
  • 网络MVC;Design thinking;design;Design concept;design philosophy
  1. 介绍了电气综合试验系统的设计思想、Access数据库管理技术。

    Access database management technology and the design thinking of electrical integrated testing system are presented .

  2. 本文以所研制的监控系统为例,研究了采用嵌入式Internet技术的远程监控系统的设计思想、方法和实现技术。

    Taking the designed remote monitoring and control system as an example , this paper presented the design thinking , method and key technologies when using embedded Internet technology .

  3. 基于Web的电站仿真培训系统设计思想

    Concept Design of Web-based Training Systems for Power Plant Simulation

  4. 基于Linux与WINDOWSnt的文件系统透视它们的设计思想

    Comparison between the Design Thought of Linux and Windows NT

  5. 面向对象设计思想在CAI课程制作中的应用

    Application of the object-oriented design idea in the making of CAI coursewares

  6. 我国首台工业CT的数据采集与传输系统的设计思想和实施方案

    The Design Thought and Implementation Method on Data Collection and Transmission System of the First Industrial CT in Our Country

  7. 利用多Agent设计思想以及多Agent技术来解决当前网络答疑系统中存在的问题是本文研究的主要目的。

    The purpose of this thesis is to make the advantage of Agent designing thought and Multi-Agent technology to solve the problems .

  8. 通过对分布式技术进行研究,实现了分布式接口设计思想的实际应用,建立了应用程序Server。

    Through the distributed technique research , the actual application of distributed interface designing theory is realized and the application server is established .

  9. 介绍了将APPLEⅠPlUS微机用于该系统的设计思想和实现方法。

    The design ideas and implementation methods which used an APPLE ⅱ plus microcomputer for the system are presented .

  10. 本文对可编程序控制器(PLC)应用于镗铣组合机床电气控制系统的设计思想作了介绍。

    This article mainly introduces the design thought of PLC applying for Tang Xi Modular Machine Tool electronic control system .

  11. 本文还重点介绍了该平台的N层体系架构,特别对其中的难点和关键的设计思想,及其实现的技术路线进行了详细的探讨和说明。

    The N-layer platform structure is presented and discussed in detail , especially the key design pattern , some difficulties and the technical implementation method .

  12. 基于OPC的变电站自动化监控主站软件的设计思想

    Design concept of a monitoring master station software in substation automation system based on OPC

  13. 本文阐述SIM的基本功能和总体设计思想。

    This paper introduces its basic functions and total design ideas .

  14. 然后介绍了交流CMOS门电路的设计思想及结构与工作原理上的特点。

    Furthermore , the design thinking and the characteristics of structure and working principle of AC CMOS gates are introduced .

  15. 文中讨论了利用MATLAB开放式可扩充体系结构,开发出色谱分析综合性计算机初级专家系统的构想和设计思想。

    The paper discussed the design and application of the expert system of chromatographic analysis based on the opening and expansion structure of MATLAB language .

  16. 采用了基于H∞控制系统的优化设计思想,在对轴向磁轴承H∞控制进行分析的基础上将H∞控制应用于磁轴承的控制器设计中。

    It adopted the optimization design idea based on H ∞ control . And the H ∞ control in the control design of magnetic bearing was applied .

  17. 本文给出了一个基于Linux平台和Oracle数据库的校园网上计算机考试系统的设计思想及实现。

    A concrete design and implementation of Computer Testing System of campus based on Linux operating system and Oracle database are proposed .

  18. 叙述了我校WWW信息系统主页的设计思想和制作方法。

    This paper describes the design and make up of WTUSM homepage in WWW information system .

  19. 关键绩效指标(KPI)设计思想及实例

    Design Thought and Examples on Key Performance Indicator

  20. 阐述CM桩复合地基的设计思想,介绍了CM桩复合地基的承载力计算方法及其在工程中的应用。

    The paper explains the design concept of CM pile composite foundation , introduces computation method for bearing capacity of CM pile and its practical application .

  21. 阐述支持网络的超媒体CAI课件的设计思想,简要介绍制作CAI课件的一般过程。

    This article describes the design idea of hyper-media CAI courseware which supported networks , and introduces the common process which makes a CAI courseware .

  22. 首先给出了MAIDS的设计思想和设计目标;

    First , it presents the design idea and design object of MAIDS .

  23. 以软件组合描述符文件为例,说明了SCA配置文件自动生成工具的设计思想和实现过程。

    Using the software assembly descriptor file as a demonstration , the paper provides an overview of the design concepts and implemented process .

  24. 以数字信号处理器DSP研制便携式旋转风机故障诊断分析仪,并详细阐述了系统的硬件结构以及软件设计思想。

    Digital signal processor ( DSP ) was adopted to design portable rotating air blower fault diagnosis instrument , and the system hardware structure and the software designing ideas were expounded .

  25. 以三维造型软件SolidWorks2005为平台,采用参数化的设计思想,以VISUALBASIC6.0为开发工具,建立了真空灭弧室零件参数化系统。

    Based on the SolidWorks 2005 environment and the theory of the parametric design with the support of the programming tool of Visual Basic , the parametric design system for vacuum interrupters ' parts is established .

  26. 介绍了基于智能移动设备的集成开发环境(IDE)的设计思想和主要功能,重点说明了智能编辑器中的部分关键技术实现。

    This paper introduces primary functions of IDE based on portable intelligent mobile devices , and presents partial key techniques of the intelligent editor .

  27. 论述了具有专家式PID自整定控制器的控制系统的一般结构和参数自整定回路的作用,提出了新的设计思想和相应的实现方法。

    The general structure of the control systems composed of expert PID self-tuning controller and the functions of parameter self-tuning loop are described . New design concepts and associated implementing methods are presented .

  28. 首先介绍了基于双CPU模式RTU遥测单元的设计思想,通过详实资料描述了该系统硬件组成与软件设计特点。

    It introduced the designing idea of RTU remote measurement unit based on dual-CPU , described aspects of hardware structure and software design by detailed data .

  29. 虽然JAX-RPC的设计思想是可以为实际Web服务实现使用不同的协议实现,但在实践中,仅将其用于SOAP服务。

    Although JAX-RPC was designed with the idea that different protocol implementations might be used for the actual Web service implementation , in practice it has only been used for SOAP services .

  30. 介绍了一种步进式数控AGC电路的组成及工作原理,给出了实用电路的设计思想。

    The paper introduces the operation principle and structure of a step by step digital control AGC circuit , and gives the design thought of material circuit .