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zhàng ren
  • wife's father;father-in-law;elderly person


zhàng rén
  • a respectful form of address for an old man
丈人 [zhàng rén]
  • (1) [wifes father;father-in-law]∶岳父,妻子的父亲

  • (2) [elderly person]∶古时对老年男子的尊称

  • 遇丈人,以杖荷蓧。--《论语.微子》

  • 我丈人行也。--《汉书.李广苏建传》

丈人[zhàng rén]
丈人[zhàng ren]
  1. 他已经负责了日常的工作,但他的老丈人目前还是总裁。

    He already handles the day-to-day , but his father-in-law 's still the CEO .

  2. 立刻由丈人陪了进去,见到王先生,谈得很投机。

    He was immediately shown in by his father-in-law , met Mr. Wang , and had a warm talk with him .

  3. 你的丈人爷爷有没有炸过一车小学生?

    Did your grandfather-in-law ever bomb a busload of school children ?

  4. 他丈人丈母见他,欢喜得了不得。

    Fang Hung-chien 's in-laws were overjoyed at seeing him .

  5. 我该怎么称呼,我的丈人爷爷?

    What 's that make him , my grandfather-in-law ?

  6. 不是你的老丈人也不是你的祖父母,而是某人佩戴的钻石首饰。

    No , not your in-laws , or even your grandparents . It will be a diamond someone is wearing .

  7. 丈人道:你又来了!他丈人丈母见他,欢喜得了不得。

    " There you go again ," said his father-in-law . Fang Hung-chien 's in-laws were overjoyed at seeing him .

  8. 五一那天,老婆、女儿和我一起到了我丈人乡下的老房子。

    On the day of May1st , my wife and I with our daughter visited the old house of my father-in-law in the countryside .

  9. 不要问你的女友能为你做甚,而要问你能为你的女友和你的老丈人和丈母娘做甚。

    Not ask what your GF can do for u , but ask what you can do for your gf and her daddy and mom .

  10. 电话听里得出她很不高兴,鸿渐因为丈人忽然又走来,不便解释。

    He could tell over the phone that she was quite displeased , but as his father-in-law suddenly appeared , he could not explain to her .

  11. 媒婆打了一个大喷嚏,只见那粒花生米从媒婆的鼻孔呼啸而出,直奔老丈人的酒杯!

    Woman matchmaker hit a big sneeze , see that pignut goes out from the nostril howl of woman matchmaker only , go straight towards the father-in-law 's goblet continuously !

  12. 有次国王宴请他老丈人,结果那黑心肝的混球跳上桌,从泰温大人的手里大摇大摆地叼走一只烤鹌鹑。

    One time , the king was feasting the queen 's father , and that black bastard hopped up on the table and snatched a roast quail right out of Lord Tywin 's fingers .