
  • 网络Load increase;Load-demand
  1. 因此当负载增加时,可以向群集中增加机器,web服务请求可以定向到这些不同的服务器。

    So , as load increases , additional machines can be added to a cluster , and web service requests can be directed to those various servers .

  2. 在下面的示例中,可以观察到一个LPAR由于工作负载增加需要更多内存。

    In the following example , you can observe that an LPAR requires additional memory due to an increase in workload .

  3. 除了应对常规的业务周期之外,留出20%还可以让LPAR处理器在出现计划外负载增加时有增长空间。

    In addition to regular business cycles , the20 % is kept available to allow LPAR processor growth for unplanned load increases .

  4. 从仿真结果可以看出,该机制在一定程度上改善了Chord中存在的热点问题,有效地减少负载增加导致查询失败的数量,很好地降低了热点问题带来的影响。

    It can be seen from the simulation results ; the mechanism improves " hot spots " problems in Chord , and effectively reduces the quantity of failure query .

  5. 当DataNode的负载增加到阈值级别时,它将向该NameNode发送一个请求。

    When the load increases in a DataNode to the threshold level , it sends a request to the NameNode .

  6. WCDMA系统是一个干扰受限系统,新的呼叫连接建立将导致上下行负载增加,影响系统已有的激活呼叫的服务质量。

    WCDMA is an interference-limited system . A new call connection setting up will result in the load enhancement of both uplink and downlink and affect service quality of the present activated calls in system .

  7. 但是考虑到VTS区域将来除船位报告外,还要发送和各种服务相关的信息数据,这使得信道的负载增加,网络的吞吐性能降低,影响VTS区域的AIS岸台对船舶数据接收和管理。

    But taking more than position reports into account , there are messages to be transmitted related to others service . It will increase channel load and decrease channel throughout performance and impact the receive and management of message from AIS station in VTS .

  8. 新型助推器能使有效负载增加120%。

    New booster can increase the pay load by 120 % .

  9. 根据负载增加和减少使用线程的数量。

    Increase and decrease the number of used threads depending on load .

  10. 新的工作负载增加了创建/发送演示文档的频率。

    The frequency of creating / sending memos has increased .

  11. 该项目是基于这样的事实,如果负载增加,电压下降和电流上升。

    This project is based on the fact that if the load grows , the voltage decrease and current increase .

  12. 因为服务器和网络负载增加的大部分负载都是集群复制造成的。

    The reason is that cluster replication causes most of the additional load on a server and on the network .

  13. 源服务器可能在必须返回联合查询中请求的数据时受到工作负载增加的负面影响。

    Source servers may be negatively impacted by increased workload when they have to return data that is requested in a federated query .

  14. 当应用程序正在初始化或者应用程序的工作负载增加时,应用程序的内存使用自然也将增加。

    The memory usage of an application will naturally increase when the application is initializing and if the workload of the application increases .

  15. 产生的沉淀沉积在传感器表面,导致传感器表面质量负载增加,传感器共振频率下降。

    The insoluble product accumulated on the sensor surface , which resulted in the increasing in sensor mass loading and decreasing in resonant frequency .

  16. 随着数据能力的提高,添加更大容量的硬盘驱动器并不能解决与用户负载增加相关的性能问题。

    With the advancements in data capacity , adding a larger capacity hard disk drive does not solve performance issues related to increased user loads .

  17. 仿真结果表明,该方案通过移动代理的漫游来更新途经节点路由表,大大减少路由请求报文发起数,降低了平均端到端的数据传输时延,网络负载增加不大。

    Simulation indicates that the number of route request message and end-to-end delay can be reduced , at the same time , network load does not clearly increase .

  18. 当网络负载增加时,在保证高优先级业务服务质量前提下,大幅改善了低优先级业务服务质量。

    Furthermore , under the condition that the high priority service is ensured , the QoS of the low priority service is improved greatly when in heavy traffic .

  19. 研究表明,负载增加将延缓位置环响应,需要提高调节器比例系数以加快响应过程。

    The investigation results show that , when load increases , the position response will be delayed , the proportion coefficient of adjuster must be enhanced to quicken response .

  20. 应用全局模式管理来管理共享模式信息,各个域都可以根据需要发布、订阅共享模式,避免了频繁访问对方域所引起的负载增加。

    The global schema management is used to manage sharing xml schema , every domain can publish and subscribe the sharing schema there , avoiding the increasing load when they access each other frequently .

  21. 经实验验证:电动机负载增加,运行噪声的86~172Hz频带能量呈现一致性增加,该频带能量可以作为反映负载变化的主要特征。

    The frequency band energy of the running noise in 86 ~ 172 Hz increases conformably as the load of motor increases . The above frequency band energy can be acted as the main characteristics for reflecting the load change of motor .

  22. 在最近的版本中,AIX工作负载分区增加了几个新功能。

    Several new capabilities have been added to AIX workload partitions in recent releases .

  23. 实际上,随着额外负载的增加,响应时间急剧攀升,数据库就会耗用CPU或者磁盘。

    Eventually , the database will saturate the CPU or disks and at that point the response time will rise as additional load is added .

  24. 另外,HPGlobalWorkloadManager(gWLM)提供智能化的策略引擎,可以自动调整工作负载来增加服务器的利用率。

    Further , HP Global Workload Manager ( gWLM ) provides intelligent policy engines that allow for automatically adjusting the workloads to increase server utilization .

  25. 随着Ir负载量增加,Ir粒子逐渐变大,反应比速率和反应转换频率(TOF)逐渐下降,表明小粒子上具有更高的CO反应活性。

    Ir particle size increased gradually with Ir loading , but specific rate and turnover frequency ( TOF ) declined gradually . It indicated that the catalyst with small particle size had a higher CO reactivity .

  26. 随着负载的增加,不再有足够的时间来运行Metronome和写出审计日志。

    As the load increases , there 's not enough time to run Metronome and write out the audit log .

  27. 当环境中的负载突然增加时,您可以引导EC2实例,运行工人脚本来注册它们完成工作的能力,并挑选和处理信息。

    When the load on your environment suddenly increases , you can boot your EC2 instances , run the worker script to register their availability to do work , and pick up and process the information .

  28. 随着汽车上电器及电子负载的增加以及未来汽车发展的需要,提升汽车电源电压到42V已经势在必行。

    Due to the increase of electric power loads in today 's vehicles , the 42V power system has been considered and is being developed to replace the existing 14V power system .

  29. 随着用户负载的增加,我们能够改善哪些方面的性能?

    What kind of performance should we expect as user loads increase ?

  30. 响应时间(如图8所示)随着应用负载的增加而继续增加。

    Response time ( shown in Figure 8 ) continually increases as more load is applied .