
  • 网络On Obligations;On Duties;DE OFFICIIS
  1. 义务为什么如此重要&西塞罗《论义务》片论

    Why Obligation Is so Important & Fragments on Cicero 's De Officiis

  2. 论义务教育校际均衡发展

    On the Equal Development of Public Schools in the Compulsory Education

  3. 论义务教育阶段学校侵权行为的法律救济

    Tort behavior at the phase of compulsory education and legal help

  4. 论义务冲突职务协助研究

    Analysis on the Conflict of Obligation A Theory on Administrative Assistance

  5. 论义务教育阶段父母及学生教育选择权

    On School Choice of Parents and Students in the Stage of Compulsory Education

  6. 论义务教育权的法律救济

    On the Legal Succor of the Compulsory Education Rights

  7. 论义务及其与权利的本质关系

    Comment on Duty and Its Essential Relationship with Right

  8. 论义务教育应该实行成本分担

    Cost Sharing in Compulsory Education should be Implemented

  9. 关于教育和义务教育的产品属性,以及义务教育的成本分担&与《论义务教育应该实行成本分担》一文作者商榷

    About the Economic Feature of Education and Compulsory Education , Cost Sharing in Compulsory Education

  10. 论义务教育财政责任

    On the Fiscal Responsibility for Compulsory Education

  11. 论义务本位和权利本位的尊严观

    On Dignity from Duty-led and Rights-led Perspectives

  12. 论义务冲突

    Analysis on the Conflict of Obligation

  13. 作文教学中求异思维方式的运用论义务教育作文课程的特殊性与体系创新

    Use of the Ways of Seek-different Thinking in the Teaching of Writing On the Particularity of Writing Course and its Systematical Innovation

  14. 从规章制度论权利义务

    Discussion on the Rights and Duties from the Rules and Regulations

  15. 论普及义务教育在西部民族地区的巩固与深化&从贵州民族地区普及义务教育谈起

    Consolidating Universal Compulsory Education in West-China with Guizhou Province as a Case

  16. 论释明义务对民事诉讼理论的优化

    Discuss on Interpretation Obligation Optimize The Civil Litigation Theory

  17. 论法律义务冲突的解决

    On the settlement of the conflict of legal obligation

  18. 论民办义务教育关于高等学校管理

    Thinking about Managed by the People Compulsory Education

  19. 论保密义务与诚信原则

    On Concealing Liability and Integrity and Credit Rule

  20. 论董事义务体系的完善

    Improvement of the director 's duty system

  21. 论道德义务与法律义务

    On Moral Duty and Legal Duty

  22. 论权利义务观念的形成动因

    On Forming Reason about Right-obligation Notion

  23. 论国际义务的性质

    The Nature of International Obligations

  24. 论近代义务教育的实施和推广&以江苏为例

    On the implementation and dissemination of compulsory education in the contemporary Jiangsu Province & A case study

  25. 论合同义务的延伸

    The Extending of Contractual Obligations

  26. 民办企业初探论民办义务教育

    A Primary Discussion on Enterprises run by Local People Thinking about Managed by the People Compulsory Education

  27. 论道德义务的两个层次

    Two Levels on Moral Obligation

  28. 中小学体育管理论民办义务教育

    Management of Physical Education in Middle Schools and Primary Schools Thinking about Managed by the People Compulsory Education

  29. 社会责任论因义务对象的模糊在短时间内无法操作。

    The opinion of Social Responsibility cannot be operated in a short time because of the vagueness of the duty objects .

  30. 《红楼梦》中三个家庭教育问题探析论普及义务教育在西部民族地区的巩固与深化&从贵州民族地区普及义务教育谈起

    A Case Study of Family Education in The Dream of the Red Mansion Consolidating Universal Compulsory Education in West-China with Guizhou Province as a Case