
píng lùn
  • comment;comment on;criticize;remark;observe;observation;discuss;press;editorial;critique;make comment on;deliver oneself of sth
评论 [píng lùn]
  • [comment] 批评或议论的文章

  • 时事评论

  • [comment on; discuss] 对于人物或事理加以批评议论

  • 评论是非

评论[píng lùn]
  1. 我觉得我无法对他们的决定作出评论。

    I don 't feel I can comment on their decision .

  2. 医生们不愿对新疗法作出评论。

    Doctors are hesitant to comment on the new treatment .

  3. 这个节目只摆出事实,并不评论谁是谁非。

    The programme gives the facts but does not apportion blame .

  4. 政府官员不想公开这些评论。

    Government officials do not want these comments in the open .

  5. 他的评论被误解为对这个项目的批评。

    His comments were misinterpreted as a criticism of the project .

  6. 关于这里的食物他说了许多无礼的评论。

    He made a number of rude remarks about the food .

  7. 其他一些人也以类似的腔调评论。

    A number of other people commented in a similar vein .

  8. 他读了许多详细评论她的作品的文章。

    He had read many detailed critical appraisals of her work .

  9. 对于这食物他作了许多无礼的评论。

    He made a number of rude remarks about the food .

  10. 他的评论被看成是对主席的冒犯。

    His comments were seen as an insult to the president .

  11. 她对他的评论越来越感到恼火。

    She was getting more and more irritated at his comments .

  12. 下面选登了部分读者评论。

    A selection of reader 's comments are published below .

  13. 这是个带有圈套的问题,还是不作评论为好。

    It was a loaded question and I preferred not to comment .

  14. 他的评论只是把问题弄得更加复杂。

    His comments only served to confuse the issue further .

  15. 我旁边那位愚蠢地评论起来。

    The person next to me piped up with a silly comment .

  16. 开头他先对这个报告作了几点概括性的评论。

    He began by making a few general observations about the report .

  17. 首相的评论即将酝酿出一场政治风暴。

    A political storm is brewing over the Prime Minister 's comments .

  18. 现在好像是自由评论教师的开放期。

    It seems to be open season on teachers now .

  19. 他的评论激怒了全国教师。

    His comments have inflamed teachers all over the country .

  20. 对于这些方案的任何评论和建议,我们一概欢迎。

    We welcome any comments and suggestions on these proposals .

  21. 他和往常一样,只作了笼统的评论。

    As usual , he confined his comments to generalities .

  22. 那最后一点评论有点多余,不是吗?

    That last comment was a little unnecessary , wasn 't it ?

  23. 唐宁街十号对此不作评论。

    Number Ten had nothing to say on the matter .

  24. 这些评论激起了工会领导人的愤怒。

    The comments provoked an angry response from union leaders .

  25. 总统先生,您有何评论?

    Do you have any comment , Mr President ?

  26. 这篇评论很精彩。

    The review is a brilliant piece of writing .

  27. 那位部长拒绝对具体个案发表评论。

    The minister refused to comment on individual cases .

  28. 他们的发言人拒绝对这些指控加以评论。

    Their spokesman declined to comment on the allegations .

  29. 他指责英国广播公司在报道这则新闻时掺杂了主观评论。

    He accused the BBC of editorializing in its handling of the story .

  30. 我才不会理睬他的评论以抬高其身价呢。

    I 'm not going to dignify his comments by reacting to them .