
  • 网络memory retrieval;extracted
  1. Fan效应&长时记忆提取研究的新趋势

    Fan Effect : The Latest Development in Long-term Memory Retrieval

  2. 对于记忆提取的ERP效应已有一些理论解释,但在听觉记忆、汉字记忆以及记忆的脑内机制等方面还需要进一步的深入研究。

    There are several academic explanations on the ERP pattern on the memory retrieval . However , it is necessary to lucubrate more and farther for auditory memory , Chinese word memory , and their neural mechanism .

  3. 本研究利用ERP技术,通过两个实验考察了相似性对来源记忆提取阶段对回忆的控制加工的影响及回忆控制的电生理机制。

    Our studies used ERP technology to investigate the neurophysiologic mechanism of retrieval phrase of source memory , and to investigate the influence of similarity on control of recollection in retrieval phrase of source memory by two experiments .

  4. FOK判断是个体对记忆提取可能性的自我评价,它作为元记忆监测中研究最多和最具代表性的形式,受到越来越多的研究者的关注。

    FOK ( Feeling of Knowing ) judgment is a individual self-evaluation for the possibility of memory extraction . As the most typical form of metamemory monitoring , FOK judgment received more and more researchers ' attention .

  5. 创伤后应激障碍患者的创伤记忆提取

    Extraction of traumatic memory of patients with post traumatic stress disorder

  6. 注意和工作记忆提取对变化盲视的影响

    Effect of Attention and Working Memory Extract on Change Blindness

  7. 情绪图片记忆提取过程中存在着新旧效应。

    There is old / new effect in retrieval of emotional pictures .

  8. 工作记忆提取过程中有意抑制与无意抑制比较研究无意识意向性潜意识意向性

    Differences between Intentional and Unintentional Inhibition during Working Memory Retrieval ; unconscious intentionality

  9. 工作记忆提取中的激活与抑制

    Activation and Inhibition in the Retrieval of Working Memory

  10. 学习困难学生视空间工作记忆提取能力的多指标分析

    Accessing the retrieval capability of visuospatial working memory of students with learning disabilities

  11. 对记忆提取理论研究之后发现语言输出与记忆提取之间有联系,在某种程度上提取决定着输出的结果。

    In some degree , the memory retrieval decides the result of language output .

  12. 记忆提取研究的新进展

    New progress on the research of memory retrieval

  13. 第二阶段为项目记忆提取阶段,只要求进行新旧判断。

    Item memory retrieval phase : Subjects were instructed to make old / new judgment .

  14. 慢性疼痛患者自传体记忆提取的特征与疼痛状况关系密切。

    The characteristics of AM retrieval in chronic pain patients are closely related to chronic pain conditions .

  15. 本研究通过严格的实验设计,深入考察了分心物特性抑制和记忆提取的关系。

    Through strictly designed experiments , this research mainly aims at exploring on the relationship between distractor inhibition and memory retrieval .

  16. 本研究采用线索提示范式考察了注意和工作记忆提取对变化盲视的影响。

    Here , pre-cue and retro-cue were used to explore the effects of attention and working memory extract on change blindness .

  17. 结论表明,注意对变化盲视有显著影响,但工作记忆提取对变化盲视的影响不显著。

    It was concluded that attention plays an important role in reducing change blindness , but working memory extract does not .

  18. 心理旋转、心理扫描或心理比较,既是心象操作的过程,也是记忆提取的过程。心象与记忆方式相联系,形成记忆策略。

    Mental rotation , mental scanning and mental comparison are not only processes of mental manipulation , but also process of memory .

  19. 基于记忆提取的抑制机制,主要涉及指向性遗忘、提取-练习范式的研究及负启动范式在记忆提取研究中的应用;

    Retrieval-induced inhibition mechanisms , including directed forgetting , retrieval-practice paradigm and the application of negative priming paradigm to the research of memory retrieval ;

  20. 第三阶段为来源记忆提取阶段,要求被试用三键区分新词、红色旧词和蓝色旧词。

    Source memory retrieval phase : Subjects were instructed to judge among the new words , the old red words and the old blue words .

  21. 同时,本研究促进了人们对记忆提取加工的理解,为解释人类的学习和记忆现象提供了一定的依据。

    At the same time , this research promoted our understanding of retrieval processes and provided the basis for us to explain human learning and memory .

  22. 由此可以推知,人们在情景记忆提取时,最初是记忆痕迹的恢复过程,随后对所提取的信息进行评估,继而做出判断。

    It was inferred that during the retrieval of episodic memory , people should firstly recover the memory , and then evaluate the retrieved information before making a decision .

  23. 认知功能特别是处理速度在我们20岁时达到巅峰状态,而随着我们年龄的增长,大脑会萎缩,因此多项任务处理和记忆提取所需要的时间可能会变长。

    Cognitive functioning , particularly processing speed , peaks at age 20 and the brain shrinks as we age , so things like multitasking and memory retrieval may take longer .

  24. 通过不同作业情境与回忆任务的设置,目的在于探讨以下几个问题:(1)考察人生阶段背景和年龄因素对于自传体记忆提取速度的影响。

    Operating through different situations and memory tasks , the research aimed at exploring the following questions : ( 1 ) Examine extent which the life period background and age factors influenced autobiographical memory retrieval speed .

  25. 引入准意识来描述一种不能通达意识但又需要注意资源的状态,基于意识性的控制加工、准意识性的策略加工和无意识性的自动加工提出了前瞻记忆提取的三加工自动激活模型。

    Quasi-consciousness was introduced to describe a state that did not have access to the conscious but needed attention resources : A tri-process automatic activation model was proposed to illustrate the mechanism of prospective memory retrieval .

  26. 结论基底神经节损害可导致汉语失写症,其失写语言机制可能有低灌注机制、整合中枢、环路受损、字形在脑内结构的记忆提取受损等。

    Conclusion Basal ganglia damage may result in Chinese agraphia , due to , hypothetically , hypoperfusion , dysfunction of integration center , circuit damage and impaired function in extracting the graphical features of the Chinese characters from memory .

  27. 该文从3个方面回顾了记忆提取研究领域内的最新进展:(1)记忆编码和提取之间的关系,主要针对提取过程的自动性和控制性及相应的神经机制进行了讨论;

    The article reviewed the new progress in the field of memory retrieval from three aspects : ( 1 ) the relation between memory encoding and retrieval processes , which is focused on automatic and controlled memory retrieval and the corresponding neural mechanisms ;

  28. 一次极限负荷运动损害大鼠水迷宫训练形成的空间记忆提取再现,空间认知能力减弱,这种影响在极限负荷运动后即刻表现的最明显,在12小时后可以恢复。

    One time limit exercise damage to rat water maze training dealing with the formation of spatial memory extraction representation , spatial cognitive ability reduced , this effect immediately after exercise in the performance of limit load of the most obvious can be restored after 12 hours .

  29. 长时工作记忆中提取结构建立的影响因素

    Effect Factors on the Construction of Retrieval Structure in Long-term Working Memory

  30. 自传记忆线索提取发展的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on Development of Cuing Retrieval in Life-Span of Autobiographical Memory