
  1. 黄有一个双胞胎兄弟,兄弟家生的是双胞胎儿子,而孙子也是双胞胎。

    Huang has a twin brother who also had twin sons and his grandsons are a pair of twins .

  2. 而“沙尼特滑翔机”也是当时最先进的飞机。沙尼特非常看好莱特兄弟,兄弟二人常常给他写信,请求指教。

    The Chanute Glider was the most advanced aircraft of its time.Chanute took a particular interest in the Wright brothers , who frequently wrote to him for advice .

  3. 我知道商签协议是一个复杂的过程,但是正因为我们是兄弟,兄弟虽有小忿,不废懿亲,问题总会可以解决的。(总理答台湾记者问)

    I understand the negotiation may be a complex process , but differences between brothers cannot sever their blood ties , and I believe that problems will eventually be solved .

  4. 像兄弟、有兄弟的特点或者适合于兄弟。

    Like or characteristic of or befitting a brother .

  5. 一个人的兄弟、姑表兄弟和叔伯越多(他们可以保护他,或为他报仇),他享有的自由就越多。

    The more brothers , cousins , uncles a man had to avenge or protect him , the greater was his freedom .

  6. 汪精卫说:“最亲善的兄弟终久还是兄弟,重庆将来一定和我们走同一道路,但我们希望这一日期愈快愈好。”

    Wang Ching-wei said ," devoted brothers always remain brothers , and Chungking will certainly follow our road , the sooner the better , we hope . "

  7. 本文以实地调查获得的一手资料为基础,对王氏兄弟和王氏兄弟唱法进行了初步分析与研究。

    The essay gives preliminary analysis and study on " Brothers Wang " and their singing way , based on the firsthand information obtained by the field surveys .

  8. 他说:“我给你一小时时间。”法蒂玛有三个兄弟,她的兄弟说过:“我们今天一定来看你。”但是,他们还没有来。

    He said , " I will give you one hour . " Fatima had three brothers . Her brothers had said , " We shall come and see you today ; " but they had not come .

  9. 芬蒂玛有三个兄弟,她的兄弟说过:“今天我们会来看你。”但是,他们还没有来,她想:“如果我的兄弟们能在这一小时赶来,他们就能搭救我了。”

    Fatima had three brothers . Her brothers had said , " We shall come and see you today , " but they had not come . She said , " If my brothers come in this hour they will save me . "

  10. 在《小姐好白》中,肖恩和马龙-韦恩斯两兄弟扮演同是兄弟的FBI探员,为了保护女继承人免遭绑架,他俩扮成了女人。

    In White Chicks , Shawn and Marlon Wayans play agent brothers to protect heiresses from a kidnapping by disguising themselves as the women .

  11. n.杀害兄弟者;杀兄弟的行为;

    fratricide [ 'fr æ trisaid ] BrOtHEr = fratr + i + cid = cut formal ) the crime of killing your brother or sister ;

  12. 一个兄弟,两个兄弟,三个兄弟,四个!

    One brother , two brothers , three brothers , four !

  13. 兄弟手指,手指兄弟,你在哪里?

    Brother finger , Brother finger , where are you ?

  14. 我跟兄弟会的一兄弟借的。

    I borrowed it from a frat brother .

  15. 你和我会成为亲兄弟永远的亲兄弟

    You and I will be brothers Always

  16. 这些指控很严重啊,兄弟,两个兄弟异口同声地说。

    " These are very serious charges , Brother ," two brothers said in unison .

  17. 兄弟,什么是兄弟?

    Brothers , what are brothers ?

  18. 我们会聊我的兄弟姐妹、她的兄弟姐妹、总统,还有菲利普塞默霍夫曼的电影。

    We talk about my siblings , her siblings , the president , and Philip Seymour Hoffman movies .

  19. 他奋身前去,顶受了这打击……兄弟为自己的兄弟牺牲,朋友为自己的朋友牺牲,再没有更简单的享!

    This man leaped forward to intercept the blow . A brother lays down his life for his brother , a friend for his friend , what could be simpler ?

  20. 排在第二位的是辛杜佳兄弟,这对兄弟的财产总值为130亿英镑,相比去年没有发生变化。投资人莱恩·布拉瓦特尼克的财产总值为116亿英镑,相比去年减少了16亿英镑。

    They are just ahead of the industrialist brothers Sri and Gopi Hinduja with 13 billion pounds , a figure unchanged from last year , and investor Len Blavatnik with 11.6 billion pounds , down 1.6 billion pounds .

  21. 乐队1961后成立于加州,由布莱恩兄弟,丹尼斯和卡尔·威尔逊两兄弟,他们的兄弟迈克·拉夫,还有一个好友,阿伦·亚丁。

    The roots of the Beach Boys started in California in1961 with the brothers Brian , Dennis and Carl Wilson , their cousin Mike Love , and a friend , Alan Jardine .

  22. 本法所说的兄弟姐妹,包括同父母的兄弟姐妹、同父异母或者同母异父的兄弟姐妹、养兄弟姐妹、有扶养关系的继兄弟姐妹。

    The " brothers and sisters " referred to in this Law include blood brothers and sisters , brothers and sisters of half blood , adopted brothers and sisters , as well as step-brothers and step-sisters who supported or were supported by the decedent .

  23. 余华《兄弟》写的是两个不是亲兄弟却胜似亲兄弟的不同命运。

    What Yuhua " Brothers " writes is two is not the blood brother actually surpasses blood brother 's different destiny .