
  • 网络Contract;design contract
  1. 2013年3月,美国福陆公司(Fluor)赢得了该项目主要的前端工程和设计合同。

    In March 2013 Fluor of the US won the major front-end engineering and design contract for the project .

  2. 含工业产权的转让或者许可,专有技术许可或者技术服务任何一项内容的合作生产合同和合作设计合同。

    A co-operative production contact or co-operative design contract involving the assignment or licensing of industrial property rights , the licensing of proprietary technology or the provision of technical service .

  3. 本文通过对国际上已采用TBT项目融资模式的实例研究,阐明了通过合理设计合同结构来共同分担项目风险的观点。

    Based on the study of the TBT international examples , the paper presents a standpoint that project risk can be share by designing reasonable contract structure .

  4. 去年她的大部分收入来自于同时尚品牌Topshop的设计合同。

    Much of her earnings last year came thanks in part to a design deal with TopShop .

  5. 笔者希望通过文章表述的主要观点:一是进行了建设工程设计合同原理的理论阐述;

    An explanation of the principles for the architectural project contract , b.

  6. 由设计师讲解有关设计合同的条款。

    Design Specialist interior designer will explain the details of the agreement .

  7. 品牌画册设计合同样本下载?

    Contract sample of brand album design ?

  8. 他们是赢得了国家博物馆扩建工程设计合同的那家建筑行。

    They 're the firm of architects who won the contract to design the National Museum extension .

  9. 所获得的奖金将作为设计合同金额的一部分,并在首付款项中予以扣除;

    The prize is part of the contract value , and will be subtracted from the down payment .

  10. 在建筑作品的作者发表权方面,本章通过对招投标过程和委托设计合同履行过程的分析,对作品披露时间的确定提出了自己的见解。

    In the aspect of publication right of architectural works , the author argues about the disclosure timing through analyzing the process of bidding and the performance of entrustment contract .

  11. 主办单位将根据评标委员会的评标结果和国家的相关规定确定中标人,并授予其相应的设计合同。

    Sponsors will select the final bidders according to the evaluation results by the Bid Evaluation Committee and related regulations of the nation , and will grant design contracts accordingly ;

  12. 文章阐述了建设工程设计合同有关理论,通过对建设工程设计合同中存在问题的表现和原因进行分析,探讨了设计合同有关问题的相关对策。

    This paper gives firstly an explanation of the related rules on the architectural project contract , and further carries on a study on the related measures to the corresponding issues consisting in the design of contract through an analysis of its presence and reasons and presence .

  13. 承包商应将其设计纳入合同包内,以确保对每个包实施ice检查。

    The Contractor shall structure his design into packages such that the ice check can be performed for each package .

  14. 合同如何设计以及合同的参数应该如何设置?

    How to design the contract and set the parameters ?

  15. 对勘测设计企业合同管理若干问题的思考

    Reflection on Survey Design Enterprise Contract Management

  16. 进口钢材产品的质量应符合设计和合同规定标准的要求。

    The quality of imported steel products should comply with the design standards and the requirements of the contract .

  17. 针对目前工程设计单位合同管理的现状,就合同管理的运行程序、制度建设等对今后如何加强经济合同管理作了有益的探讨。

    In regard with the status of contract management of engineering corporation , discuss how to strengthen the economic contract management concerning the operation procedure and regulation establishment of contract management .

  18. 现场质量经理,作为现场经理的质量代表,负责检验所供产品和服务在施工和预调试阶段是否符合工程设计和合同要求。

    The site quality manager , as quality representative of site manager , is responsible for verifying the conformance of the products and services provided during construction and pre-commissioning phases , with the engineering design and contractual requirements .

  19. 安全价值从企业信用体系的建立、严格设质前的审查、合理设计质押合同、明确对次债务人的通知、完善登记公示制度以及设质后的监管六方面来实现。

    Safety value in enterprise credit system is established , a strict quality before the review , reasonable design of the pledge contract , to clear the secondary obligor notice , perfect registration system of public and quality supervision of a after six realization .

  20. 设计&建造合同全过程风险管理研究

    Study on Life Cycle Risk Management of Design-Build Contract

  21. 试论工程设计单位经济合同管理

    On Economic Contract Management of Engineering Corporation

  22. 另外采用设计模式及合同网模型对软件模型进行优化,提升软件解决方案的可行性。

    Furthermore we adopt design patterns and contract nets model to optimize software model , so that improve the feasibility of software solutions .

  23. 经过了几年的经济挫折后,台湾的大牌高科技公司意识到他们不能再仅仅依靠原创设计方的合同工作了,即使是苹果公司。

    After several years of financial setbacks , Taiwan 's big-name high-tech firms know they can 't rely anymore on just contract work from original designers , even Apple .

  24. 大型项目或大型景观建筑事务所工作时,景观建筑师往往在一个阶段的工作,如项目的设计或管理合同。

    When working on large projects or for large landscape architectural firms , landscape architects often specialize in one phase of the work , such as project design or administration contracts .

  25. 严格按施工合同的工期、质量、安全等目标编制施工组织设计,确保合同中的各项要求均得到有效保证。

    Strictly in accordance with the construction contract duration , quality , safety and target preparation of construction organization design to ensure that the requirements of the contract have been effectively guaranteed .

  26. 合同管理模块主要对合同的类型和约束条件进行详细的分析和设计,包括合同的登记、提交、审批、作废、查询、统计等。

    Contract management focuses on detailed analysis and design of the types of and constraints on contracts , including their registration , submission , approval , cancellation , query , statistics , and so forth .

  27. 卖方需根据合同附件I所规定的设计基础完成合同工厂的所有工程设计,买方负责的设计除外。

    The Seller undertakes to make all the engineering designs of the Contract Plant according to the basis of design stipulated in Annex I to the Contract , except the designs to be performed by the Buyer .

  28. 通过分析成本的来源,结合实践从五个关键控制点展开论述,即土地开发及相关费用控制、规划设计控制、合同控制、工程预(决)算控制、甲供材料控制。

    According to the cost origin , 5 key points of the control are discussed including the land development and charge control , plan and design control , contract control , project budget control , owner supply material control .

  29. 然而,必须强调,相关审核和意见并不解除在合同中所规定的供应商责任,并应确认设计完全符合合同的有关规定。

    However , it must be emphasized that relevant review and comments does not relieve the supplier 's responsibilities as stipulated in the contract , and to ensure that the design fully complies with relevant stipulations of the contract .

  30. 发包人要求设计人比合同规定时间提前交付设计文件时,须征得设计人同意,不得严重背离合理设计周期,且发包人应支付赶工费。

    6If the employer require the designer to delivery the design documents in advance , it should get the prior consent of the designer without serious deviation from the reasonable design circle , and the employer shall pay the crush cost .