
  • 网络The Spirit of the Laws;De l'esprit des lois;Esprit des lois;the spirit of law
  1. 《论法的精神》不是一部容易理解的作品,甚至伏尔泰也觉得它像是一座迷宫。

    The Spirit of the Laws is not a work easy to understand , even Voltaire considered it as a labyrinth .

  2. 如果我们透过理性与经验这对张力去考察《论法的精神》,就会发现各种冲突背后乃是价值之间的紧张。

    If we , from the viewpoint of tension between the reason and the experience , contemplate the spirit of the laws , we 'll apprehend that all these contradictions originate from those among the values .

  3. 《论法的精神》的研究方法

    The Research Method in the Spirit of Laws by Montesquieu

  4. 在这个转换过程中,笔者发现,《论法的精神》一书表达的是某种意义上的法哲学。

    In this transformation , the spirit of laws is a kind of legal philosophy .

  5. 自由与秩序之思&读《论法的精神》感悟

    The Thought On the Freedom and Order

  6. 摘要孟德斯鸠在《论法的精神》中表述了他的社会历史观。

    In his on the spirit of law , Montesqieu expounded his concept of social history .

  7. 本文即就此而试图以孟德斯鸠的地理学说为突破口对《论法的精神》的写作意图进行解读,借以对孟德斯鸠的地理学说作出法哲学意义上的初步理解。

    This dissertation attempts to analyze the writing intention of the spirit of laws , and understand his Geography theory .

  8. 在《论法的精神》中,孟德斯鸠详细论述了奴隶的来源、奴隶制产生的原因、奴隶制与国家政体的关系等问题;

    In his The Spirit of Laws , Montesquieu discusses in detail the origin of slaves , the coming into existence of slavery and the relationship between slavery and the system of government .

  9. 论法的本质及其精神

    On the Nature and Spirit of Moral Code

  10. 论罗马法的自然法精神与实践理性

    Roman Law : The Spirit of Natural Law and Rationality of Practicality

  11. 另外,他还翻译了《社会通诠》,《群己权界论》、《法意》(今译《论法的精神》)、《名学》、《名学浅说》等。

    He also translated A History of Politics , On Liberty , De l'Esprit des Lois , System of Logic and Pure Logic .

  12. 论孟德斯鸠法律哲学的价值张力&对《论法的精神》的一种解读

    On the Tension of Value in Montesquieu 's Philosophy of Law & A Study on the Spirit of the Laws