
  • 网络Jiefang Road
  1. 布朗太太:从解放路到码头多少钱?

    Brown : How much is it from Jiefang Road to the port ?

  2. 我的住址是大连市中山区解放路532号。

    My address in No.532 , Jiefang Road , Zhougshan District , Dalian City .

  3. 几种荷载模式在解放路隧道设计中的应用

    On application of some loading models for tunnel design on Jiefang road

  4. 杭州市解放路隧道延伸工程设计

    The Design of Hangzhou Jiefang Road Tunnel Extending Engineering

  5. 解放路是商业中心。

    Jiefang Road is the commercial center .

  6. 关于城市隧道出入口环境艺术设计的思考&以杭州市解放路隧道为例

    Thought of Road Environment Art in the Portal of City Tunnel - Case Study : Jiefang Road Tunnel of Hangzhou

  7. 旧城商业街更新方法探索&武汉解放路商业街更新设计对策

    The Research on Commercial Street Renewal in Old City & The Renewal Design Strategy for Jie-fang Commercial Street in Wuhan

  8. 美国军队解放路世界上5000多万人民——也让我们的国家更加安全。

    America 's Armed Forces have liberated more than 50 million people around the world -- and made our Nation safer .

  9. 随着城市的进步,解放路商业街的传统物质环境与新的城市功能、社会生活之间的矛盾日益显现。

    With the progress of the city , contradiction between the traditional material environment of Jie-Fang street and the new urban function & social life gradually becomes apparent .

  10. 杨英:是的。我们先到解放路,然后从那里乘公共汽车到码头。码头离天涯海角不远。

    Yang Ying : Yes . We 'll go to Jie Fang Road and from there we take a bus to the port . It is near the End of the Earth .

  11. 从杭州市解放路改造工程实例出发,结合工程试验数据和相关理论研究成果对纤维沥青混凝土在市政道路工程中的设计应用进行论述。

    From an example of Jiefang Road Reformation Porject in Hangzhou City , in the combination with the project test data and the relative theory study results the paper states the design and application of fiber bituminous concrete in municipal road engineering .

  12. 丁玲关于女性悲剧及其解放之路的思考

    Ding Ling on feminine tragedy and liberations

  13. 寻求着自我解放之路

    pursuing paths to personal liberation .

  14. 她一生都在呼唤女人的自觉,寻求妇女解放之路。

    Her whole life expected the " Female Conscientious " and sought the way to emancipate women .

  15. 尊号位于解放四路142号,我改日一定登门拜访。

    The address is No.142 on the 4th Liberation Road . I will definitely pay you a visit someday .

  16. 伴随双重压迫的双重意识导致黑人女性的觉醒和解放之路尤为复杂。

    Dual oppression mixing with dual consciousness brings the awakening and liberation path of black women into an extremely complicated and twisted situation .

  17. 最后,她为女人指出了超越绝对他者存在走向自由存在的本真的解放之路。

    Finally , she points out the authentic road through which woman can go beyond a being as the absolute other to a being as free .

  18. 莫里森就是黑人女性作家的杰出代表。她希望通过自己的文学作品来揭露黑人妇女所遭到的种种压迫,并为她们指出一条解放之路。

    As a black female novelist , Morrison hopes to reveal the multiple oppression black women have undergone and point out a way of liberation for them through her works .

  19. 我们民族的灾难深重极了,惟有科学的态度和负责的精神,能够引导我们民族到解放之路。

    The troubles that have befallen our nation are extremely serious , and only a scientific approach and a spirit of responsibility can lead it on to the road of liberation .

  20. 黑人女性主义主要研究处于困境中的黑人妇女自我意识的觉醒和自我身份认同并且旨在提供黑人妇女实现自我解放之路。

    Black feminism mainly studies the issues of self-consciousness and self-identity of black women who are caught in a dilemma and tries to provide methods to help black women achieve self-realization .

  21. 马克思以分工为契机敢于直面历史的疮痍与丑恶,并努力在批判中开启人类的解放之路。

    Marx bravely confronted the wound and the ugliness of history from the perspective of the division of labor , and tried to open the critical path of human liberation in criticism .

  22. 揭示女性生存的困境,探寻解放之路,然而却因于男性话语体系而陷于迷惘与无奈之中,这是崛起之初的新时期女性小说的重要特征。

    The main characteristics of the feminism novels of the new time are trying to reveal the hard living conditions and seek ways of liberty , but confined to the male language system .

  23. 通过对西方工业社会遇到的问题进行分析和评价,他希望找出解放人类之路。

    He wished to find the road to liberation of mankind , through analyzing and evaluating the problems in industrial society .

  24. 《资本论》是哲学批判与政治经济学批判双向建构的结晶,集中体现了马克思在哲学与经济学的结合中研究人类社会和人类解放的大思路。

    As a quintessence of bi-construction of critique of philosophy and critique of economy , The Capital reflects Marx 's train of thought in studying human society and the emancipation of human race .

  25. 哈克和哈利告诉人们在荒诞的现实世界中自由选择是走出危机获得自我解放的信念之路。

    Huck and Harry tell us one can come through the world of absurdity by making his free choice .

  26. 早期中国现代女作家的自我书写以话语实践的自觉方式,谱写了中国文学史上崭新的乐章,也开启了中国现代女性走向解放的漫漫长路。

    The writing oneself of women , through the way to consciously practice with discourse , melodized the new symphony of Chinese literature history , and enlightened the endless road that the modern women of China go toward liberation .