
shè bèi lì yònɡ lǜ
  • rate of equipment utilization;utilization rate of equipment and installations
  1. 因此,物流系统的研究是提高FMS生产效率,降低生产成本,提高设备利用率的重要手段。

    Therefore , the research of material flow is an important means to improve production efficiency , increase machine availability and lower production cost .

  2. 基于此模型,利用Markov理论分析了系统的生产率和设备利用率,该方法在用于复杂系统时会导致Markov方程求解困难。

    The timed Petri net model initially analyzes the throughput and equipment utilization using Markov theory . However , this method may have trouble when the Markov equation is used with complex manufacturing systems .

  3. 在核心网电路域中采用MSCPool技术具有提高设备利用率、节省信令开销、减少局间切换以及提高网络性能等许多方面的优势。

    MSC Pool technology has a role of improving equipment utilization , saving signaling overhead , reducing the switch between the board , improving network performance , and many other advantages in the circuit domain of the core network .

  4. 生产物流的四个评价指标是:生产周期、调度平稳性、在制品(Work-In-Progress,WIP)库存、设备利用率。

    The four target criteria of lead time , scheduling deviation , work-in-progress ( WIP ), and utilization determine the objectives of production logistics .

  5. CADE是运行学会提出一个衡量数据中心IT设备利用率的指标。

    And the Corporate Average Datacenter Efficiency ( CADE ) proposed by Uptime Institute has been used to see the utilization ratio of IT devices .

  6. FMS(柔性制造系统)具有设备利用率高、生产周期短、生产成本低、适应生产变化能力强等特点,适用于中小批量、多品种产品的加工。

    FMS ( Flexible Manufacturing System ) has the advantages of high facility availability , short producting cycle , low manufacturing cost , strong adaptive capacity to producting variation , etc , which makes it suit many varieties , middle or small batch production .

  7. 采用CCAP编程软件进行下料件的程序编制,减少生产时的辅助时间,提高生产效率,进而提高设备利用率。

    The CCAP programming software is adopted for blanking piece so as to reduce the auxiliary time , improve production efficiency and then enhance utilization ratio of equipment .

  8. 在这样的环境下,本论文从BSL公司注塑车间的生产管理入手,在生产批量、库存管理以及设备利用率这三个方面进行了深入的研究,并且发现了很大的改善空间。

    With such a background , the essay studies 3 aspects in the molding production management which are the best order quantity , molding parts inventory control and equipment utilization , and find a lot to be improved .

  9. 全国48家化肥催化剂制造厂总能力为57kt/a,产量近30kt/a,设备利用率不到50%。

    There are now 48 fertilizer catalyst manufacturers in China , with 57hi / a of total capacity and 30kt / a of total output . The overall capacity factor for equipment is below 50 % .

  10. 在电力系统运行中,为减少能量损耗,提高供电设备利用率,采用无功功率补偿,利用MTSC装置,构成低压动态无功补偿装置,可以取得很好的效果。

    In the operation of electric power system , in order to reduce energy loss and improve the availability of the equipment , the adoption of reactive power compensation by use of MTSC to make a low-pressure dynamic reactive power apparatus can achieve a better effect .

  11. 提高高等学校大型仪器设备利用率的探讨

    An approach to increasing utilization ratio of large-scale equipments in colleges

  12. 大批量制造系统生产能力和设备利用率分析

    Analysis of throughput and equipment utilization in large manufacturing systems

  13. 实施区域医疗卫生服务提高设备利用率

    Implementing area health care service to raise the utilization of the facilities

  14. 设备利用率在I/O设备电源管理中的应用

    Application of the device utilization ratio in I / O device power management

  15. 提高高校贵重仪器设备利用率的思考

    Enhancing the Usage Factor of Precious Apparatus of Universities

  16. 有效提高设备利用率,延长设备使用周期;

    Efficiently utilizing equipments to prolong their service life ;

  17. 无线网络处于相对低负荷状态,整体设备利用率不高。

    Wireless network at relatively low-load conditions , the overall utilization is not high .

  18. 我们应实施区域医疗卫生服务,提高设备利用率。

    We should provide regional health services to raise the utilization of the facilities .

  19. 本文首次提出了物流设施设备利用率理论。

    Logistics installation and equipment utilization is the basic factor of establishing logistics companies .

  20. 为提高设备利用率,均衡技术逐渐引起人们的注意。

    To increase facility utility , much attention has been drawn on equalization technology .

  21. 缩短酒精发酵时间,从而提高设备利用率。

    By reducing the time of alcoholic fermentation , the capacity of equipment was also improved .

  22. 竖井井筒装备一次成型从物流设施设备利用率看第三方物流企业的规模问题

    Installation of Shaft A Research on the Scale of TPL Company With Installation and Equipments Utilization

  23. 内容摘要利用数控系统改造车床是提高老设备利用率的一种重要手段。

    Utilizing NC system reforms lathes is an important method to heighten the rate of old equipments .

  24. 随着现有发电设备利用率得到了提高,就产生了温室气体排放。

    As the utilization of current energy generation equipment is increased , so is the creation of GHG emissions .

  25. 提高高校大型仪器设备利用率及使用效益的探讨

    The Discussion About How to Enhance the Utilization Ratio and the Use Efficiency of Large - scale Instruments in University

  26. 重型切削主要考虑:提高工件的加工效率、设备利用率、降低能耗。

    Heavy duty cutting mainly considers : improving the machining efficiency , utilization rate of equipment , reducing energy consumption .

  27. 该法具有技术性高、设备利用率高、投资费用少、建筑面积少、省劳务费、能耗低、操作与管理方便、低成本等优点。

    Tow investment cost and energy consumption , less construction area and labour needed , easy to Operate and manage etc.

  28. 运行结果显示生产线满足生产需求,设备利用率达到预期期望。

    The results showed that the improved production line meets the production requirements , and equipment utilization achieves the desired expectations .

  29. 众所周知,网络管理系统在管理复杂网络,提高网络设备利用率方面起着关键作用。

    As every knows , network management system reacts on manage complexity network and improve the efficiency of equipment the network .

  30. 用这种贮藏方法可以延长加工季节,提高设备利用率。

    This preserving method can lengthen the processing season of fruit and vegetable products , raise the utilization rate of equipments .