
  • 网络Negative Space
  1. 这个logo设计的巧妙之处在于对负空间的高度利用,在联邦快递的标志中有这么个细节,E和x之间的负空间组成了一个向右的箭头。

    For its use of negative space . In the FedEx logo , the " E " and the " x " are positioned in such a way that an arrow is formed in the space between them .

  2. 负空间具有神奇的力量-创造负空间,但不要填满它!

    Negative space is magical-create it , don 't just fill it up !

  3. 提出了一种新的正负空间同位规则挖掘算法(PNSCLRMA),它不仅能挖掘正空间同位规则也能挖掘负空间同位规则。

    A novel positive and negative spatial co-location rules mining algorithm ( PNSCLRMA ) is proposed , which mines not only positive spatial co-location rules but also negative spatial co-location rules .

  4. 从艺术上讲,他享受自己艺术创造出来的负空间。

    Artistically , he enjoys the negative spaces his art creates .

  5. 在标志设计中应用负空间会产生优雅的视觉效果。

    The result of negative space in logo design is an elegant visual effect .

  6. 标志设计中负空间的意境

    Mood of Negative Space in Logo Design

  7. 记住,你的一切--最重要的是认识到负空间

    And just remember , everything you are -- it 's more important to realize the negative space ,

  8. 勇敢一点,并且大量使用空白区域,或者如专家所称的负空间。

    Be brave and use lots of white space or , how the pros call it , negative space .

  9. 它运用人工吹制玻璃的工艺打造了这款负空间设计的烛台,使它上面的蜡烛看上去悬空一般。

    This inverse hand-blownglass candle holder uses a unique negative space design to suspend a candle seemingly in mid air .

  10. 对于负空间的研究与探索,直到现在似乎还没有人对其进行过深入、透彻的剖析。

    For the negative space research and exploration , until now no one seems to have carried on in-depth , thorough analysis .

  11. 用负空间交流传达正确的信息并产生良好的效果不是一件容易的事情,它要求设计师有着很好的创造力和创作才能。

    Reach a good result and communicate the right message using negative space is not an easy task and demands creativity and talent from designers .

  12. 因鞋子有跟,高跟与前脚掌和鞋子之间是负空间设计。这样高跟鞋与雕塑就有很多相同之处。

    With the high heel , there 's the negative space between the heel and the ball of the foot , as well as the shoe itself .

  13. 不断有窗口弹出、布满浮动的横幅广告的淘宝网与谷歌简单的线条和整洁的负空间简直是天壤之别。

    Blazing with pop-up boxes and floating banner ads , Taobao is about as far away from the clean lines and uncluttered negative spaces of Google as could be imagined .

  14. 通过对标志设计中负空间的表现形式以及负空间意境的论述,验证了负空间在增强人们视觉的趣味性、意境的延伸性、开拓多元设计空间等方面的积极作用。

    Through the discussion of the expression form of negative space and its mood in logo design , it was concluded that the negative space has the active function in adding the visual interest , extending the mood and creating muti-design space .

  15. 基于对城市中存在的若干负空间案例的考察和分析,从特定城市环境与地域社会生活的视点分析其生成的原因和存在的意义,并指出它们所带来的启发。

    Through a case study on those so-called " negative space " in our city , this article proposes an approach to rethink the negative space with an aim to manifest its complex meanings responding to particular urban context and local public life .

  16. 这个标志也利用了负形空间去建立一个字母H。

    This logo also uses a negative space to create the letter H.

  17. 给出了一个负曲率空间型中体现曲线弯曲性质的具体的例子:鱼鳔线。

    An interesting example swimming bladder curve is supplied , which shows out the banding properties of the closed curves in space forms of minor curvature .

  18. 负的空间位移效应意味着光束产生了逆传播方向的移动,尝试了使用波形畸变和超光速两种理论对这种效应进行了解释。

    Negative spatial shift means the beam shift against the propagation direction . We introduce the theroy of beam distortion and superluminal effect to explain this phenomenon .

  19. 从负能空间电荷波与电磁波耦合的物理图像出发推导了喇曼散射模式自由电子激光器耦合频率的解析表达式。

    Analytical expressions of coupling frequencies of Raman free-electron lasers are deduced based on the physical image of the coupling between negative-energy space-charge wave and EM wave .

  20. 考虑到劳动力大规模流动的现实,预计人口年龄结构转变对经济增长的影响可能存在空间溢出效应,检验发现分年龄段劳动力人口比重的变化对经济增长存在负的空间溢出效应。

    In consideration of the large-scale labor mobility , we forecast that population age structure transition will generate a " spatial spillover " effect on economic growth .

  21. 本文在第二章中具体构造出了非负整数空间上的随机环境中广义随机游动,验证了其存在性,得到了其灭绝概率的具体表达式。

    In Chapter Two , author constructs the model of generalized random walk in random environments on the set of non-negative integers , proves its existence , and obtains explicit formula of its extinction probabilities .

  22. 关于非负常曲率空间中度量平均的几个结果

    Some results on metric averaging in space with nonnegative constant curvature

  23. 负常曲率空间的一种特征

    A Characteristic Property of the Space of Negative Constant Curvature

  24. 寒地稻田水稻负泥虫空间分布型的研究

    Study on the spatial distribution patterns of ouleaorzea ( kuwayama ) in cold rice fields

  25. 抑菌活性结果表明:三唑环上取代基的电负性和空间位阻对抑菌活性影响很大,甲基强于氯甲基,强于苯基。

    Antifungal results exhibited the activity was greatly influenced by electronegativity of substituents in triazole and steric effect . The inhibitory effect followed a sequence of methyl > methyl chloride > phenyl .

  26. 水平电偶极子在负折射媒质半空间激励的场偶极子与偶极子相互酌

    Electromagnetic field generated by a horizontal electric dipole on double negative medium half space

  27. 在数学上,端通路是指代谢网络模型所描述的解空间的棱,这些端通路可以非负线性表示解空间中所有的点。

    In mathematics , extreme pathway of metabolic network model are described as the edge of the solution space , these extreme pathways can non-negatively linearly represent any point of the solution space .

  28. 通过测定聚集度指标研究稻负泥虫的空间分布型,结果表明:1、幼虫分布型是聚集分布;

    The paper deals with the spatial distribution pattern of the larvae of rice leaf beetle by means of determining aggregated indices . The results are as follows : ( 1 ) All indices of aggregation indicate that the distribution pattern of the larvae belongs to the aggregated distribution patterns .

  29. 风景区的负离子浓度高于城区;植被状况与瀑布对负离子的空间分布影响最大。

    The scenic spot density is higher than that of the city , and the vegetative cover and the waterfall have the biggest effect to the distribution of atmospheric anion .