
  • 网络Predictive evaluation;forecast evaluation
  1. 原地溶浸开采技术的经济预测评价

    The Economic Forecast Evaluation of In Situ Solution-mining Technique

  2. 这是国内首次进行大爆破环境影响预测评价的尝试。

    The environmental effect forecast evaluation on large blast is at first try internal .

  3. 基于GIS的区域噪声预测评价系统模型研究

    Study of the Prediction and Assessment System Model of Regional Noise Based on GIS

  4. 大气环境影响预测评价模式VB编程方法及应用计算程序

    VB Programming Method of Atmospheric Environment Impacting Prediction Assessment Model and an Applied Program for Statistical Computation

  5. 运用GIS、遥感影像、数据库建设和层次分析法等方法评价研究,得出公路沿线地质灾害危险性预测评价结果。

    It gains critical evaluation results of geologic hazards ' forecast which applys GIS , remote sensing video , database building and AHP ect methods to assess .

  6. 以GIS为代表的高新技术的迅猛发展,为地质生态环境的信息化与预测评价提供了新的技术支撑,为地质生态环境保护、治理与修复提供了新的有效途径。

    It is rapid development of GIS that brought about new technological support to numeral and assessment of GEE , and provided new approach to protect , treat and restore it .

  7. 并将改进的RBF算法用于对港口集装箱吞吐量的预测评价,应用成果表明此优化神经网络用于集装箱吞吐量预测结果更加合理,精度有很大提高,有着广泛的应用前景。

    The result from the actual application in forecasting the container throughput shows that it is more effective and has a broad application prospect .

  8. 开发出了地铁隧道施工诱发地层环境损伤预测评价与控制设计的STEAD系统;

    Furthermore , a subway tunneling induced ground-environment-damage assessment and controlling design ( STEAD ) software code was developed and introduced .

  9. 岩溶塌陷综合预测评价的理论与方法

    Comprehensive evaluation and prediction of karst collapse : theory and method

  10. 大中型铜矿区域地球化学异常预测评价研究

    Prediction and evaluation of regional geochemical anomalies for middle-large copper deposits

  11. 小波包技术研究及储层预测评价

    The Study of Wavelet Packets Technique and Reservoir Appraising and Forecasting

  12. 某新建国际机场岩溶塌陷易发性预测评价研究

    Assessment of the Karst Collapses Predetermination at a New International Airport

  13. 城市垃圾填埋场地下水环境预测评价

    Predication and Evaluation on Groundwater Environmental Effects of City Garbage Sanitary Landfill

  14. 广州市白云区地面塌陷危险性预测评价

    Surface Collapse Hazard Assessment and Prediction in Guangzhou Baiyun Area

  15. 液氯泄漏事故危害区域预测评价

    Hazard Area Assessment and Prediction of Liquid Chlorine Leakage Accident

  16. 投入产出法的就业量预测评价

    Evaluation of prediction of quantity of employment by input-output analysis

  17. 区域斜坡空间预测评价中的尺度效应规律研究

    Research on Scale Effect Law During Spatial Prediction Evaluation of Regional Slope

  18. 模糊数学方法在交通流预测评价中的应用

    Application of fuzzy mathematics in assessment of traffic flow forecasting

  19. 岩爆综合预测评价方法

    Evaluate ; comprehensive forecasting method for estimating rock burst

  20. 通过多种定性、定量化的模型,可以对油气储集体特征实现快捷评价和综合性信息优化预测评价。

    Using various qualitative and quantitative models , fast evaluation can be realized .

  21. 矿产资源预测评价精确性与可靠性的估计原则

    Principles for estimating the accuracy and reliability of mineral resources prediction and assessment

  22. 矿产预测评价基础数据的入库策略探讨与实现

    Realization of the Loading Strategy of the Basic Evaluated Data of Mineral Resources

  23. 砂岩型铀矿成矿预测评价信息系统研究

    Study on the sandstone uranium mineralize forecast information system

  24. 地理信息系统在核电站事故场外后果预测评价系统中的应用

    Application of GIS in prediction and assessment system of off-site accident consequence for NPP

  25. 高炉铁水硅含量预测评价与模型选择

    Evaluation and Model Selection of Forecasting Silicon Content in Hot Metal of Blast Furnace

  26. 广西岩溶塌陷现状及预测评价

    Evaluation and prediction of karst collapse in Guangxi

  27. 然而,传统的设计模式缺乏对产品的可拆/装配性的预测评价能力。

    But traditional design modes lack to the estimate ability of products ' assembly performance .

  28. 盐城市地下水资源预测评价

    Evaluation of groundwater resource forecast in Yancheng

  29. 平原河网地区水体黑臭预测评价关键指标研究

    Study on Key Indicators for Judging Black and Odorous Water in Area of Plain River System

  30. 西秦岭成矿带金矿资源综合信息预测评价

    Prediction and Evaluation of the Comprehensive Information on the Gold Resource in Western Qinling Ore Belt