
  • 网络interview;Survey Research
  1. 本文通过文献法、观察法、专家访问法等对当今世界乒乓球运动的发展进行了新的展望。

    Prospects on the developing trend of up-to-day table tennis game through literature , observation and experts interview .

  2. 采用调查法、访问法等,探索汉中市普通居民体育活动的特点与规律。市民参与体育活动的基本特征主要包括:①市民体育观念理性化;

    The regularity and Characteristics of the sports activities of ordinary residents in Hanzhong are explored through investigation and interview .

  3. 计算机性能与异构计算异构数据库的分布式访问法

    The capacity of computer and Heterogeneous Computing A METHOD OF ACCESSING DATABASES ACROSS SERVERS

  4. 应用文献资料法、调查访问法对体操必修课程教材改革这一问题进行探讨。

    Probes into the reform of the teaching materials about the gymnastic required courses .

  5. 采用典型调查访问法、文献资料法、综合分析法等,对舞龙运动的审美艺术特征进行了系统研究。

    This paper , employing methods of typical survey-interview , literature review and comprehensive analysis , studies the topic systematically .

  6. 采用文献资料法、调查访问法等,对现阶段的高脚竞速与短跑进行比较分析。

    The current state of stilt race and dash are compared and analyzed by means of documental consultation , investigation and interviews .

  7. 资料收集的方法主要是问卷法、访问法、文献法、观察法和量表法。

    Data collection of the method is mainly questionnaire and interview method , the method of literature , observation and scale method .

  8. 本文通过调查访问法、文献资料法对学校体育教学中发生意外伤害事故的现状及原因进行了调查研究。

    This paper investigates the present situation and causes of unexpected injury of physical teaching by means of survey and interview and documents .

  9. 笔者根据文献资料法、专家访问法等对存在的问题进行分析研究,从而提出相关建议与对策:经营管理理念创新;

    Through documentation and delphi method , the author analyzed it at large and posed some relative advice and measures : innovating the managing conception ;

  10. 本研究主要采用调查法和访问法对广西区内5所专科层次、正规学历的高等职业院校的学生心理健康教育进行了研究。

    The thesis focuses on the psychological health education of students from professional training schools and higher vocational schools in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region .

  11. 本研究综合采用了文献资料法、调查访问法、数理统计法、个案分析法、理论分析法等方法,通过大量的文献资料和调查数据,对运动员选材的选育结合理论进行了比较深入的研究。

    In this dissertation , the new theory is profoundly studied synthetically with methods of library research , investigation , statistics , case-studying and theory-analysis .

  12. 通过文献资料和调查访问法,对河北省高等院校体育产业资源开发现状进行了调查分析。

    By the methods of investigation and documentation , this paper investigates and analyses the situation of sport industry resource development of universities in Hebei Province .

  13. 主要采用调查法、访问法等,力图探索我国城市社区实施全民健身工程以来的特点、规律、现状和未来发展的目标、策略。

    Status quo and future strategies for development of the National Fitness Program in urban communities in China were studied on the basis of investigation and interview .

  14. 实验表明,就近访问法能在一定程度上提高算法的执行效率,改善旅程路线的质量。

    Experiments indicate that close-by visit method can increase executive efficiency of algorithm to some degree , and improve the quality of travel route . Parameter setting in E.

  15. 采用文献综述和调查访问法,对体育健身娱乐产业的项目投资开发体系进行研究的结果表明:建立该体系的作用,可预测到项目开发成功的把握在哪里;

    Based on the literature review and statistic analysis , this study conducted an initial research on project investment development system of sport fitness and recreation industry in China .

  16. 运用文献资料法、访问法、实验法、数理统计法等方法,对手感练习对篮球必修课技术教学效果的影响程度进行研究。

    By means of documental data , survey , statistical and experimental method , this thesis studied the effect of " game sense " training on basketball compulsory technique teaching .

  17. 对哨冲乡莫测甸、慕善村的实地调研,运用了专家访问法、田野调研法、对比分析法等对云南彝族毕摩绘画艺术进行了一次较详细的梳理。

    Mu Shin Estate , the use of experts to visit the art of painting , field research method , and comparative analysis of Yi People in Yunnan a more detailed comb .

  18. 通过文献资料法、调查访问法、实地观察法对西南地区少数民族传统体育基本特征进行了研究和考证。

    The basic characteristics of the traditional physical culture of the minorities in Southwest China were researched and verified by consulting literature , visiting and investigating as well as observation on the spot .

  19. 其次,笔者将哈尔滨市D区作为研究对象,采用调查法和访问法来找寻在D区内存在的城管与摊贩之间的矛盾冲突的根源。

    Secondly , D District of Harbin city will be as the object of study , to find out the root causes of conflicts between urban management and vendors in the D region .

  20. 采用调研访问法、录像统计法和文献资料法,系统分析了2005&2008年新奥运周期世界女子跳马技术发展的新动向。

    This paper analyses systematically new tendency of the development of world female vaulting horse technology in the new cycle of Olympic Games from 2005 to 2008 by interview , video statistics and documentary .

  21. 本研究试图运用管理学的知识,采用文献资料法,专家访问法,问卷调查法,统计分析法等手段。

    This research attempts to utilize the management study knowledge , uses the literature material law , the expert visits the law , the questionnaire survey law , method and so on statistical analytic method .

  22. 运用文献资料法、访问法、问卷调查法、归纳分析法等方法,对北京邮电大学学生课余体育锻炼的现状进行深入的调查研究。

    This paper is an in-depth survey and analysis on students ' extracurricular physical activities at BUPT ( Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications ) through data analysis , inquiries , questionnaire , and generalization .

  23. 采用问卷调查法、座谈访问法、文献资料法和经验总结法,对15所高校保健体育课程的教学大纲、教材、教学内容、教学方法、评价标准等进行分析研究。

    By means of questionnaire , interview , literature review and experience summary , the paper analyzes and researches the curriculum , teaching materials , teaching contents , teaching methods and appraisal standards in 15 colleges and universities .

  24. 在变型设计过程中,采用自顶向下的设计方法,并根据不同零件的特性制定了三种变型设计方法:尺寸询问法、特征控制法和标准件库访问法。

    During the course of variant design , the up-to-down design method is adopted and three variant design methods are laid down according to different parts characteristics . These methods include size query method , feature control method and standard parts library query method .

  25. 运用文献资料法和调查访问法,通过对中华健身术历史与发展的调查研究,探讨中华健身术在中国长期流传的内在因素,为中华健身术走向世界提供参考。

    This article studies the history and development of the Chinese body-building exercises and explores the inner factors of its longterm circulation in China by data and investigation , which would be as a reference for the Chinese body-building exercises to appear in the world .

  26. 在整个调查过程中,采用的是野外直接观察法、访问法和资料收集法进行调查,其中野外直接观察法具体采取的是样线和样方相结合的调查方法。

    Throughout the whole course of the investigation , We used the field direct observation method , the access method and data collection method to investigate , and the field direct observation method is the survey method that the sample line combined with sample quadrat .

  27. 为了进一步掌握侧踹腿技术的运动规律,提高动作质量,采用文献资料法、调查访问法、三维摄像解析法,对我国四名优秀男子散打运动员侧踹腿技术进行了生物力学分析。

    To master the rules of side-kick technology , so as to improve action quality , this paper carries on a biomechanical analysis on four China Men 's sanda elites of their side-kick technology by using the method of documentary , investigation and three-dimensional video test .

  28. 采用技术统计法、临场观察法、现场访问法、比较分析法揭示我国优秀男双选手与世界优秀男双选手在基本技术与战术运用、得失分结构等方面存在的主要差距;

    Adopted the methods of the technique statistics , field observation , field interview , and comparative analysis , this study explored the main gap on the basic techniques and tactics application , losing score structure between the national excellent tennis athletes and the world-level ones .

  29. 运用模糊数学原理及问卷、访问法.拟订出影响教学效果的教师教学行为的评判因素.并建立模糊数学评判模型.对影响体育教学效果的教学行为进行模糊综合评判。

    By applying the principle of fuzzy mathematics and by paper asking and visiting , the author makes some factors of teaching behaviour that influence teaching effect and a model of fuzzy mathematics and passes a general judgement on teaching behaviour that influences physical teaching effect .

  30. 本人以国内高水平成年女足运动员为研究对象,采用专家访问法、文献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计法等手段就女子足球运动中运动员攻击行为产生的影响因素进行研究。

    I regard domestic high-level adult women 's football 's athlete as the research object , The research on influence factor of woman 's athlete 's attack in football is produced trough expert interview 、 document and materials 、 questionnaire 、 mathematical statistics and so on .