
The most critical part for multi-tenancy is that the account be specified in the URL as a parameter so that the infrastructure is aware which customer is requesting access to its data .
The accounting record of carbon emission rights is discussed by setting account and accounting treatment .
A custodian should set up different accounts for different QFII , and manage those accounts separately .
Password changes can also occur through ad-hoc requests which will require resetting the user account passwords , be it locally or remotely .
Typically , su accounts are setup so that a user can temporarily switch to another account , for example the root user or an application owner .
Within the group of 20 leading nations China should , as a show of goodwill , support Tim Geithner , US Treasury Secretary , and his indicative current-account targeting ideas .
You can set up user accounts , specify directory permissions and monitor access to individual files .
With the accounting principle Human resources account calculates value or cost of obtain development and demission , set accounts and reveal accounting information .
The export credit insurance are rolled as policy insurance agencies , and its main role is to meet the national industrial , economic , and foreign trade policies .
Another Russian malware family , known as MiniDuke also used Twitter for certain command and control operations , but unlike Hammertoss , was limited to communications with a limited number of specific , pre-established accounts .
And , the key of constructing budgetary accounting is setting the account according to the procedure of budgetary execution .
The student can also set up an automatic monthly payment from a checking account so that at least a minimum amount is paid each month , which helps to avoid late fees .
In order to record the increase , decrease , and balances in an individual item of asset , liability , owner 's equity , revenue , or expense , it is necessary to establish a number of accounts .
Members of my name and set up bank accounts were not able to do the same ?
Putting forward the design which sets up the cost and the cost accounts using related degree of the accounting ob-jects then accounts respectively .
This investment club member will handle the funds contributed by the club , open the bank account and set up an account with a broker .
Note that the " mail "," chat ", and " contacts " options will be grayed out if e-mail or chat accounts have not been set up .
By established the parameter , it has created the account lamination and the partition counts , and provided many kinds of knot rest cycle choice to customers .
To meet the needs of different consumption , change the traditional of the smart card system set for single account to account Settings , suchas setting general account and special account .
The establishment of account systems of the environmental accounting demands pushing on the " green " of the accounts and setting up green assets account , green liabilities account , green expenditure account and green income account .
Ms. Anderson , trustee of her widowed , 90-year-old mother 's revocable trust , set up small checking and credit-card accounts that her mom can tap for incidentals -- 'at-risk money , ' Ms. Anderson calls it .
Establish and reform the current account system , and establish the concision but suitable account for checking the value-added tax , can reduce the workload for the business enterprise to declare and pay tax , and provide more accurate information of tax for nation and the business enterprise .
A business with many credit customers would set up the general ledger accounts receivable account for all credit customers and a separate account for each credit customer .
First , it extracts the system defaults , then lists each account contained in / etc / security / user that has attributes which overrides the system defaults .