
  • 网络operator;manipulator;OPE-S
  1. MiningFlow编辑器的右边包含一个操作器面板。

    The right side of the Mining Flow editor contains a palette with operators .

  2. 信息提取由数据转换流(数据流和挖掘流)中的Text操作器执行。

    The information extraction is done by the Text operators in the data transformation flows ( data flows and mining flows ) .

  3. 该操作器的Properties视图在画布下面打开。

    The Properties view of the operator is opened below the canvas .

  4. 现在,可以在编辑器区域下面看到操作器的Properties视图。

    You can now see the Properties view of the operator below the canvas .

  5. 选择TableSource操作器,把它拖到编辑器区域中。

    Select a Table Source operator and drag it onto the editor canvas .

  6. 还可以使用Combine操作器把不同的feed组合成一个feed。

    You can also easily combine different feeds into one feed using the combine operator .

  7. 使用筛选操作器CONTAINS,因为CONTAINS操作器不会使用索引。

    Use the filter operator CONTAINS sparingly , because the CONTAINS operator does not use the index .

  8. 操作器的PID自适应控制

    An PID adaptive control scheme for Robot Manipulators

  9. 现在,可以把提取的概念与COUNTRY键关联起来,因为操作器输出中也包含这个列。

    Now you are able to relate the extracted concepts with the COUNTRY key , because this column is also contained in the operator output .

  10. 数据流中的最后一个操作器是指向您希望写入注释的表的TableTarget操作器。

    The last operator in the flow is a Table Target operator pointing to a table where you want to write the annotations .

  11. 两个“C”形状跟随继电器和两个“C”形状延时继电器能激活自动门操作器。

    Two form " C " follower relays and two form " C " delayed momentary relays are provided for activation of automatic door operators .

  12. 右键单击RegularExpressionLookup操作器的第一个输出端口(Output),从上下文菜单中选择Createsuitabletable。

    Right-click the first output port ( Output ) of the Regular Expression Lookup operator and select Create suitable table from the context menu .

  13. IBMInfoSphereMashupHub提供许多用来转换feed输出的操作器。

    The IBM InfoSphere MashupHub provides many operators for transforming feed output .

  14. 例如,Transform操作器允许修改XMLfeed的内容,或者过滤掉feed中不必要的元素。

    For example , the Transform operator allows you to modify the content of the XML feeds or filter out unnecessary elements in the feed .

  15. 通过使用RegularExpressionLookup操作器,可以找到与所选规则文件中包含的表达式匹配的文本部分。

    With the Regular Expression Lookup operator you can find the text sections that match the expressions contained in the selected rule files .

  16. 基于PIC的执行机构智能手动操作器的研制

    The intelligent manual station of actuator based on PIC

  17. 然后,Text操作器可以从文本列中提取结构化信息,把它们作为新列(其中包含找到的姓名、技能、日期等概念)添加到输出中。

    Text operators can then extract structured information from text columns and add them to the output as new columns containing found concepts like names , skills , dates etc. .

  18. 智能操作器的设计:设计专用的智能操作器,通过RS232口和主机相连,既方便了各种体位下的被试使用,也使计算机操作不会对被试造成测试误差。

    Designing a special intelligence apparatus , connecting it to computer through RS232 port .

  19. 类似于Dictionary和RegularExpression操作器,找到的实体能够映射到数据库表的列,经过进一步处理之后可作为结构化信息使用。

    Similar to the Dictionary and Regular Expression operators , the found entities are mapped to database table columns and can be further processed and used like other structured information .

  20. 3-DOF并联微纳操作器运动学分析

    Kinematics analysis on a 3-DOF micro-nano manipulator

  21. 三自由度3-RPS并联机器人操作器的瞬时独立运动分析

    Instantaneous Motion Analysis of a Three Degree of Freedom 3 RPS Parallel Robot Manipulator

  22. 相关的分析结果可应用于3-PRS微操作器的运动学设计。

    These results can be used in kinematic design of the 3-PRS Micro Manipulator .

  23. 重点分析了3-DOF并联微纳操作器的运动学正解和逆解,推导出了运动学正解的雅可比矩阵。

    The forward and inverse kinematics solutions of a 3-DOF parallel micro-nano manipulator were emphatically analyzed , and the Jacobi matrix of kinematics forward solution was derived .

  24. 提出了一种自带CCD相机的空间机械臂结构参数的自标定方法,解决了在太空中无外部测量设备参与时机械臂的标定问题,使机械臂末端操作器的精确定位成为可能。

    A self-calibration method was provided to identify the structure parameter for a space robot equipped with two CCD cameras , which present a solution for a space robot calibration without using extra measurement device , and thus make it possible to pose the end effector precisely .

  25. 一个调节系统中同时使用DTL-121A型调节器与DFD-09型电动操作器的配合

    Coordination of Type DTL-121A Regulator and Type DFD-09 Electric Operator Used Together in One Regulating System

  26. 从此关系方程出发,并根据向量的广义相关性理论及Moors-Penrose逆,文中提出了操作器位姿动态灵活性的两个度量指标&绝对动态灵活性及相对动态灵活性指标。

    Two indices for measuring the dynamic posture dexterity of the manipulator , one for the absolute and the other for the relative dynamic dexterity , based on the theory of the generalized dependency of the vector and the Moore-penrose inverse , are propsed .

  27. 工作空间坐标下操作器的运动规划与控制

    Manipulator motion planning and control in task - oriented coordinates space

  28. 操作器的变结构模型跟踪控制

    A new variable structure model following control design for robotics manipulators

  29. 基于高频微幅振动的微切剖操作器设计

    Design of high-frequency and micro-amplitude vibration based manipulator for microscopical dissection

  30. 机器人操作器的数字&符号实时动力学模型

    The Real-time Dynamic Model in Numeric-symbolic Form for a Robotic Manipulator