
  1. 物理CAI课件设计艺术研究

    A Study of the Designing Arts for Physics CAI

  2. 现代产品形态仿生设计艺术研究

    Study on the Bionic Arts in the Design of Modern Products

  3. 中国书籍设计艺术研究

    The Research of Book Design in China

  4. 当代博物馆展示设计艺术研究

    Contemporary Museum Exhibition Design Art Research

  5. 二十世纪前期上海设计艺术研究

    The Study of the Art of Design in the Preceding Period of Twenty Century in Shanghai

  6. 小型医疗监护产品的设计艺术美学研究

    Study on Aesthetics of Art Design of Small Iatrical Tutelar Product

  7. 设计艺术学研究的对象及范围

    The Object and Range of the Research of Science of Design Art

  8. 当前我国设计艺术学研究生教育中的问题及对策

    Talking about the Problems in the Education of Postgraduates of Design Art Studies

  9. 通过理论探索、实例分析到技术解决的全过程,为中式风格融入到现代设计艺术的研究提供了一定的理论与实践依据。

    It promotes certain theoretical basis and practice by blending the Chinese style into the modern design art through theoretical exploration , case analysis and the solution to the whole process of technology .

  10. 敦煌设计艺术美学的研究思路和方法

    Thinking and Method for the Dunhuang Design Art Aesthetics

  11. 网络课件设计的艺术处理研究

    Research on Network Class Design Artistic Processing

  12. 关于设计艺术学科硕士学位研究生的培养

    About Training Postgraduates Studying for Master 's Degree of Design Subject

  13. 现代平面设计中艺术符号的研究

    The Research of Art Symbols in the Modern Visual Design

  14. 基于空间艺术设计领域的光艺术研究

    Research on Light Art Based on Spatial Art Design Field

  15. 设计艺术学专业硕士研究生培养模式探索

    Exploration of a cultivation mode for master 's education of art design

  16. 两个层面&风景园林规划设计中的艺术语言研究

    Art Language in Planning and Design of Landscaping

  17. 地铁导向标识系统设计的艺术新形态研究

    Research on the New Art Form of Guiding Sign System Design for the Subway

  18. 现代平面设计中的美学艺术研究&均衡美在招贴艺术中的运用解读

    The Research on the Aesthetics in the Modern Graphic Design & Balance in the application and interpretion of poster art

  19. 文章又对网络广告交互动画设计的艺术性进行研究论述并且分析其艺术表现和艺术特征,总结提出了网络广告交互动画设计应该遵循的设计原则。

    Moreover , this paper further discusses and analyzes the artistic forms and features of interactive animation of online advertisements , and puts forward the design principle that interactive animation of online advertisements should conform to .

  20. 书籍设计的时空艺术性研究与当代社会发展相适应,具有与时俱进性,是书籍的人性化设计,促进书籍设计的多元化发展,同时,在当代市场经济中增强书籍的商品竞争力。

    Researched on the times and space art of book design which is Humanized Design adapt Contemporary society development , promote the diversification development of book design , at the same time , it enhances book competitiveness in contemporary market .

  21. 通过对地铁标识导向设计的艺术新形态研究,体现了我国人民的审美观念、情趣取向和精神状态,透视出一个城市的文明程度,是一道独具特色的风景线。

    From the research of subway Guiding Sign System design , reflect the aesthetic standards , fun-oriented and state of mind , perspective of the degree of civilization of a city . subway guiding sign system is a unique landscape .

  22. 通过对汉画像石上的几何形纹饰的发展变化研究来折射古代的设计思想,这是现代设计艺术理论研究中不可或缺的重要内容。

    It is the design thought of the ancient times reflected through the study of the evolution of the geometry shape emblazonment of The Han Dynasty Stone-carved Picture that was the indispensable important content of the art design fundamental research .

  23. 通过探索20世纪设计风格与时尚的演变规律和内在动因,借鉴相关的设计、艺术理论和研究成果,以总-分-总的篇章结构论述了20世纪设计风格的演变过程和未来的发展趋势。

    Through probing into the rules of evolvement and internal causation of design styles in the 20th Century and using some related knowledge of arts and design theories for reference , I described the process of design evolvement in the 20th Century and the coming design trend in this dissertation .

  24. 通过设计批评、设计创作两个途径,来解决一些设计问题、解释一些设计现象。无意识设计是真正以人为本的设计理念,对于现代设计艺术研究有着重要的理论和实践意义。

    In the way of design criticism and design creation can some designing problems and phenomena be solved and explained . " Without Thought Design " is a people-oriented designing concept , and it has great theoretical and practical significance for study of contemporary designing art .