
cāo zuò wù chā
  • Operational error;operate miss
  1. 为了提高抗HIV的检测质量,进行室内质控以鉴别诊断试剂的质量和控制操作误差,试制了抗HIV室内质控血清。

    To improve the accuracy of anti HIV detection , the serum for internal quality control was prepared .

  2. 通过实验,进一步修正K值,消除一部分操作误差,获得满意结果。

    The K value is further adjusted , some of the operation errors are eliminated through experiment , and satisfactory results are achieved .

  3. 另外抗凝剂,标本放置时间,技术操作误差或试剂也是仪器法计数PLT的影响因素。

    Besides , anticoagulant , sample standing time and incorrect procedure are the influence factors in the analyzer count PLT .

  4. 结论ELISA检测结果的可靠性主要受试剂质量(尤其是抗HBe、抗HBc)和检测过程中操作误差的影响;

    Conclusion The reliability of the ELISA detection of HBV markers mainly depends on the reagent quality and the operational error in the detection ;

  5. 离子阱中量子受控非门的操作误差的分析与提纯

    Purification and Analysis of the Error of Controlled-Not Operation in an Ion Trap

  6. 方法简化,减少了操作误差,可节省试剂、器皿和时间;

    The method has been much simplified by reducing errors during operation and saving reagents apparatuses and time .

  7. 盘库产量核实进站产量时产生的误差。误差主要为两大类,一类为仪器自身误差,一类为人为操作误差。

    These errors fall into two types : one caused by instruments and the other caused by human operation .

  8. 实际应用表明,这种方法不仅能够提高计量工作的效率,还可以杜绝人为的操作误差,有效防止各种作弊行为。

    Practical application shows that it can improve work efficiency , put an end to factitious operation error , and prevent various of cheat behaviors .

  9. 目的建立室内质控参考品以鉴别诊断试剂的质量和控制操作误差,提高乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原的检测准确度。

    Objective To establish internal quality control to distinguish the quality of diagnostic Kit and control operate error and improve the accuracy of HBsAg detection .

  10. 以上、下椎弓根中点及内、外缘所围成的区域作为神经根管的容积评估标准,人为操作误差明显减少,且与椎间盘、神经根管变化密切相关。

    The evaluating criterion of nerve root canal osteat cubage reduces manipulate error evidence and nerve root canal osculation is correlation with intervertebral disc and nerve root .

  11. 本文第二部分,运用事件树分析方法分析研究管制员/机组操作误差和飞行中紧急事件对碰撞风险的影响。

    In the second part of this paper , the impact of controller / pilots operation errors and in-flight contingency events on collision risk were researched by event trees .

  12. 但在系统的实际运行中,由于系统组成复杂,人工调控操作误差较大以及部分工作人员缺乏经验,往往造成系统的运行管理不当,造成很大的资源浪费。

    However , during the actual operation , its complicated system composition , manual operation error and lacking of work experience will cause improper operation management and huge resource waste .

  13. 针对惯性平台漂移测试人工操作误差大、自动化程度低的问题,研发了一台基于新型半导体位置敏感探测器的平台漂移自动化测试仪。

    Based on Position Sensitive Detector ( PSD ), an automatic drift-tester of inertia platform was developed to solve the problem of great manual operation error and low degree of automation .

  14. 在石油及其液体产品的贸易计量交接过程中,造成油品计量误差的原因主要有四个方面,即油罐容积标定的误差、石油计量器具误差、计量操作误差以及使用石油计量换算表不当造成的误差。

    In metering petroleum and its liquid products , the metering errors produced mainly are as follows ; volume calibration of tank , measuring instruments , human mistake and improper use of the petroleum conversion table .

  15. 首次在桥梁施工控制中运用原始数据序列进行三点滑动平均的方法,有效地减小了数据波动性和人为操作误差的影响,提高了灰色模型的预测精度。

    Slided average method of origin data serials was used in bridge construction control firstly . By using this method , data fluctuation and operation errors were reduced effectively through and the prediction accuracy of gray model was improved .

  16. 通过积分转移、余项逼近的方法,建立起一系列p级数的求和公式,并给出了便于操作的误差估计方法。

    We set up a series of sum formulas of p-series through the integral transference & the remainder approximation method , and give a convenience method of error estimation .

  17. 同时常规PCR方法还有假阳性、非特异扩增、扩增后电泳操作所致误差及EB染色对人体有害等问题。

    Moreover , PCR has false-positive detection , nonspecific amplification , electrophoresis errors after amplification , harm to human body by EB Staining , etc.

  18. 探讨了GIS知识推理操作中误差的来源、分类和度量并基于可能性理论给出了推理过程中的误差传播律。

    This paper discusses the source , classifiCation and measurement of error in GIS knowledge Reasoning operation , and introduces the error propAgation law in reasoning procedure based on the Possibility theory .

  19. 一体化微操作器误差分析与建模

    Error Analysis and Modeling of Monolithic Micromanipulator

  20. 此外,传统测试系统由于仪器和人工操作的误差无法满足测试精度。

    Besides , errors caused by testing instrument itself and manual work could hardly be avoided in traditional testing system .

  21. 通过具体的实例,全面讨论了实验操作与误差的关系,探讨了诸多实验操作中误差产生的可能原因,强调了不规范的实验操作对分析化学实验结果的影响。

    Using concrete examples , this paper discusses wholly the relation of experimental operations and errors , probes into all kinds of possible reasons in producing errors of experimental operations , and emphasizes that abnormal experimental operation affect the experiments of analytical chemistry .

  22. GIS知识推理操作中的误差度量和传播

    Error Measurement and Propagation in GIS Knowledge Reasoning Operation

  23. 拖带法测量悬挂农具工作阻力不同操作方法的误差分析

    Error analysis of different operation methods on measuring the work resistance of mounted equipment with the drawing method

  24. 通过实例分析证明该方法操作方便,误差较小,能够实现输电线路导线和绝缘子覆冰厚度的定量描述。

    Case study shows that , it realizes the quantitative description of transmission line icing thickness , conveniently and precisely .

  25. 采用视觉伺服控制方法,提高图像处理速度,是降低微操作机器人运动误差的必要措施。

    Improvement of image processing speed with visual servo control method is a necessary measure for lowering the motion error of micromanipulator .

  26. 且纸盆材料是非完全弹性材料,其弹性模量的测量方法和仪器还很少,已有的一些动态测试方法存在操作麻烦,误差大等问题。

    Paper material is not absolute elastic . There are few test methods and instruments for elastic module . Some methods are difficult to operate .

  27. 以此为基础可以很快地导出基于确定的算术运算和逻辑叠加等空间分析操作后的误差传播关系。

    The relation of the propagation error after spatial analysis such as arithmetic operation and logic overlay could be attained easily at the foundation of above .

  28. 首先,由于设备、人为操作造成的误差以及环境的影响,需要去除采集数据中存在的坏点、坏线和噪声。

    Firstly , we need to remove the bad points , bad lines and noise which are mainly caused by the equipment or operation error and the environment influence .

  29. 手动控制密度的工作量较大,控制时受操作人员主观误差影响严重,控制精度太低,造成产品煤质量不稳。

    But manual control of the density would bring about many problems such as larger workload , the low accuracy and the instability of coal products quality due to the serious subjective error from the operator .

  30. 滚子倒角尺寸计算一般采用数学计算或作放大图法,这些方法存在着计算繁琐、操作复杂、误差大、设计周期长等问题。

    In general , the mathematical calculation or magnification drawing method are adopted for design calculation of roller corner dimensions . There are some problems such as calculation difficulty , operation complexity , high error and long design cycle etc in above methods .