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  • access protocol
  1. ActivityLogging记录由个人、数据库和访问协议产生的用户活动。

    Activity Logging records user activity by person , database , and access protocol .

  2. SOAP,即简单对象访问协议,定义了在Web上交换数据的协议标准。

    SOAP ( Simple Object Access Protocol ) defines a protocol specification for exchanging data in Web .

  3. 该系统采用轻量目录访问协议和WebServices作为组合实现一个易于集成的统一认证系统。

    In the system , LDAP and Web Services are combined to realize an integrated and unified authentication system .

  4. 这个ID被映射到特定于访问协议的服务器引用。

    This ID is mapped to the access protocol-specific server reference .

  5. 无线ATM通信网多址访问协议与信道动态分配算法研究

    Research on MAC and DCA for Wireless ATM Communications Network

  6. 重点将是简单对象访问协议(SOAP)。

    The focus will be on the Service Object Access Protocol ( SOAP ) .

  7. 基于轻量目录访问协议和SOAP的统一认证框架设计

    Design of UIA based on LDAP and SOAP

  8. 简单对象访问协议SOAP在分布式系统中的应用研究

    Research and Application of SOAP in Distributed System

  9. 简单对象访问协议(SimpleObjectAccessProtocol,SOAP),开发人员可以使用这种独立于平台的机制,远程调用分布式对象的方法。

    The Simple Object Access Protocol ( SOAP ) provides developers with a platform-independent mechanism to remotely invoke methods on distributed objects .

  10. 文章仔细分析了现有电子商务系统在构架上存在的不足和远程访问协议上存在的局限性,创设了基于WEBService的分布式构架。

    The existing shortcomings of the frame of the present E-Commerce system is analyzed carefully and a distributed frame based on Web Service technology is put forward .

  11. 为了方便主体访问协议本体,生成了一个API接口程序。

    An API interface program is created to facilitate agent accessing the protocol ontology . 4 .

  12. 作为成功的Internet协议,轻量级目录访问协议(LDAP)在网络中有着广泛的应用前景。

    As a successful Internet protocol , LDAP ( Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ) has gained wide support .

  13. SOAP:简单对象访问协议(SimpleObjectAccessProtocol)是一个基于XML的,用于在分散的分布式环境下交换信息的轻量级协议。

    SOAP : Simple Object Access Protocol is an XML-based lightweight protocol for the exchange of information in a decentralized , distributed environment .

  14. 简单对象访问协议(SimpleObjectAccessProtocol,SOAP)是用于在此类情况下调用Web服务的协议之一。

    Simple Object Access Protocol ( SOAP ) is one of the protocols used to invoke a web service in this type of situation .

  15. 可惜的是,简单对象访问协议(SimpleObjectAccessProtocol,SOAP)1.1并不包括签名消息的规定,因此也无此安全性。

    Unfortunately , the Simple Object Access Protocol ( SOAP ) 1.1 did not include provisions for signing messages and thus lacks this security .

  16. 简单对象访问协议是在分散或分布式的环境中交换信息的简单的协议,是一个基于XML的协议。

    Simple Object Access Protocol is the simple protocol of information exchange in dispersive or distributive circumstances , and it is XML-based protocol .

  17. SOAP(简单对象访问协议)定义了客户机与服务器之间传递的消息。

    SOAP ( Simple Object Access Protocol ), which specifies messages flowing between a client and server .

  18. 当前,最流行的绑定(binding)技术是使用简单对象访问协议(SOAP)。

    Currently , the most popular binding technique is to use the Simple Object Access Protocol ( SOAP ) .

  19. 轻量级目录访问协议(LightweightDirectoryAccessProtocol,LDAP)已经成为了存储所有可能需要查找的数据的行业标准。

    LDAP ( Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ) has already become an industry standard to store all possible look-up data .

  20. 主动用户注册中心=轻量级目录访问协议(LDAP)用户注册中心

    Active User Registry = Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ( LDAP ) user registry

  21. 或者您甚至可以想象任意一个Java类可以被当作Web服务,以本机Java调用作为访问协议。

    Or you can even envision any arbitrary Java class being treated as a Web service , with native Java invocations as the access protocol .

  22. 在WLAN实现VoIP的新兴多路访问协议

    Novel Multiple Access Protocol for VoIP in WLAN

  23. 轻量级目录访问协议(LDAP)是正式的目录访问协议。

    Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ( LDAP ) is a formalized directory access protocol .

  24. LDAP表示轻量级目录访问协议。

    LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol .

  25. 相反,轻量级目录访问协议(LightweightDirectoryAccessProtocol,LDAP)存储库是面向服务的,仅提供了特定的查找API。

    In contrast , Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ( LDAP ) repositories are service-oriented ; only specific lookup APIs are provided .

  26. Mapper:一种基于组播的Peer-to-Peer文件匿名访问协议

    Mapper : A Multicast-Based Peer-to-Peer File Anonymous Retrieval Protocol

  27. 带有功能方面和访问协议WSDL描述的任何一段代码均可以被认为是Web服务。

    Any piece of code with a WSDL description of its functional aspects and access protocols can be considered to be a Web service .

  28. 存储访问协议就是SCSI块命令集。

    The storage access protocol is the SCSI block command set .

  29. 采用与平台无关的简单对象访问协议(SOAP),实现了建模工具和工作流引擎之间的通信。

    By adopting platform-independent Simple Object Access Protocol ( SOAP ), communication between workflow modeling tool and workflow engine is implemented .

  30. 应用服务器在基于文件、数据库或者轻量级目录访问协议(LightweightDirectoryAccessProtocol,LDAP)的存储库中存储有关用户的信息。

    Application servers store information about users in a repository based on files , databases , or LDAP ( Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ) .