
  • 网络Access Control List;acl;acls;DACL;access-list
  1. 最后,在NFS服务器中引入访问控制列表(ACL)机制,该机制细化了NFS的访问控制粒度,从而克服了NFS访问控制粒度过粗的缺陷。

    Finally , We introduced ACL mechanism to NFS sever to enhance the security of NFS . The ACL mechanism has fined the access-control granularity of NFS and overcame the flaw of NFS that the access-control granularity of NFS is very coarse .

  2. 在对控制访问列表的作用和规则作了概括性介绍后,给出了一个应用的实例,具体分析了访问控制列表的使用方法,并对于它在网络安全中的应用给了一些建议。

    This paper introduces functions and rules of access control list , gives an instance to study how to use ACL in a real network environment , and ends with some advice on network security .

  3. 使用访问控制列表(AccessControlList)定义组件级别的操作权限。

    Use Access Control Lists to define component level operation privileges .

  4. Linux环境下访问控制列表机制的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Access Control List Mechanism Under Linux Environment

  5. 访问控制列表(AccessControlList,ACL)确定谁能在多大范围内访问每个数据库。

    Access Control Lists ( ACLs ) determining who can access each database and to what extent .

  6. 汇聚层利用IP扩展访问控制列表实现对应用服务的访问限制。

    The aggregation layer uses the IP extend access control list to implement the access control .

  7. 访问控制列表(ACL)结构无效。

    The access control list ( ACL ) structure is invalid .

  8. GoogleStorage是值得花大精力的,这主要是因为它支持通过访问控制列表(ACL)实现的强大访问控制。

    Google Storage is worth the trouble , mainly because it supports powerful access controls through access control lists ( ACLs ) .

  9. acl:一个访问控制列表规范。

    Acl : An access control list specification .

  10. 核心路由器上主要配置访问控制列表ACL的出栈应用。

    The main allocation access of core router controls the stack out of ACL .

  11. LotusDomino服务器设置程序建议,将所有数据库和模板的访问控制列表配置为禁止匿名访问。

    The Lotus Domino server setup recommends that you configure access control lists of all databases and templates to prohibit anonymous access .

  12. 建成的全省烟草广域网给各子系统提供稳定畅通的数据通道,同时利用QOS、访问控制列表(ACL)等技术提高网络的可靠性和安全性;

    The network provides steady data channel for the subsystems using the technique of QoS and ACL providing reliability and security .

  13. 某些文件系统支持高级的安全特性,比如访问控制列表(ACL)。

    Some file systems support advanced security features , such as access control lists ( ACLs ) .

  14. GSD支持基于共享的访问控制列表(ACL)。

    GSD supports access control lists ( ACL ) based sharing .

  15. 基于实例的授权通常使用访问控制列表(AccessControlList,ACL)来保护实例,而ACL存储在某种类型的策略存储区中,并且可用来制定访问决策。

    Instance-based authorization typically protects instances using access control lists ( ACLs ), which are stored in some type of policy store and can be used to make access decisions .

  16. 在某种意义上说,Acegi是将像操作系统一样的访问控制列表应用到JavaEE环境的一种尝试。

    In one sense , Acegi is an attempt to apply OS-like access control lists to the Java EE environment .

  17. 通过建立路由器访问控制列表,可以控制任何IP地址对网络的访问,但要实现网络的单向访问,一般的访问列表是无法做到的。

    One can control any IP addresses to access a network to set up a router access-control-list , but a normal ACL can not be implemented to access a network unilaterally .

  18. 无法创建固有的访问控制列表(ACL)或访问控制项目(ACE)。

    The inherited access control list ( ACL ) or access control entry ( ACE ) could not be built .

  19. 这些属性包括文件所有者及组权限,访问控制列表(ACL),以及扩展文件属性。

    These attributes include file owner and group permissions , access-control lists ( ACLs ), and extended file attributes .

  20. 描述了访问控制列表(ACL)的作用,IP访问控制列表的分类和其实现方法;

    Described the function of the access control lists ' ( ACL ), the classification which the IP access control lists and actually the present method .

  21. 有关更多信息,请参见如何:添加或移除访问控制列表项和acl技术概述。

    For more information , see how to : add or remove access control list entries and ACL technology overview .

  22. 所有在SQLAzure和客户端之间的IP通信都是经过SSL加密的,并且用户可能会基于一系列可接受的IP地址来创建访问控制列表。

    All IP traffic between SQL Azure and clients are SSL encrypted and users may create an access control list based on a list of acceptable IP addresses .

  23. 尽管此设计非常简单,但它可能不够,从而导致某些类UNIX系统通过访问控制列表和其他机制对其进行扩展。

    Although this design is simple , it 's can be inadequate , leading some UNIX-type systems to extend it through access control lists and other mechanisms .

  24. 复杂而精密的ACL(访问控制列表)用于确保将适合的用户映射到所需要的信息。

    A sophisticated ACL ( Access Control List ) is used to ensure that the appropriate user is mapped to the desired information .

  25. OmniFind可以配置来将文档与安全令牌或访问控制列表相关联。

    OmniFind can be configured to associate documents with security tokens or access control lists .

  26. 每个S3对象有一个相关联的访问控制列表(ACL),ACL显式地指定此资源的授权。

    Each S3 object has an access-control list ( ACL ) associated with it that explicitly identifies the grants and permissions for that resource .

  27. 访问控制列表(ACL):ACL是一种数据结构,它将一个服务的权限列表与一组主体相关联。

    Access Control List ( ACL ): An ACL is a data structure that associates to a set of principals a list of permissions for a service .

  28. 在无线网络中,攻击者可以修改自己无线网卡的MAC地址为合法站点的地址,从而可以绕过访问控制列表,窃取网络信息,这给无线网络安全带来很大的危害。

    In wireless network , intruders can change their MAC addresses to legitimate ones . Thus their wireless facilities can 't be found by access control list , and they can steal network information .

  29. 它还是一个十分安全的基于Kerbero的系统,它使用访问控制列表(ACL)以便可以进行细粒度的访问,这不是基于通常的Linux和UNIX安全模型。

    It also works as a fully secure Kerberos-based system that uses access control lists ( ACLs ) to make fine-grained access possible that is not based on the usual Linux and UNIX security models .

  30. 将一个组件添加到目录中后,所有者必须将用户或组添加到访问控制列表(ACL)中,然后其他用户才能使用该组件。

    After a component has been added to the catalog , the owner must add users or groups to the access control list ( ACL ) before other users can use the component .