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shì yàng
  • sample;specimen;test sample;test piece;aliquot
试样 [shì yàng]
  • (1) [sample]∶制作、检验、示范用的样品

  • 试样器

  • (2) [test sample]∶为做试验而在被检验对象中抽取的样品

试样[shì yàng]
  1. 请拿一个试样给我看看。

    Show me a sample , please .

  2. 岩土CT图像边界伪影的机制分析及试样尺度估计

    Analysis of geotechnical CT boundary artifact and evaluation of sample scale

  3. 用气动吸引器将废水试样送入液体注射阀。

    The wastewater samples is transmitted by an air-operated aspirator to the liquid injection valve .

  4. 用C形试样研究HK&40炉管蠕变裂纹扩展

    Study of Creep Cracks Growth of HK-40 Furnace Tubes with C-shaped Specimens

  5. 直三点弯曲试样K1的数值解法

    Numerical Method for Determining K_1 of Straight Three - point Bend Specimen

  6. X荧光光谱仪测定炼钢用铝条试样中的8个元素

    Determination of Eight Element in Aluminium Bar for Steelmaking by XRF Spectrometry

  7. 高温合金CT试样裂纹前沿应力分布及第二相影响的模拟计算

    Simulation of Stress Distribution and Precipitate Influence at the Crack Tip of CT Sample in Superalloy

  8. 使用试样测量电位比直接对管道测量具有明显的优点,可以大大减小IR降误差。

    Potential measurement on coupons may reduce IR drop errors in potential .

  9. 生物薄试样电镜X射线显微定量分析法进展

    Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis of Biological Thin Sections

  10. 应用X射线衍射分析同类材料各种试样取向的变化。

    Oriented changes are analyzed among a variety of samples of each material by X-ray diffraction test .

  11. 由于试样B的孔底角度系数太小,造成检测误差较大而产生误判。

    However the test error of sample B is larger and bring misjudgement due to its smaller angle coefficient of hole bottom .

  12. 直裂纹短圆棒拉伸试样的J积分估算公式

    J integral Estimation Formula for a Straight Through Cracked Short Rod Tension Specimen

  13. 以粗颗粒Al2O3粉为试样,采用高能球磨法制备了纳米Al2O3粉。

    The nano-Al2O3 powders were prepared from the coarse Al2O3 powders by high energy ball milling method .

  14. 硬化浆体中Ca(OH)2的含量明显低于基准试样。

    In the hardening paste , The amount of Ca ( OH ) 2 is obviously less than the reference sample .

  15. 选用A,B,C和D四个炭/炭复合材料试样进行抗氧化涂层厚度的光学测量研究。

    Optical measurement of oxidation protection coating depths of C / C composites of samples A , B , C and D was investigated in this paper .

  16. 采用DSC法对试样进行了测定,并与绝热量热法进行了比较。

    The sample was measured with the DSC method and compared with the calorimetric method .

  17. 利用SEM分析了泡沫玻璃的气泡结构,并对试样进行了抗酸性测试。

    The bubble structure of the samples was examined through SEM , and acid resistance of the samples was measured .

  18. 然而在V型缺口试样中,裂纹则起裂于距缺口根部一定距离处。

    In V-notch specimens , however , a crack may be initiated at a distance in front of the notch root .

  19. J积分全塑性近似解及其在紧凑拉伸试样上的应用

    An Approximate Analytic Expression of J-integral for Fully Plastic Problems and Its Application to Compact Specimen

  20. 采用仪器所带原始曲线,现有的标样,以及与ICP对照比较试样,成功地解决了这一Ca的分析问题。

    This problem was solved by using the original curves installed in instrument and standard samples available compared to ICP .

  21. 分别利用分光光度计、扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪和纳米力学综合测试仪等分析仪器对制备的试样进行分析测试。

    These samples is tested by spectrophotometer 、 scanning electron microscope ( SEM )、 X-ray Diffraction ( XRD )、 Nano Mechanics Testing System and so on .

  22. 利用原子力显微镜(AFM)、紫外可见分光光度计对试样进行了表征。

    ℃, 540 ? ℃ respectively and tested with Atom Force Microscope ( AFM ) and spectrophotometer .

  23. 用声发射监测A3钢板状试样的拉伸过程。

    The tensile testing of A3 steel plate samples was monitored with acoustic emission .

  24. 对钛合金中的TiC,用重力法和定向凝固法制备试样,分析研究了其中TiC形态及生长方向。

    Morphology and growing direction of TiC in titanium alloy has been investigated by gravity and directional solidification technique .

  25. 借助XRD进行相分析,对不同Fe含量的合金进行室温塑性、压缩性能和硬度测试;利用SEM对试样断口进行观察。

    The phase is studied by XRD , room-temperature ductility , compress properties and hardness were investigated and the fracture surfaces were observed by SEM .

  26. 结果受试样对雌、雄性Wistar大鼠急性经口和经皮毒性均属低毒级。

    [ Results ] The toxicity on the male and female Wistar big mice through mouth and skin was low .

  27. 香烟烟雾初始浓度为10mg/m3时,试样A、B和C的去除率分别为99.54%、97.20%和95.20%。

    When initial concentration was ( 10 mg / m ~ 3 ), the wipe-off rates of sample A , B , C were 99.54 % , 97.20 % , 95.20 % , respectively .

  28. 用X射线衍射仪(XRD)以及扫描电镜(SEM)等研究了试样在不同预设升温速度下的相结构和显微组织。

    The phase structure and microstructure of samples under different heating rates were investigated by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) and scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) etc.

  29. 细小的脆性夹杂物CaS优先析出并聚集在奥氏体晶界,使晶界进一步脆化,造成钙处理钢铸坯试样在800~900℃时的延塑性低于未经钙处理钢试样。

    The reason of lower ductility of calcium treated steel is the precipitation of fine and brittle inclusions of CaS .

  30. SCT模拟试样断裂试验研究

    Experimental Research on Fracture of SCT Specimen