplace and Poisson equation and The FAS of Laplace equation is given .

  23. 显性营养不良型大疱性表皮松解症家系临床表现与诊断分析

    Analysis of Clinical Features and Diagnosis of Dominant Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Genealogy

  24. 目的:研究一营养不良型大疱表皮松解症家系的基因突变。

    Objective : To identify gene mutation of a dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa family .

  25. 3,亏秩平差之解与参考系的关系。

    The relationship between the solution of the adjustment with rank-defects and its system of reference .

  26. 权函数是得自对应的齐次微分方程的一般解和完备系。

    The weighted functions are obtained based on the use of completed systems of general solution of the corresponding homogeneous equations .

  27. 目的报道我国首例泛发性萎缩性良性大疱性表皮松解症家系。

    Objective To report a pedigree of generalized atrophic benign epidermolysis bullosa ( GABEB ), a special type of junctional epidermolysis bullosa ( JEB ) .

  28. Dowling-Meara型单纯性大疱性表皮松解症一家系角蛋白基因突变研究

    Keratin gene mutation in a pedigree of Dowling-Meara epidermolysis bullosa simplex

  29. 通过引入πSylow系与π系正规化子的概念,将可解群的Sylow系理论作以推广。

    The Sylow system theory of solvable group is generalized by introducing the concepts of π - Sylow system and π - system normalizer .

  30. 双轴晶体中平面波解在主轴坐标系下的表达

    Plane wave solutions of biaxial crystal in principal axis coordinate system