
  • 网络Access control technology
  1. 基于安全标记的Web应用访问控制技术研究

    Research on Access Control Technology Based on Security Label for Web Application

  2. 基于J2EE过滤器技术的统一身份认证与访问控制技术

    User Authentication and Access Control Technology Based on J2EE Filter

  3. Web应用的细粒度访问控制技术研究

    Study on Technology of Fine-Grain Access Control for Web Applications

  4. net开发环境为主,并采用了组件技术,RBAC访问控制技术等相关技术。

    Net , using component technology , RBAC technology and so on .

  5. 基于信任的分组P2P拓扑构造与访问控制技术的研究

    Research of Grouped P2P Topology Constructing and Access Control Technologies Based on Trust

  6. 首先,从协议层次出发讨论了WebServices的访问控制技术的研究方法。

    In this paper , we first discuss the way to study the access control technology from the protocol stack of the Web services .

  7. 美国国防部提出了一种基于划分和规则的访问控制技术:PRBAC(PartitionRuleBasedAccessControl)。

    The DOD of USA put forward a new Access Control technology named Partition Rule Based Access Control ( PRBAC ) .

  8. 基于PKI的角色识别访问控制技术初探

    Overview for Role-based Access Control Technology Using PKI

  9. 对基于XML的多源异构数据融合、遥感数据存储、数据持久化以及用户访问控制技术进行了分析和设计;

    This paper analyzed critical technology : heterogeneous data fusion based on XML , remote sensing data storage , data persistence and user access control ;

  10. 然后,对基于角色的访问控制技术(RBAC)进行了分析,并在此基础上,本文设计了基于X。

    Then we analyze RBAC technology , and design RBAC authorization based on X.

  11. 基于IFS的文件访问控制技术研究与应用

    Research and Application of File Access Control Technology Based on IFS

  12. 文中从实际应用出发,分析了现有的访问控制技术并在此基础上提出一种新的基于信任域的P2P访问控制模型。

    In this paper , analyses the technique of access-control requirements in such environments and proposes a trust domain-based access control framework for P2P environment .

  13. 这了实现对某ERP系统的用户权限分配问题,给出了一种分配策略,并利用基于角色的访问控制技术实现了这一策略。

    In order to realize user rights allotment in ERP system , gives an assign tactics , and implements it by using role-based access control model .

  14. 这种USB存储设备访问控制技术利用对Linux内核资源的访问控制框架,实现对USB存储设备的访问控制。

    This kind of access control technology for USB storage devices uses access control framework for Linux kernel resources , realize access control to USB storage devices .

  15. 在此基础上,介绍了现有的网络访问控制技术,包括NAP、NAC和TNC技术。

    Current network access control technologies , such as NAP , NAC and TNC were summarized .

  16. 针对防火墙和IDS的不足,本文在分层防御的思想下,应用访问控制技术和系统调用截获技术,提出一种基于行为的主机入侵防御系统方案,并对其进行了全面设计和部分实现。

    For the lack of firewall and IDS and this ideology in the layered defense , this paper designs a host intrusion defense system .

  17. 首先,本文简要回顾了PDM技术的发展过程,明确了PDM系统中访问控制技术研究的重要性。

    Firstly , by reviewing the developing history of PDM briefly in this thesis , the research about access-control is very important in PDM .

  18. 最后研究基于RBAC的访问控制技术,并提出一种改进的RBAC访问控制模型。

    On the base of discussing RBAC access control technology , this paper proposed an improved RBAC access control model .

  19. 随着Internet及其相关技术的发展,越来越多的企业通过网络向客户提供服务,因此访问控制技术成为网络安全领域一个非常重要的研究对象。

    With the development of Internet and its related technologies , more and more enterprises provide services to their customers through the network , so security network access control technology is becoming a very important area of research .

  20. 在对SOAP协议的基本内容和访问控制技术充分讨论的基础之上,对其中关键技术进行了分析,总结出了基于SOAP实现访问控制的若干结论。

    Based on sufficient analysis of current SOAP protocol and access control , to analyse the key technology , and draw conclusion on the access control based on SOAP .

  21. ASP(应用服务提供商)模式是网络化制造的重要发展方向,而访问控制技术又是ASP平台提供应用服务时的重要保障。

    Application Service Provider ( ASP ) is an important way of network manufacturing . Furthermore , access control is the guarantee of an ASP platform , which providing application services .

  22. 讨论基于Web的信息系统的特点,结合基于角色的访问控制技术,提出了一种适合企业管理特点的用户权限设置策略,最后给出了应用实例。

    This paper analyses the characteristics on the basis of Web information system , based on the Role_Based Access Control model , an user authorization system suitable for the management of the company is put forward , at last an application is given .

  23. GML文档中的敏感性信息需要各种机制来保证其安全性,访问控制技术即是其中之一。

    Some mechanisms are needed to protected sensitive spatial information stored in GML documents , and access control is one of the mechanisms .

  24. 其次对TNC,NAP,C-NAC三种网络访问控制技术进行了分析比较,总结了它们的相似性与差异性,归纳得出了TNC技术的独特性。

    Secondly , we compare the three technologies , and summarize their similarities and differences and the unique nature of the TNC technology .

  25. 系统设计中我们将统一认证技术与RBAC访问控制技术有机地整合,建立起联盟资源共享环境的统一安全模式。

    We integrated the RBAC access control technology and unitive authentication technique organically , so we can constitute the Unitive Security Pattern for sharing environment of allied resource .

  26. 访问控制技术在不断发展中,产生了DAC、MAC、RBAC和TBAC等机制。

    Some access control mechanisms such as DAC , MAC , RBAC and TBAC have been developed with the unceasingly development of the access control technology .

  27. 目前局域网技术的一个重要方面是网络安全问题,VLAN技术和访问控制技术保证了局域网的安全。

    LAN technology develops sufficiently function in the hospital network security . The VLAN technology and ac ˉ cess controlling of network provide all sides guarantee for LAN security .

  28. 本文在研究传统的访问控制技术的基础上提出了适应教务管理信息系统的访问模型,并利用Spring提供的AOP技术给予了改进。

    Based on the study of traditional access control technology , we proposed a role-based access control model to meeting the Educational Management Information System requirements , and then used Spring AOP to improve the access control model .

  29. CBAC访问控制技术

    CBAC Access Controls Technique

  30. 提出了一种基于P2DR的、不可旁路的强制访问控制技术。

    A mandatory access control technique is proposed which is based on P2DR and cannot be bypassed .