
shè jì tú zhǐ
  • design paper;design drawing;CAD
  1. 在此基础上,认真地研究相关设计图纸和技术文件,对一些关键零件的技术参数给予重新设定,制定了行之有效的加工工艺和装配方法。

    In this foundation , earnestly studies the correlation design paper and the technical document , gives the hypothesis to some essential components technical parameters again it has formulated the effective processing craft and the assembly method .

  2. 所有结构上的尺寸/维数倘是不可从算术或CAD数据上得到,要将被详列在设计图纸上。

    All dimensions needed for construction that are not available from math or CAD data Are to be detailed on the design drawing .

  3. 制作、编制产品相关技术文件,包括:设计图纸、BOM表、检验报告等;

    Compose correlation technique document , including : design of the drawing ; BOM ; quality report etc.

  4. 按设计图纸、规范及制作厂质检报告单,对构件(member)的质量进行验收检查,做好检查记录。

    Inspection and acceptance for member quality shall be carried out based on the design drawings , specifications and the quality testing report of the manufacturer , with the proper inspection records .

  5. 在没有产品CAD模型和没有设计图纸或者设计图纸不完整的情况下,按照现有产品样件,利用各种数字化技术及CAD技术重构其CAD模型的过程,被称为实物反求工程。

    Reverse engineering of physical objects refers to the process of creating engineering design data ( including the CAD model ) from existing parts by using many digitized technologies and CAD technology .

  6. 本文介绍了在AutoCAD绘图软件下,开发屏幕菜单及尺寸公差、形位公差、粗糙度等机械设计图纸中常用标注的方法。

    This paper deals with the developing screen menus and some methods used for marking demension tolerance , form and position tolerance as well as surface roughness in enviroment of AutoCAD software .

  7. 笔者着重叙述CDJukebox光盘库因其可安全永久地归档大量信息数据,成为我公司不计其数的设计图纸数据存储及档案管理不可或缺的存储设备。

    Because CD Jukebox can store a large amount of data safely and permanently , it become essential in design drawing data storage and archive management in our company .

  8. 阐述了工程设计图纸档案的前身&工程设计CAD电子文件的特性,讨论了它的原始性与法律效力问题以及在其管理上遇到的问题,从而使CAD电子文件得到更好的管理和利用。

    The paper states the characteristics of project design CAD electronic document that is predecessor of project design drawing file . It also discuses its origination and legal effect problem as well as the problem encountered in the management so that CAD electronic document can get better management and utilization .

  9. 对CAD/CAM在中小企业实施过程中所产生的设计图纸等信息难于管理的问题进行了分析和研究,提出了应该在中小企业中建立符合其规模的PDM系统。

    During the course of using CAD / CAM system , some small corporations faced the difficulty of managing the information such as designing drawings with computer . Based on the research of this problem , this paper advises those corporations to use PDM system suited them .

  10. 根据岸桥的金属结构设计图纸,建立整机的ANSYS模型及门腿的DYNA模型,并在此模型的基础上展开本文的各项研究。

    The analytic work mainly includes the following respects : 1 . Set up ANSYS model and DYNA model of the container crane , according to the designed drawing of the metal structure of the quayside container crane .

  11. 就考试中的计算机辅助设计图纸打印输出设置方法,结合考题中非标准图幅的要求进行了详细分析,对于学生参加ATA考试有借鉴作用。

    Aiming at the setting method to printing out Auto CAD drawing in examination , detailed analysis is given in light of the abnormal requirments , Which can be a good reference for students attending ATA test .

  12. 参数化绘图模块包括LP、LC、LF、YC、YD、YE等六种型式爆破片装置所有设计图纸的参数化绘图程序,共计37个。

    The parametric drawing module includes parametric programmes of LP , LC , LF , YC , YD and YE type of bursting disc devices . It has 37 programmes which can finish parametric drawing of all of these six types of bursting disc devices .

  13. 最初的EBG-K公司原本是奥地利一家专门为西门子、ABB这类大公司专业做电阻器的,由西门子、ABB等大公司给出要求和设计图纸,EBG-K公司帮助生产,后来成为一个独立的品牌。

    EBG-K is a specialized company originally to produce the resistors as per given the requirements and design drawings for large companies such as Siemens , ABB in Austria , and later became an independent brand .

  14. 而且实验室的设计图纸是保密的。

    And the plans for the lab have to be secure .

  15. 海底电缆在设计图纸审查和敷设施工过程中的质量控制

    Quality Control in Drawing Review and Laying Work of Submarine Cables

  16. 他的工作是负责设计图纸和审核。

    He is responsible for the work of design drawings and audit .

  17. 有,地震发生器的设计图纸。

    Yeah , the design schematics of the earthquake generator .

  18. 根据两种座椅悬架的设计图纸,分别加工出两套座椅悬架。

    Base on the design drawing , two seat-suspension entities is manufactured .

  19. 设计图纸的产品很少与展示的完全一样。

    Seldom are the designs reproduced exactly as illustrated .

  20. 这一设计图纸还未画出就被认为不实用而遭废弃。

    The design is scrubbed at the drawing board stage as being impractical .

  21. 依照客户的用户需求或技术参数表,审核设计图纸。

    Review the design drawing according to customer 's URS or technical specifications .

  22. 我已经拿到了建筑规格和设计图纸。

    I 've got the building specs and layout .

  23. 依据设计图纸,完成将钢带夹紧装置各零部件的生产制造。

    The strip tension clamping device is manufactured on the basis of design drawings .

  24. 根据采购规范设计图纸寻找供应商或制造商;

    Selecting appropriate suppliers according to the component specification required by the design team .

  25. 根据设计图纸寻找制造商;

    Working with appropriate manufacturers according to the drawings created by the design team .

  26. 可根据顾客需求的产品设计图纸来加工产品。

    Can according to customer need of product design diagram paper to process a product .

  27. 电装生产设计图纸质量测控管理初探

    A preliminary study on prediction and pre-control of drawing quality for electrical outfitting production design

  28. 那位建筑师给我们看了她的设计图纸。

    The architect showed us her designs .

  29. 对于科技产品来说,从设计图纸到真正的投入产粗需要数月甚至数年。

    Technology products take months or years to go from the blueprint stage to production .

  30. 这个引人注目的体育馆在揭晓它的设计图纸的神秘面纱前就已是个新闻制造者了。

    The eye-catching stadium has been a news maker ever since the unveiling of its blueprint .