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  • 网络A Mark
记认 [jì rèn]
  • [mark] 〈方〉∶记号,便于记住和识别的标志

  • 借来各家的桌椅板凳要做个记认,免得将来还错了

  • [discriminate] 辨认

  • 此人下巴上有个痣,最好记认

  1. 很难记认的名字是我最大的问题。

    Remembering people 's names is my biggest problem .

  2. 更不要说我一点也不擅长记认人的脸型。

    Doesn 't help that I 'm not great at remembering faces either .

  3. 现在只有一个凹痕,作这些住宅的记认,地窖中的石头深深陷下,而草毒、木莓、覆盆子、榛树和黄栌树却一起在向阳的草地上生长;

    Now only a dent in the earth marks the site of these dwellings , with buried cellar stones , and strawberries , raspberries , thimble-berries , hazel-bushes , and sumachs growing in the sunny sward there ;