
  • 网络reagent error;instrument and reagent error
  1. 结果表明,本实验具有省试剂,误差小,少污染,便于操作等特点。

    The results show that the experiment have distinctive features such as saving reagent , less error , less pollution , convenient for operation .

  2. 用该酶配制的尿素氮试剂盒检测误差仅为1.5%,在4℃可保存三个月。

    The error-detecting of the reagent for the determination of urea made up from the urease is only 1 . 5 % and the storable time is 3 months at 4 ℃ .

  3. 不引入其他试剂,无引入误差,与国标方法(GB/T13905-92)比较,有良好的准确度,方法操作简单易行。

    Compared with the National standard method ( GB / T13905 92 ), this method is of high accuracy and easy operation .