
  1. 设立电影发行单位,应当具备下列条件。

    The following conditions shall be met to establish film releasing units .

  2. 第二十一条中国人民银行设立人民币发行库,在其分支机构设立分支库。

    Article 21 The People 's Bank of China shall establish a Renminbi issue treasury and shall establish subsidiary issue treasuries at its branches .

  3. 在私募基金的设立和发行过程中,募集制度有着重要意义,关系着私募基金发行的成败,对私募基金的运行也有重大影响。

    In the process of setting up and distribution of private equity fund , the offering is very important and has a significant impact on the success of distribution and the operation of private fund .

  4. 第二,强化对外传播媒介的力量,采取多种手段,如充分利用我国的对外传播媒介、整合对外传播渠道、设立海外发行公司等,综合推动中国电视剧的对外传播。

    Second , various means should be adopted to strengthen the power of external communication , such as making full use of our external communication media , integrating foreign transmission channels , establishing overseas distribution companies .

  5. 保荐人制度的设立,平衡了发行人与投资者这两个处于信息分布不均衡状态的市场主体的地位和利益,从而降低了市场风险。

    Sponsor Rules balance the information status and interests of issuers and investors , and therefore decrease market risk .

  6. 作为主办单位的窗口,学报的发行往往与编辑职能混于一体,没有单独设立相应机构,发行数量长期偏低。

    As the window that sponsors unit the publication of journal often with editor function mix in one body , do not establish corresponding organization alone , publishing quantity is low for a long period .

  7. 因合并、分立而设立新的出版物发行单位,超过批准部门行政区域变更地址,须依照本规定办理批准手续。

    If a publication distributing entity newly established after merger or division intends to modify its address in excess of jurisdiction of the approval department , it must go through formalities for approval in accordance with the present provisions .