
píng pàn
  • judge;judgement;appraise;appraisal;decide;critique;pass judgment on
评判 [píng pàn]
  • (1) [pass judgment on;judgement]∶判定胜负或优劣的定论、判断、意见

  • (2) [appraise;appraisal]∶评论性的评价或判断

评判[píng pàn]
  1. 对锻压设备产业组织绩效评判研究是本文的重点。

    It was emphasized to study on pass judgment on organization performance of forging equipment industry .

  2. 道德责任不是责任的一种,而是对责任的道德评判。

    The moral responsibility that we pass judgment on responsibility according to morality isn 't one kind of responsibilities .

  3. 每一幅画都必须根据其本身的价值来评判。

    Each painting must be judged on its own merits .

  4. 在裁决这些争议时须要有一定程度的评判公正性。

    In judging these issues a degree of critical detachment is required .

  5. 我无权评判你的行为作风。

    It 's not for me to pass judgement on your behaviour .

  6. 她的工作包括评判时装专业学生的设计。

    Her job involves critiquing designs by fashion students .

  7. 陪审团退庭对证据进行评判。

    The jury retired to consider the evidence .

  8. B级裁判只能协同有A级资质的裁判进行评判。

    A grade B judge could only be allowed to judge alongside a qualified grade A judge .

  9. 评判小组现在正选拔参加决赛的选手。

    A panel of judges is now selecting the finalists .

  10. 别人通过他的行为举止对他进行评判,这一点他很难理解。

    He has trouble understanding that other people judge him by his conduct .

  11. 科林·米切尔负责每周对参赛作品进行评判。

    Colin Mitchell will judge the entries each week

  12. 参赛者将分成两个年龄段接受评判:5至10岁和11至14岁。

    Entrants will be judged in two age categories : 5-10 years and 11-14 years

  13. 我们需要培养对文章的评判能力。

    We need to become critical text-readers

  14. 日本人、美国人,甚至法国人和德国人,都依据结果来评判经济政策的好坏。

    The Japanese , Americans , and even the French and Germans , judge economic policies by results .

  15. 无论艺术委员会采取哪种标准来评判这次训练,总会有人哀怨,有人气愤。

    There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth whatever criteria the Arts Council employ for this exercise .

  16. 对我们的政策作出评判必须根据一条明确的准则:它是否会提高教育的水准?

    Our policy has to be judged against a clear test : will it improve the standard of education ?

  17. 演讲比赛的裁决由九位教授组成的评判委员会作出。

    The award for the oratorical contest was made by a jury of nine professors .

  18. 委员会正在评判该提议的优缺点。

    The committee are looking at the merits and demerits of the proposal .

  19. 评判员对第二名候选人有偏袒,他们俩在同一所学校受过教育。

    The judge was biased in favour of the second candidate , who was educated at the same college as himself .

  20. 让我们都不要评判那些自言自语的人了。

    Let 's all stop judging people who talk to themselves .

  21. EDX评估工具需要实实在在的老师或评分者首先评判100份短文或问答题。

    The EdX assessment tool requires human teachers , or graders , to first grade 100 essays or essay questions .

  22. 商学院在评判学生时也会考虑他们在团队项目中的表现。

    Business schools grade their students in part on their performance in group projects .

  23. 很快,她学会了欣赏生活,而不是如此严厉地评判一切。

    Very quickly , she learned to appreciate life rather than to judge everything so harshly .

  24. 除了‘你是否正朝着目标努力’这一点,那里基本不会有其他要打分的了。基本上,考核的就是‘我要研究出这个产品,然后年底将它呈现给美国宇航局’。工程师会亲自过来给产品做评判,而……

    There almost are no grades , other than'Are you working towards your goal ? ' Basically , it 's ' I 've got to produce this product and then , at the end of year , present it to NASA . ' Engineers come and really do an in-person review , and ...

  25. 在你开始说话之前,人们会通过你的肢体语言来评判你。

    Before you begin speaking , you will be judged on your body language .

  26. 在比赛中,评判的是投掷的方式而不是距离。

    During the competition , the style of the throw is judged rather than the distance .

  27. 梅雷迪思从来不想谈论这些兴趣,因为她害怕自己会受到评判。

    Meredith never wanted to talk about these interests because she was afraid she would be judged .

  28. 接下来,他们让122名陌生人看一看这些照片,对照片的吸引力、健康状况和睡意进行评判,并问他们:“你和照片中的这个人交朋友的意愿程度如何?”

    Next , they asked 122 strangers to have a look at the photos and judgethem on attractiveness , health , and sleepiness , as well as asking them : " How much would you like to make friends with this person in the picture ? "

  29. 评判小组中包括几位知名作家。

    The panel of judges included several well-known writers .

  30. 准平衡”的评判者是人民大众和历史发展

    The " quasi-balance " appraiser is the people and the historical development . “