
zhào lìnɡ
  • imperial edict;imperial decree
诏令 [zhào lìng]
  • [imperial decree] 文体名。古代帝王、太后、皇后所发公文的总称

  1. 对商税征收的法律控制,除《大明律》有关条目之外,大诰、榜文、诏令、律例等在不同的阶段发挥不同的效用。

    In the control of commodity tax , besides Da Ming Law , Da Gao , announcement , imperial decree and laws and regulations make different effect at the different stage .

  2. 当然,在众多的治理措施中,最重要的莫过于法律治理了,一道圣旨,一个诏令,凡此种种,都构成了治理流民的法律之网。

    Of course , in many control measures , the most important thing in legal governance , and an imperial decree , one edict , all these have constituted the legal governance of the network of displaced persons .

  3. 冥王的诏令、所载和警告都无济于事。

    Recalls , signs of anger , warnings were of no avail .

  4. 《皇明诏令》白话敕令词汇语法研究

    Research on the Words and Grammar in

  5. 在第三部分,我们主要分析《皇明诏令》中量词使用的语言环境及搭配情况。

    In Part 3 , the linguistic environment and context relations of quantifiers are analyzed .

  6. 而且唐王朝对外交使节的管理并不是一成不变的,发现了管理上的漏洞能及时的给以纠正,并以诏令的形式加以吲定。

    The loopholes in the management can be corrected timely and fixed in the form of rescripts .

  7. 刘宋皇室的散体文创作主要集中于诏令表奏及书信等形式中。

    Liu Song imperial family of discrete literary creations focused on the ordinance list and correspondence and other forms of play .

  8. 有关的诏令也不断增多,并且被纳入宋朝所特有的立法活动编敕中。

    The imperial edicts also related increase , and be included in song dynasty peculiar legislative activities " making up " in the miserable .

  9. 首先是骈体文创作方面。刘宋皇室那些昭示国人的诏令和宗室的表奏之作多为骈体。

    Liu Song imperial edict that need more clear to people in the imperial clan of the table and playing for long on the parallel style .

  10. 在北朝时期国家一度颁布了禁止私学的诏令,然而北魏后期以来,私学却得到了恢复发展。

    Government in the Northern Dynasties once issued a decree prohibiting the Private School . However , the Private School has been a resumption of development .

  11. 翰林学士始设于唐玄宗开元二十六年(738),掌重要诏令的起草并参内议。

    Hanlin Academician , first established in the 26th year of Tang Xuanzong ( A.D.738 ), was in charge of important imperial edicts and participated in confidential meetings .

  12. 唐五代翰林学士,其主要职掌是草拟诏令和参谋顾问,也偶有出现兼职的现象。

    Tang Dynasty Imperial Academicians , the main particular portfolio is the drafting of the decree and staff advisers , but also occur infrequently , the phenomenon of part-time .

  13. 以明朝洪武年间先后给予安南的诏令文书为线索,可以考察出明初与古代越南国家关系的大致历史发展过程。

    This paper examines the development history of relationship between China and Vietnam in early Ming dynasty by Dahir instruments which sent to An'nan in Hongwu year of Ming dynasty .

  14. 反映在朝堂之上,便是这两种思想主线之间的斗争,反映在具体的法律措施上,便是繁多的诏令上了。

    Reflected in the Imperial court above the main line is between these two ideological struggle , reflected in specific legal measures , that is , on a range of command .

  15. 光武帝6次颁布释放奴婢的诏令,对稳定社会秩序,恢复发展社会经济,都起了巨大的作用。

    Therefore the counterattack was calmed down . Later , he issues six prescripts to release bondservants , which helped to stabilize the social order , restore and develop economy effectively .

  16. 儒生为适应统治,在继承先秦儒学的基础上结合社会现实,提出了一系列婚姻思想主张,并与婚姻法规、皇帝诏令一同构成了有利于国家统治的理想婚姻状态。

    To adjust to the domination , scholars put forward some ideas of marriage which inheritance on the basis of pre-Qin Confucianism and social reality . The idea of scholars with the marriage Laws and the emperor decree in favor of countries together constitute the ideal rule of marital status .