
  • 网络ceramic sculpture
  1. 在这里还有值得一提的是陶瓷雕塑的艳俗化问题。

    Here there is worth mentioning ceramic sculptures keitch problem .

  2. 中国古代陶瓷雕塑的美学特征

    Aesthetic features of ceramic sculptures in ancient China

  3. 景德镇古代陶瓷雕塑的审美流变

    The beauty appreciation changing of the ancient porcelain sculpture of Jingdezhen

  4. 现代陶瓷雕塑表现手法简析

    SCULPTURE On Means of Representation of Modern Ceramics Plastic Arts

  5. 论现代陶瓷雕塑在公共空间的发展

    On the Development of Modern Ceramic Sculpture in Public Area

  6. 筑&关于建筑室外大型陶瓷雕塑的语言研究

    Zhu & the study of large-scale architectural ceramics sculpture outdoors

  7. 户外陶瓷雕塑的持续发展是值得深入探讨和研究的。

    Outdoor ceramic sculpture of sustainable development is worthy of research and study .

  8. 德化、石湾及景德镇陶瓷雕塑艺术之比较

    Comparison of the Ceramic Sculpture Art s in Dehua and Shiwan and Jingdezhen

  9. 论环境陶艺中的陶瓷雕塑与装置艺术

    On ceramic sculpture and installation of Environmental Ceramic Art

  10. 景德镇传统加彩雕塑瓷与中国当代彩绘陶瓷雕塑艺术的比较研究

    Study about Jingdezhen traditional polychrome sculptural ceramic and Chinese contemporary polychrome sculptural ceramic art

  11. 现代陶瓷雕塑艺术的表现手法,可以概括为两个方面:成型手法和装饰手法。

    The means of representation of modern ceramics plastic art includes Formation and Decoration .

  12. 因此,他是一个艺思敏捷、才华四溢的陶瓷雕塑名师。

    Therefore , he was an art thinking agility , talent overflowing ceramic sculpture teacher .

  13. 这也是我第一次做陶瓷雕塑,原谅我那么差的手艺。

    But it 's my first time , wedding dresses , forgive me for my poor skill .

  14. 陶瓷雕塑的艺术语言

    Artistic Language of Ceramic sculpture

  15. 古代陶瓷雕塑艺术

    Ancient Art of Ceramic Sculpture

  16. 由率真走向精致是景德镇古代陶瓷雕塑审美流变的脉络;

    Development from pursuing nature to fine is the clue of the beauty appreciation changing of the ancient sculpture of Jingdezhen .

  17. 中国陶瓷雕塑有着悠久的历史和深受文化底蕴,景德镇陶瓷雕塑更是集全国陶瓷雕塑艺术之大成。

    Chinese ceramic sculpture has a long history and deep cultural heritage , national ceramic sculpture of Jingdezhen ceramic sculptures are set .

  18. 但是随着艺术家的学术态度和追求发生转移,艳俗陶瓷雕塑发生了变异。

    But along with the artist and the pursuit of academic attitude shift , the keitch ceramic sculptures happened " variation " .

  19. 陶瓷雕塑艺术正在走向下坡路,相对于其他陶瓷艺术形式,陶瓷雕塑却越来越多表现出落寞和疏离。

    Ceramic sculpture is going downhill , relative to other forms of ceramic art , ceramic sculptures are more and more lonely and alienated .

  20. 泥片成型是陶瓷雕塑中成型方法的一种,其独特的成型手法使其作品有着独特的意蕴。

    Clay piece molding is ceramic sculptures of shaping the method one kind , its unique forming technique makes its work has the unique connotation .

  21. 文章的落脚点是陶瓷雕塑创作中技术与艺术相统一的本质特征和中国现代陶瓷雕塑的创新突破。

    The goal of the thesis is to display the essence of technology and art unifies , as well as the reform and innovation of modern Chinese ceramic sculpture .

  22. 本文侧重于对景德镇陶瓷雕塑的成型作业手段、技艺手法和相关辅助工具进行全面论述,进而分析研究景德镇雕塑的造型特征。

    This article emphasizes on the overall discourse on the methods of forming operations , crafts , skills and auxiliary means about Ching-te-chen ceramic sculpture , and further analyzes its molding features .

  23. 本文论述了陶瓷雕塑的审美特征以及装饰特点,探讨了符合现代社会审美趋向的新的陶瓷雕塑的艺术语言。

    The article discusses aesthetic and decoration traits of ceramic sculpture , and then go further into the new artistic language of ceramic sculpture that conforms to the aesthetic trend of the modern society .

  24. 最后,总结出弧线与弧面两种构成元素的合理运用会使陶瓷雕塑产品更具现代感,更符合现代人的审美需求。

    Finally , summarized the idea that reasonable use the two constitute elements , arc and indexing , will make ceramic sculptures more modern , and more conforms to the aesthetic demand of modern people .

  25. 陶瓷雕塑作为陶瓷艺术的半壁江山,在陶艺现代意识觉醒的环境下,其作为手工艺所彰显的价值随着时代的文化变迁也产生相应的变化。

    Ceramic sculpture , as one half part of ceramic art , under the modern ceramic consciousness awakening , its value manifested from the handicraft art is changing according to the cultural changes of the times .

  26. 本文从美化人民精神生活的需要,论及陶瓷雕塑在题材和意境方面的抒情性以及在表现手法和风格方面的装饰性特色。

    Standing in need of beautifying the inner life of the people , this paper describes the specific feature of the lyricism of ceramic sculpture in the subject matter and the realm of ideas , and of its ornamentation in expression and style .

  27. 近几年来学术界及收藏界对捏塑类陶瓷雕塑的研究与收藏不断升温,特别是以宋代景德镇窑动物捏塑瓷为代表的宋代捏塑瓷越来越受到关注。

    In recent years , academic circles and the collection of kneading ceramics sculpture research and collection of constant temperature , especially in the Song Dynasty kiln of Jingdezhen animal kneading porcelain as the representative of the Song Dynasty porcelain has been paid more and more attention to knead .

  28. 通过在景德镇多年的研究与总结,力图阐述景德镇陶瓷雕塑的写实技法,并举例说明这些技法在景德镇写实陶瓷雕塑中是如何形成和运用的。

    Through the research for many years in Jingdezhen and summarized , through the research for many years in Jingdezhen and the summary , tries to elaborate Jingdezhen ceramic sculpture painting technique , and examples of these techniques in Jingdezhen realistic ceramic sculpture is how the formation and application .

  29. 自1990年代后期起开始从事陶瓷、雕塑、美术等专业翻译。

    Since late1990s , he has worked as a translator specially engaged in the ceramic art , sculpture and other art sectors .

  30. 为扶掖本地艺术家,香港视觉艺术中心年内继续提供设备齐全的陶瓷、雕塑及版画工作室。

    The Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre continued to support local artists by providing studio equipment and facilities for ceramics , sculpture and print-making .