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Falsificationism is the legacy of Popper in economics .
Falsificationism is a fundamental standard to separate scientific economics propositions from unscientific ones .
Popper put forward the principle of falsifications .
K.Popper 's Falsificationism and Evolutionary Epistemology
A historical investigation on the anomalies is made in the first part of this paper .
Falsificationism and Development of Economics
Popper 's theory of falsificationism has exerted tremendous influence upon contemporary western scientific philosophy and social philosophy .
Falsificationism thought is an important constitute part of Popper 's thought in the field of scientific philosophy .
Confronted with the challenge of the Grue paradox , the falsifiabilists answer it both in qualitative way and the quantitative one .
From positivism , falsificationism , theory of paradigm to realism , it can be looked as a dialectical development in the philosophy of science .
His answer was just a rehashed version of my lecture . On the Problems of Falsificationism Again : A Rejoinder to Yin and Pang 's Critique
In addition to Popper , Kuhn and Lakatos are the representative of a historical approach also contributed to the developing science , a new view .
Popper put forward his philosophy of science including mainly falsificationism and the growth of scientific knowledge on the basis of rethinking and analyzing the two problems .
Its limitations include the philosophical basis of idealistic falsification , incompleteness of research process , lack of theoretical evaluation of conclusions and limited application of research findings .
However , there are serious drawbacks whether positivism or negativism is taken as the criterion of the demarcation of science , especially for social science including economics .
However , when applying to economics epistemology , falsificationism has difficulties in falsification and verification , abstract and concrete , goals and means , formulations and demonstrations .
After criticized the principle that experience falsifies a theory , Lakatos put forward that principle . The basic unit in scientific research should be some interknitted theories rather than some single theory or proposition .
The arguments between Popper , Kuhn and Lakatos represented the controversy of falsificationism and Historicism , whose standpoints closely correlated with the Duhem problem . In fact , they all had provided different solutions directly or indirectly .
His political and historical philosophy , established on a means of " falsificationism " methods and principles , gods a-gainst " historicism " and " wholenessistic " way of social reformation by proposing " piecemeal social engineering " and " open socety " .
The fifth part points out that the end of the cold war does not falsify the " hard core " of neorealism and analyzes neorealist explanation for the end of the cold war and international relations after the cold war .