
  • 网络Design elevation;D Ht
  1. Excel在纵断面设计高程计算中的应用

    The Application of Excel in the Height Computation in Longitudinal Section Design

  2. 绥满国道主干线辅道工程标准横断面设计高程EXCEL程序计算总结

    On the standard transection elevation design of the auxiliary road engineering based on Excel

  3. 结合工程实例,从中线设计高程、行车道边缘设计高程,边线设计高程几个方面对用EXCEL编程计算路基横断面进行了论述。

    Based on the practice , discussion is made on using Excel to calculate the subgrade transection , especially in elevation design in central line , walkway edge and sideline .

  4. 河道堤防设计高程的概率设计和风险校核方法

    Probability Design and Risk Analysis of River Embankment Elevation

  5. 碾压混凝土拦河坝工程须经过四个枯水期四个汛期的施工才能达到设计高程。

    The construction of the roller compacted concrete dam needs four dry seasons and four flood seasons to reach the design elevation .

  6. 结果表明:坝体在现状(+1273.92m)和设计高程(+1300m)下是稳定的;

    It is showed that the dam at present ( + 1273.92m ) and the designed altitude ( + 1300m ) are stable ;

  7. 该文以数字高程模型为基础,充分发挥遗传算法的全局优化能力,应用遗传算法来进行土地平整设计高程的确定和土方量计算;

    In this study , a new method for optimizing design elevation and calculating earthwork using genetic algorithm based on Digital Elevation Model ( DEM ) was introduced .

  8. 由于地质资料与实际不符,南沉井在没有沉到设计高程时局部已落到岩面上,导致沉井倾斜。

    Because the geological data were not accordant to the actual condition , the south open caisson was declining after falling on the terraced surface to fail in reaching the design height .

  9. 桥下不通航且为宽浅性河床又无冰冻期,从建桥成本方面考虑设置的桥面设计高程较低,满足经济合理性要求。

    Under bridge no navigation and is wide shallow sex without freeze-up river again , from the aspects of bridge deck cost low elevation design , satisfy the demands of economic rationality ;

  10. 在开发利用海洋过程中,潮位要素设计高程是非常重要的参数,同时伴随着现阶段风暴潮的频繁出现、这使它成为海洋观测与预报重点对象。

    In the process of development and utilization of ocean , tidal height is a very important element of the design parameters and accompanied by frequent storm surges , that making it the focus of ocean observation and prediction .

  11. 土地平整中设计高程的确定和土方量计算是土地整理项目规划设计的重要内容之一,对开展规划设计、控制总投资及分配资金具有重要意义。

    Determining design elevation and calculating earthwork are one of the main tasks in planning and design of land consolidation projects , which is of great significance to land planning and design , the control of total investment and allocating fund .

  12. 依据路基设计高程种类、超高旋转方式及超高缓和各阶段,公路中线路面高程与路基设计高程有所不同,对公路纵断面检测偏差进行了修正。

    According to the type of subgrade design elevation , pattern of superelevation rotation and stage of superelevation relaxation , there is some deference between subgrade design elevation and centre-pavement elevation . Therefore , it is necessary to correct survey deviation of detection on highway 's vertical section line .

  13. 对公路三维勘测设计的数字高程模型的数据采集方法提出建议,同时设计一套公路三维透视系统,这对于公路三维设计具有一定的辅助作用。

    Some proposals for DEM data acquisition of 3D Highway Design are given and a 3D perspective system was presented also .

  14. 本文在分析了GPS高程转换原理和BP网络算法的基础上,设计出了GPS高程转换的三层前馈型BP网络,并结合实例进行了分析。

    Based on the analysis of conversion of GPS height and BP network algorithm , this paper designed three layer feed-forward BP network to convert GPS height , combined with an example , computation and analyses are made . And some questions about GPS height conversion by ANN are referred .

  15. 该研究表明,可采用组合频率法推求的潮位与波浪组合设计值作为制定海堤设计高程的依据。

    The research shows that the design value combines tidal level and wave by composite frequency method is considered to be the reference for design levee elevation .

  16. 结合上述理论方法,推求芦潮港站和连兴港站潮位与波浪的组合设计值,为该地区堤防设计高程的制定提供依据。

    According to these theories , the design values of Luchaogang and Lianxinggang are estimated , as the basis for design levee elevation in the area .