  • guard against;garrison;warn;alarm
  • alert;vigilant
  • alarm;police
  • 注意可能发生的危险,戒备,告诫:~卫。~世。~告。~戒。~备。~惕。~省(xǐng )(警惕醒悟)。

  • 需要戒备的事件或消息:~号。~报。~钟。

  • 感觉敏锐,见解独到:~句。~觉(jué)。机~。

  • 国家维持社会秩序和治安的武装力量:~察。~士。


(戒备) guard against; garrison:

  • 警惕

    be on guard against


(使人注意) warn; alarm:

  • 以一警百

    punish one as a warning to others;

  • 以警将来

    serve as warning for the future


(感觉敏锐) alert; vigilant:

  • 机警

    alert; sharp-witted; vigilant;

  • 警醒

    be a light sleeper


(危险紧急的情况或事情) alarm:

  • 报警

    give an alarm;

  • 火警

    fire alarm


(警察的简称) police:

  • 交通警

    traffic police;

  • 警亭

    police box;

  • 民警

    people's police [policeman]

  1. 女孩试图警他们树林里有情况,但他们不为所动。

    The girls try to warn the men that there is something in the woods , but they don 't listen .

  2. 机电设备BIT系统中虚警问题的数学模型分析

    Mathematical Model Analysis Of False Alarm In Mechatronics Built-in Test Systems

  3. 他们开始觉得他行为可疑,便报了警。

    They became suspicious of his behaviour and contacted the police .

  4. 警方正设法查清到底发生了什么。

    The police are trying to ascertain what really happened .

  5. 警方正制订更严厉的措施打击犯罪活动。

    The police are planning sterner measures to combat crime .

  6. 警方正根据他被谋杀的假定展开调查。

    The police are working on the supposition that he was murdered .

  7. 警方正对嫌疑人实施不间断监视。

    The police are keeping the suspects under constant surveillance .

  8. 警政制度规定,警察的番号必须醒目。

    Police regulations prescribe that an officer 's number must be clearly visible .

  9. 警方正沿着几条线索进行调查。

    The police are following several lines of enquiry .

  10. 警方正和税务官员协同进行调查。

    The police are working in conjunction with tax officers on the investigation .

  11. 这将意味着更多候审犯人会被拘押在警局拘留室。

    This will mean more remand prisoners being held in police cells

  12. 他们从紧急出口逃脱,并报了警。

    They escaped through an emergency exit and called the police .

  13. 邻居们听到了步枪声,就报了警。

    Neighbours heard the sound of rifle fire and alerted the police .

  14. 酩酊大醉的聚会者唱歌吵醒了居民,有人报了警。

    Chants from the drunken party-goers woke residents and the police were called

  15. 《泰晤士报》的一篇社论读起来颇有警诫意味。

    An editorial in The Times sounds a cautionary note .

  16. 州警们正拿着手电筒在附近地区搜查。

    The troopers , by flashlight , were searching the immediate area .

  17. 探警费力地辨认出这些文字。

    The detective-constable picked out the words with difficulty

  18. 玛丽听到了刺耳的救护车警铃声。

    Mary heard the penetrating bell of an ambulance

  19. 该报告严斥警局指挥官没有根据情报采取行动。

    The report lashes into police commanders for failing to act on intelligence information .

  20. 警方正全力追捕他。

    The police were hot on his trail

  21. 警察把他带到警局讯问有关一个女孩被害案件的情况。

    The police have taken him in for questioning in connection with the murder of a girl .

  22. 我意识到他可能要杀人,所以就毫不犹豫地报了警。

    I had no hesitation in calling the police because I realised he was capable of murder .

  23. 她担心他的安全,就打电话报了警。

    She called the police because she was concerned for his safety .

  24. 打野外是警训中非常重要的一部分。

    Field manoeuvres are very important in police training .

  25. 他过河向游击队报了警。

    He crossed the river and alarmed the guerrillas .

  26. 步哨鸣警,惊醒了睡觉的士兵。

    The sentry alarmed the sleeping men .

  27. 他已有三十年警龄。

    He has30 years of police service .

  28. 那女人立刻报了警。

    The woman called the police at once .

  29. 服务员报了警。

    The waiter called the police .

  30. 预计8月中下旬,黄河、海河、长江部分河段可能发生超警洪水,台风降雨可能引发区域性暴雨洪水。近期我国西南、长江中下游等地局部暴雨洪水频发。

    Water levels are likely to exceed the warning levels in some sections of the Yellow River , Yangtze River and Haihe River in mid-to-late August , with typhoons triggering regional downpours and floods .