
  1. 股票市场价格的涨跌会引起活期存款和包含证券公司客户保证金在内的其他存款的同向变动、引起定期存款和储蓄存款的反向变动。

    The changes of stock market prices caused demand deposits and other deposits change in the same direction , while causing time deposits and savings deposits reverse change .

  2. 但美联储还有其它工具可以用来调控金融过剩对证券贷款提出保证金要求,以及对奇异抵押贷款工具(例如零利率产品)的发行进行控制。

    But there are other fed tools that can be directed at financial excesses margin requirements for equity lending as well as controls on the issuance of exotic mortgage instruments ( zero-interest rate products come to mind ) .

  3. 此外,广发证券的业务程序保证金高度重视对投资者的教育。

    In addition , GF Securities Margin of the business program attaches great importance to the education of investors .

  4. 我们一直为市场上稳建可靠之证券及期货商,提供快速的交易、证券保证金融资(孖展)及度身订造的专业服务。

    We are one of the well-established and reliable local brokerage firms which provide rapid trade execution , securities margin financing and personalized professional services .