
  • 网络design consultant;Design Consultancies;Design Advisor;Design Adviser
  1. 我要是去墨西哥的话,就想去水上玩,但是那套房子太惊艳了。弗里斯克说。她是一名平面设计师兼设计顾问,住在芝加哥的西镇(WestTown)社区。

    If I was going to Mexico , I wanted to be on the water , but that house is completely amazing , said Ms. Frisk , a graphic designer and design consultant in the West Town neighborhood of Chicago .

  2. 我们还会见了我队原住民建筑师和设计顾问,望达·达拉·科斯塔(WandaDallaCosta)。

    We also met with Wanda Dalla Costa , a Native architect and design consultant to our team .

  3. 除城镇路段少数几个信标外,设计顾问单位所建的gps信标不得位于施工现场或报告中示踪位置。

    The GPS beacons established by design consultants could not be located either at site or traced in reports except a few beacons in town sections .

  4. 他开始同品牌和设计顾问合作打造PaperBoat这一品牌,设计了动人心弦的广告语“饮料与回忆”以及时尚的包装与网站。

    He began working with branding and des ­ ign consultancies to create the Paper Boat brand , with its evocative tagline " drinks and memories , " and its stylish packaging and website .

  5. TOMATO大码头品牌设计顾问致力于品牌研究,品牌创建,品牌沟通、推广及品牌管理的专业顾问设计策划机构。

    TOMATO Brand Designing & Associates is a professional design organization which is focus on brand studying and brand building , brand communication , brand spreading and management .

  6. CCDI集团公司的前身是中建国际(深圳)设计顾问有限公司,成立于1994年。

    CCDI was founded in1994 as a design firm specializing in architecture .

  7. 伦敦2012年奥运会的主要设计顾问里基伯德特(rickyburdett)表示,其团队希望从1992年巴塞罗纳奥运会的经历中汲取灵感。

    London 2012 principal design adviser Ricky Burdett says his team looked to the Barcelona 1992 Olympic experience for inspiration .

  8. 朗涛策略设计顾问公司(LandorAssociates)首席营销官海斯•罗思(HayesRoth)表示:“强大品牌价值和强劲股票表现之间存在显著的一致性。”

    Hayes Roth , chief marketing officer of Landor Associates , the consultancy , says : " There is remarkable consistency between strong brand value and stock performance . "

  9. 泰州DARTER大唐设计顾问是一家专注品牌形象设计,致力于品牌研究和推广的专业设计策划机构。

    Taizhou DARTER Design Consultant is an professional agency which focuses on the brand image designing , researching and promoting .

  10. 为了重新站稳脚跟,Gap最近取消了由明星设计顾问丽贝卡o贝担任的创意总监一职。加盟Gap仅两年的丽贝卡,此前曾成功推出H&M旗下高端品牌Cos。

    In an effort to find its footing again , Gap recently eliminated the role of creative director that had been held by star design consultant Rebekka Bay , whom it had hired just over 2 years earlier after she successfully launched H & M 's upscale Cos brand .

  11. 2002年这些经验启发了伊士曼寻找设计顾问公司IDEO为了一个某些材料新的角度的利用。

    In2002 , these enlightening experiences led Eastman to seek out design consultancy IDEO for a fresh perspective on the uses of some of its materials .

  12. 麦当劳渴望能够保持现有的logo,于是麦当劳雇佣了LouisCheskin——他是一个心理学家同时也是一个设计顾问。并且声称这个金色拱门是一种弗洛伊德营销,可以让顾客看到这个logo会想到是一对滋养的乳房,让客户感到饥饿。

    Louis Cheskin , a psychologist and design consultant hired by McDonald 's urged them to keep the current logo , claiming that the golden arches had a Freudian effect that made customers imagine a pair of nourishing breasts , which then made them hungry .

  13. 设计顾问系统及其在潜艇电子武器系统中的应用

    The Application of Advisor Systems to the Submarine Electronic Weapon System

  14. 工程及产品设计顾问服务。

    Engineering and product design consultation service .

  15. 业主的下列签名即是授权设计顾问代表业主开展本项目工作。

    Your signature below represents the authority to work on your behalf on this project .

  16. 协调客户、业主、设计顾问、施工单位和供应商。

    Coordinate with client , landlord , design consultant , site supervisor , contractors and suppliers .

  17. 大体来看,与当前估算相比,设计顾问单位过高地估算了设计洪水。

    In general , design consultants over-estimated the design floods as compared to the present estimate .

  18. 设计顾问,着眼于改进产品,还着着重对使用者或消费者的了解。

    Design consultancies , in aiming to improve products , also focus on the user or consumer .

  19. 业主与设计顾问在无对方书面同意的情况下不应进行本协议的转让。

    Neither the Client nor the Design Professional shall Assign this Agreement without the written consent of her other .

  20. 直接曾试图了解在文化变革中设计顾问公司作为合作伙伴的态度。

    A direct attempt was made to understand attitudes toward the idea of design consultancy as partner in culture change .

  21. 安迪克拉克是一个视觉的网页设计师设在英国,并开始他的设计顾问的东西,废话在1998年。

    Andy Clarke is a visual web designer based in the UK and started his design consultancy stuff and nonsense in 1998 .

  22. 设计顾问的所有设计工作都在美国境内、设计顾问的洛杉矶事务所完成。

    All Design work of Design Consultant will be performed in the USA , in the Los Angeles Office of Design Consultant .

  23. 这种关系类似于一个设计顾问和他的客户之间的关系,虽然他们都隶属三星公司。

    The relationship was similar to that of a design consultancy and its client , even though all of them were in Samsung .

  24. 吉尼斯酿造的公司参与想像力,该公司是以伦敦为基地的多重学科的设计顾问,帮助吉尼斯开发一个新的顾客品牌经验中心。

    The Guinness brewing company engaged Imagination , a London-based multidisciplinary design consultancy , to help Guinness develop a new customer brand experience center .

  25. 黄志达设计顾问(香港)有限公司完成了香港多个楼盘、社会名流住宅,以及商业办公空间的设计。

    Up to now , the Company has worked with hundreds Hong Kong mansions , celebrities'residences and commercial offices successfully fulfilling their interior design needs .

  26. 他认为文化的角色转变是内部的组织,并认为它是不适当让设计顾问公司能参与。

    He felt the role of culture change was internal to the organization and believed it was inappropriate for a design consultancy to be involved .

  27. 在意大利,1500双限量版高跟鞋将在今年秋天发售,售价为610英镑。每双鞋子都有编号,上面还有一名时尚设计顾问的签名。

    Initially , 1,500 limited edition pairs will be sold in the autumn for 610 , with each numbered and signed by a guest fashion designer .

  28. 未经业主同意,设计顾问不得将该设计用于其它项目或提供给其他方。

    Without the agreement from the Client , the Design Consultant may not use this design for other projects or provide the design to other parties .

  29. 开始测试这一理论,我们开展了试点研究,以探讨设计顾问均参与了这一活动定性的程度。

    To begin testing this theory , we undertook a pilot study to qualitatively investigate the extent to which design consultancies are engaging in this activity .

  30. 研究表明,并非所有的顾问公司和不是所有客户,相信在文化改变中有效或适当介入设计顾问公司。

    The research indicated that not all consultancies and not all clients believed in the efficacy or appropriateness of the involvement of design consultancies in culture change .