
  • 网络HDB;design datum;design base;design criteria
  1. 设计基准的体现及应用

    Representative and Application of design datum

  2. 设计基准与工艺基准不同时对轴类零件位置公差的影响

    The Influence to Place Error of Spare Parts of Shaft for Different of Design Datum and Technology Datum

  3. 文中首先推导和讨论了设计基准使用期内构件目标可靠指标β与核爆作用下可靠指标βH的关系。

    In this paper the relation between target reliability index of element in its standard service period , β, and reliability index under nuclear blast action , β _H , is discussed and derived .

  4. 一些通用原则或品质因素已经确定,并且可以作为SOAD中的设计基准

    Some general principles or quality factors can already be identified and act as a design baseline within SOAD

  5. 大庆200MW核供热堆安全级构筑物的设计基准龙卷风

    Design basis tornado for nuclear safety structures of 200 MW nuclear heating reactor in Daqing

  6. 获得应力在设计基准期〔0,T〕内的最大值概率分布及统计参数估计;正态-复合非时齐Poisson过程模型结构可靠度及结构可靠性当量正态设计表达式。

    Obtains the formulas of probability distribution of maximum and statistical parameter estimation , the formulas of the structural reliability and of design of equivalent normal random variable of structural relia-bility for normal distribution-compound non-homogeneous poisson process model , the standard period [ 0 , T ] of the design .

  7. 论图样中标注设计基准的必要性和方法

    On the Necessity and Approach of Marking Design Data in Drafts

  8. 主厂房结构超过设计基准使用期的探讨

    Problem about Main Power House Exceeding the Design Reference Service Period

  9. 结构可靠度分析中设计基准期的敏度分析

    The Sensitivity Analysis of Design Reference Period in Structure Reliability Calculation

  10. 在本文中简要介绍了两个超设计基准事故的分析结果。

    The results of two beyond design basic accidents are presented briefly .

  11. 设计基准期、设计工作寿命及重要性系数间的关系

    Relationship of Design Reference Period , Design Working Life and Important Coefficient

  12. 对滨河研究堆堆址设计基准洪水的探讨

    Discussion about Design Basis Flood of Site of Research Reactors by River

  13. 混凝土简支梁设计基准期内的可靠度

    Reliability of concrete simple-supported beam under fire during design period

  14. 船用核动力装置的超设计基准事故及其对策

    Beyond Design Basis Accident of Marine Nuclear Power Plant

  15. 设计基准期内水库最高水位的概率分布模型

    Probability Distribution Model of Reservoirs ' Maximum Water Level in Design Reference Period

  16. 三坐标测量中确定测量基准与设计基准一致的重要性

    Essentiality for consistency of measure benchmark and design benchmark in three coordinates measure

  17. 非设计基准定位时工序尺寸及其偏差的新探讨

    Discussion on the Size and Deviation of Working Procedure Located by Non-design Reference

  18. 评定设计基准地震动的地震构造法

    Seismotectonic approach to evaluation of design basis ground motion

  19. 首要的问题就是如何设计基准测试。

    First and foremost is the question of what should the benchmark look like ?

  20. 轴针式喷油嘴设计基准的探讨

    Discussion on the Design Reference of Pintle Nozzle

  21. 应调高设计基准期等参数;

    Such parameters as design benchmark period , etc.

  22. 在桥梁的设计基准期(生命周期)内,如何合理地选择维修方案,就有着相当重要的现实意义。

    How to choose repair plan reasonably in the lifetime of bridges will be critical .

  23. 本文的研究可为结构设计基准期的合理确定和结构的耐久性设计提供一定的参考。

    The studies may be used as reference for deciding structural design lifetime and durability design .

  24. 明确了小城镇桥涵设计基准期为100年;

    Defined 100 years as the design reference period of the small town bridges and culverts ;

  25. 设计基准期和设计工作寿命是结构可靠度设计中的两个基本概念。

    Design reference period and design working life are two basic variables in structural reliability design .

  26. 在滨海核电厂设计基准洪水位确定中的风暴潮评价

    Some evaluations for storm surge in determination of design basis flood level on coastal nuclear power plant site

  27. 其要点之一是如何确定结构在设计基准期内容许的失效概率。

    One of its main points is how to determine the allowable failure probability in the design reference period .

  28. 机加工中,工艺基准和设计基准不重合时,会出现“假废品”问题。

    In machining , false waster will arise as the technology data and design data do not coincide with each other .

  29. 本文就是叙述如何通过基准盘来设计基准时钟系统的思想及实现过程。

    This paper presents the design idea and the procedure of implementing the basis clock system by the basis disk method .

  30. 本论文主要开展压水堆核电厂放射性源项中设计基准源项和现实源项研究及程序开发工作。

    This paper mainly expounds the calculation method and program development of the design and realistic source term for PWR nuclear power plant .