
shè jú
  • set a trap;establish a board/bureau
设局 [shè jú]
  • [set a trap] 设置圈套

  • 设局诓骗

  1. 他的真实目的就是设局欺骗你以进入你的家里,看看他可以偷走什么。

    His real purpose is to trick his way into your home to see what he can steal .

  2. 实际上,常常不必如此设局。

    Such subtlety as this , however , was often unnecessary .

  3. 她不可能知道我在设局

    She shouldn 't be aware of what I 'm doing .

  4. 我会在保安室设局。

    I 'm gonna set up in the security room .

  5. 你是说设局的那次,对么?

    You mean the setup , right ?

  6. 设局干掉了他。

    Set him up for execution .

  7. 我不希望看到有谁故意设局陷害别之选手。

    I don 't want to find out about anyone having any design to kick out his opponent .

  8. 清廷采取分散的铸币政策,地方各省根据社会需求经奏准可以设局铸钱。

    The Qing government adopted policy of the dispersed cast cash , the each province could establish bureau according to the social demand after approving .

  9. 如此大胆的表演设局—让游客们周日晚去参观好莱坞,毋庸置疑将成为奥斯卡直播期间一大亮点。

    In a bold stunt , tourists taking a tour of Hollywood on Sunday evening got to be a part of the Oscars during the live telecast .

  10. 我知道这是你的游戏你设局其他人都赢不了但是我要开始一场完全不同的游戏

    I understand that you own the game and that you 've set the board so that no one else can win , but I am about to start playing an entirely different game .

  11. 对抗并不是解决管理问题的最有效的方法,管理者可根据完成任务的目标主动设局,引导被管理者在追求自己的利益时,也能同时实行设计者想要达到的预定目标。

    The conflict is not the most effective way to solve the management problem , the manager should design the system which can not only lead the managed pursue their profits but only achieve the designer 's target .

  12. 你要给她设个局,还是怎样?

    You working a game on her , or what ?

  13. 这太嘲讽了,我对天发誓这是你设的局。

    That 's funny , I could have sworn you set this up .

  14. 绥远地区县建制的设立时间早晚差距很大,部分县在县建制确立前曾以厅、设治局的建制形式存在,但都承担着县级政权的职能。

    Some counties in the Suiyuan area existed in the form of the Office organic form and the Administrative Bureau organic form before the establishment of the system of County , but they still undertook the functions of county government .

  15. 我母亲会引你步入她设下的局然后毁掉�

    My mother will draw you in and destroy you .

  16. 你设下这个局,只是为了拿回对讲机吗

    You set this up , just to get your radio back ? Well ...

  17. 这是McCloon设下的局。

    It was a McCloon setup .

  18. 财政部设国有财产局,承办前项事务;其组织以法律定之。

    The Ministry of Finance establishes national property administration to undertake the proceeding affairs ; its organization is determined by act .

  19. 江西省国税局四个主体应用软件(增值税管理系统、CTAIS系统、出口退税审核系统、多元化电子申报纳税系统),在全省十一个设区市国税局全面运行。

    There are four systems which are running in Taxation Administration Office of Jiangxi Province in eleven cities offices , they are Value Added Tax Administration System , China Tax Administration Information System , Drawback Tax Checking System and Internet Tax Declare System .

  20. 目前,英国王储查尔斯之妻卡米拉正为在自己家附近设一所警察局而争取获得相关的建筑许可。

    The Duchess of Cornwall is seeking planning permission to build a police office at her family home .

  21. 第二章描述辛亥革命前江苏立宪派的政治活动,主要包括领导江苏资产阶级的反帝爱国斗争、组织立宪团体、开展地方自治、筹设领导江苏咨议局、倡导国会请愿等。

    The second chapter states the political activities of the Constitutionalism Group of Jiangsu before the 1911 Revolution .

  22. 同学希望于黄大仙区加设医院及消防局等设施,为居民提供更大的生活保障。

    Students suggested to add public facilities for Wong Tai Sin district , including hospitals and fire station , providing a secure living environment .

  23. 北京政府于1914年筹设全国经界局,计划整理全国土地,因战事不断,不久撤销。其制定的计划,成为一纸空文。

    Beijing Government established after consideration the national border bureau in 1914 , it plan reorganizes the national land , because the war is unceasing , soon abolishes , its formulation plan , so becomes a mere scrap of paper .

  24. 地方卫生行政方面,逐步形成了省设卫生处、市设卫生局(科)、县设卫生院的三级行政管理部门。

    From the aspect of municipal sanitation administration , we worked up provincial sanitation ministry , city owned sanitation bureau , country owned sanitation clinic such kind of third class administrative supervisory department .